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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip bowed in Queen Arylett's presence. "We have the lord of Nadalasia, Lucas Nadalas, and some other lords waiting for you in the throne room. Walk with me. The financial report says that the value of * is up by 12%, and stocks are also up. Especially in the Arylettjumper market."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"...Eh...? Oh... oh... right... right. Of course." It could not be more obvious that she was quite confused, her expression betraying her bafflement. All that economic garbage was never Queen Arylett's thing. Where was Castycal when she needed him? She followed the King, still a bit confused.

Samantha only sighed more and she too followed when her young master beckoned her via hand motion.

"She doesn't have the foggiest what you're talking about."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Ghostly Prince Oooohface awoke, and was startled. It was already late morning. "OH NO!" he said. "I'VE GOT TO GET TO THE CASTLE!" He quickly got "dressed" and floated off towards the direction of the towering abode of Queen Arylett.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Meanwhile, in one of the Castle's tallest towers, the Advisor and Royal Storyteller was sitting at his desk in the centre of his library-like room, reading three books and once and writing another two at the same time. One might see this as strange, abnormal or downright stupid, but for Cas Tical, this was but a normal day's work, for as well as Advisor and Storyteller, Cas was also in charge of all of the books in Arylettopia. He frequently received orders from citizens to write new copies of books, or create new ones altogether, and every now and then he had to write non-fictitious books on things such as the animals of Arylettopia. At the moment, he was copying out one book and writing another on the murderous Arylectopus, using two other information books on them as reference.

It was fortunate he was ambidextrous.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Prince Timcyduch was training with another knight the knight's courtyard when a young woman walked in. She initally tried to speak to the prince, but was nearly hit full in the face by the other knight's blade. Fortunately the blow was stopped.
"Halt!" called the prince towards his sparring partner, before turning towards the girl.
"Can I help thee, miss?" he asked.
"I come from the princess Raeneudd, your highness, and she bids me to inform you that the council are now meeting," she replied in a small voice.
"Thankyou. Please inform the council I will be there shortly."
The girl skittered away, and Timcyduch turned towards the other knight.
"It seems our session is over. Good Night," he said, as he turned away and left the courtyard.

"Where is he?" demanded the general of Pheboraedd's armies. "He should have been here before now.
"My son has never been - flexible by his own accord. If he is doing something, he will keep at it unless he is explicitly told he has other duties."
"So he won't be ..." started the general, but his words were interrupted by the door opening. The young girl who had spoken to Timcyduch before came in and rushed over to Princess Raeneudd, who was stood to one side of the room. She spoke quietly to her mistress, who then turned to face the room.
"He is coming."
"About time as well, bu-" grumbled the general, but he was interrupted by the door again. This time it was the prince who entered, and marched up to the table where the council of nine were seated.
"Good Evening Father, Your Majesty, Sirs, Ma'ams, gentlemen, Princess. I apologise for my delay."
"Thankyou for coming Prince. Now, as you know, we have been discussing certain rumours that have been heard from the west. We believe it is important that we act if these rumours are true, but if they are not then it would be unwise to do anything rash. Therefore, we, as council members, have made the decision to send out a few people to the west to find out the truth.
"We will therefore be sending you into Moonland, the realm the rumours concern, in order to discover the truth, meanwhile Princess Raeneudd is to head to Windia, another realm in the west, in order to see how this rumour is spreading."
"Of course. Is there anything else I should know?"
"Unfortunately we know little, and so we can only give you transcripts of the few books we have on the subject, but we cannot afford you the time to read them, as we really want your departure tonight."
"Then I must prepare. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you good night," said Timcyduch, as he turned as left. Raeneudd slipped out of a side door and looped round the building unnoticed, and was able to catch him as he walked out.

"Very cool for someone about to enter what might be enemy territory, Tim," she said, almost having to run to keep up. "and slow down."
"This better?" he said, slowing to a pace which was more comfortable for speaking. "What do you want, Rae? You always want something."
"I have seen some of the text on Moonland, and it is apparent that there was internal conflict before. I want you to be careful. There could be more fighting."
"There could always be more fighting, and I'm always careful, but I am listening. There was fighting, which may not have died. Right. Now, I will require some peace in my chambers. Good Evening."
"You are wanted at the gate in two hours. I shall see you there then. Bye."
In silence, the prince walked into his room.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova woke as usual to the tumultuous clatterings and crashes of the castle kitchen, which her room happened to be positioned above. It was a useful way of making sure that she got up before midday, but sometimes Kinova wasn't in the mood to appreciate it... today was one of those days.

Ugh, she thought, blinking and hauling herself out of bed, why are they being so loud today? Yawning, she wandered over to the calander she had marked out on a scroll on the wall (fudge, this floor is cold) and check today's square. "Oh. A meeting. That'll be why they're going nuts downstairs."

Would she be needed at the meeting? She doubted it. Her job wasn't the most essential at an event like this. Still, she could check out what the visitors were wearing, get some inspiration... she snickered. Given that she was the least fashionable person she knew, she needed all the help she could get. Besides, she could find out if there was anything interesting going on at the meeting.

She dressed as quickly as she could, throwing on a shirt and trousers that were vaguely suitable for hanging out in the court of the Queen and presence of King Phillip, pulled on some boots, attempted to make her hair look tidy and made her way out of the room, brushing a speck of fluff fondly off her Kinovahat as she went.

She hurried downstairs and to the back entrance of the large hall where the meeting was taking place, sneaking into the back door and making her way quietly over to a seat with some other observers; courtiers, servants and what looked like the King's entourage.
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((King Phillip Guy? You know that King Phillip mostly lives in the Arylettopian Castle. I have an advisor that does all of the minor business in Ionia.))

"Good day, Miss Kinova. How are you this morning? You look nice today." King Phillip was standing next to the queen listening to all that was going on, and watched Tim walk off to ready for his trip to Moon Land. "I should go with him. Moon land can be dangerous, and I am a good warrior. He may need my help" King Phillip said to the court. He did believe that it might be perilous to go there, and wanted to help.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((I need to know something... Are we allowed to have semi-major NPCs...? I need an advisor for my meeting...))
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

[Who's this other Tim guy. Prince Timcyduch (Who's name you should never shorten to Tim unless you either have permission from him to do so or you want to die) is on the other side of the world (hence it's evening there) so you won't see him]

Timcyduch led his horse to the Gateway Courtyard, where he found a small party waiting. Raeneudd was there, sat side-saddle on her own horse, with half a dozen mounted soldiers. Malbarad Starwind, the ranger chief, was on foot next to them.
"Starwind," called Timcyduch, "Why are you here?"
"I am to take a message of greeting to Arlyettopia, your highness."
"You are not a messenger, so why you."
"My experience is deemed significant, and truthfully I wish to see distant lands again." At that moment a horn blew. "That is my call, Prince, so I must go. Farewell."
"And to you," responded Timcyduch.
"Good Luck Malbarad," called Raeneudd.
The greed-swathed man walked through the high ornate gates and vanished from sight.

"So all these men are mine."
"Yes Tim, they are to accompany you, as the council believes Moonland to be very dangerous."
"I still believe that this is unnecessary, but there's no choice. Still, there goes the horn. Farewell, Rae."
Timcyduch mounted his horse, and led the men through the gate.

A few minutes later Raeneudd rode through the gate alone, and arrived, where it had been intended, a few miles away from the castle. She began to ride towards the city gates, her Martlet flying overhead.

Malbarad arrived just outside the castle itself, and called up to whoever might be inside.
"I carry a message to the ruler of the realm of Arlyettopia from the Council of Pheboraedd."

Timcyduch and his men arrived in Moonland and noted the darkness.
"Take care," he called, before setting off into the night.

[The soldiers are only there to go home useless and/or die horribly]
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Oops, my mistake. I guess I forgot. *fixes*))

Somewhat startled by the sudden address, Kinova took a second to respond. "Wha - oh. I'm fine, and, uh, thanks."

That sounded professional, she thought in annoyance. This is why I shouldn't be allowed in court before noon... Attempting to look more dignified, she gave a small nod to the Queen across the room (her crown was on lopsided and Kinova forced herself not to smile) and tried to concentrate on what the Lords and other citizens were wearing instead on considering what she could have for breakfast once they were finished with the meeting.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The still red faced Queen shuffled into the meeting room after Phillip, her dark eyes surveying it quite nervously as Samantha stopped at the door.

"I shall have to bid you farewell, Your Highness. Oh and my, my! Your crown is lopsided yet again! I swear..." And the servant continued to fuss over her young master and then began to walk away, before turning around and facing the young master again. "Oh and my Queen? Please try and keep your dress clean. It makes the laundry a lot easier." The young Queen flushed even redder, feeling immensely embarassed as she watched her servant shuffle off to do her domestic duties around the castle.

It was court day and she knew that. She had known it ahead of time, even. And yet she STILL managed to sleep late. Oh... only Arylett. Only Arylett would do such a thing. Her mind was still partly trapped in a dull, sleepy trance and continued to move at speeds that not even snails would even. The Queen then noticed a familiar and friendly face.

Aaah! It was Kinova! She peered at her, red faced and through spectacles, returning a nod before striding over to the Royal Fashion Knight. As she attempted to make her way to Kinova, the bumbling Queen got tangled in her rather large and poofy Queenly Dress, tripping and cursing under her breath. "Dear Gods, how can anyone WALK in this thing?" Arylett nearly fell and tripped, but managed to catch herself in time. The young Queen then flunced over to her Royal Fashion Knight Captain.

"Kinova! Fashion report, please?" The still red-faced girl glared onwards, looking quite mortified and angry faced. Aaarrgh! How could she make a fool of herself already?
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Fashion report. What a stupid idea. King Phillip always hated the fashion report. Who cares? But, whatever pleases the queen.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Malbarad got directions towards Queen Arlyett's meeting room from a servent who claimed she was in there, and arrived to see the door closing to.
He stood to attention, cloak and bow over his left shoulder, raised his right hand and gave the door four sharp knocks.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip walked over to the door and opened it. "Ah, Prince Tymsyduch. I was not aware of your arrival. To what do we owe the honor?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

(It's Malbarad the ranger outside the door, Timcyduch is in Moonland. Also Pheboraedd is 'far far away so the people aren't to well known in most of the significant countries)

"Ah yes, I wish to speak with her majesty on a subject of great importance."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards


The Queen looked inquistively at King Phillip, who had opened the door and seemed to have been speaking with someone that wasn't quite in her range of vision. She watched them carefully for a minute, her slow mind coming to a decision.

Arylett waved to Kinova. "I'll be back... I'm just going to go see who it is." By that time, her flushing face had pretty much returned to its normal colour, though seemed to become red again as she attempted to navigate across the room in the large heavy Queenly Dress, nearly getting tangled up in it again, but managing to make her way semi-normally (if slowly) to Phillip and the person at the door.

She carefully avoided meeting eyes with the man, only partially taking in his appearance. He didn't seem to be someone she had ever seen in Arylettopia before... nor anyone recognizable. Arylett's dark eyes glanced at the man, dancing around in their sockets to avoid looking at his eyes. She was painfully shy and was afraid of making eye contact. The Queen stood there silently, waiting for him to speak.
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Oh, sorry. I'll just start from opening the door.))

"And who, pray tell, are you?" King Phillip asked the visitor.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"I am Malbarad Windstar, Chief Ranger of Pheboraedd, and I come with word from my King and Queen seeking the assistance of the ruler of this land in a matter which is of utmost importance to our land."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"My queen, this man seeks to have a word with you." King Phillip said to Queen Arylett. "Ranger Malbarad, may I also be a part of this conversation? I am the ruler of the sister country of Arylettopia, Ionia, and we may also be able to help."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Malbarad Windstar...?

Hmm... she had never heard of him. Pheboraedd... ah yes. So he was looking for the ruler of this land... well, she supposed he was never going to find them.

She turned to look at King Phillip, her nervous dark eyes still flitting around. His words took her a few seconds to make meaning of.

...Oh wait. She WAS the ruler of this land. Silly Arylett and her silly slow mind. It took her several moments to process his words and connect to the fact that she was the ruler, the Queen of the land in which they all stood at that very moment. Nonpulsed, she returned her unsteady gaze to the ranger.

"...What is the matter?"
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