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British Stereotypes

Shiny Grimer

Active member
she/her, they/them
I've read a lot about there are stereotypes in the UK about people from different regions. I've read from here that there's quite a stereotype about the Welsh being sheepshaggers. I think this is rather interesting since although there are similar stereotypes for Americans from certain regions, accents aren't used to portray someone of low class or someone intelligent and usually just refer to geographic location. I know there are a lot of UKers here in TCoD, so I figured it'd be better to ask here than any of the other forums I go to.

I know a few things; British TV often uses accents to demonstrate that so and so is from X region of the UK and therefore does X things, Welsh people make love to sheep (supposedly!), and Liverpudlians are poor & criminal (supposedly!). I figure this is rather limited, so I'd like to know what other stereotypes exist for different regions of the UK. Also, don't be afraid to be specific - if London is a better choice than saying 'South England', feel free to say South England.
I believe that's just in Wales, VPLJ.

Where I live (South-west) I think we're all meant to be bumbling farmers or something.
Scottish people are going to fuck you up. Or at least shoot up massive amounts of heroin and look vaguely scary.

Unfortunately Trainspotting is actually fairly accurate if you are poor and live in Glasgow. If you're interested in UK stereotypes I'd watch/read that for a good idea of what the media thinks Scotland is like.

EDIT: Also, have you ever noticed that in Billy Elliot everyone is English but Billy's dad? He has a Glaswegian accent to make him sound scary.
south thinks the north's barbaric, north thinks the south's full of pussies.
I think?
this is pretty much the general opinion, yeah.

other things to note: people from Essex are dumb, practically anyone in the countryside is inbred, east Londoners are hardass, north and west Londoners are suspicious of each other, the Irish are constantly drunk. oh, and Lancashire and Yorkshire still hate each other 600 years after the War of the Roses.
Just watch Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow. XD Whenever he goes to a different place in the UK, he talks about the stereotypes--we've had Glasgow and Manchester so far I think, next Saturday is Liverpool. Plus whenever there are Scottish, Irish and Welsh comedians on modern stand-ups they do tend to talk a lot about their country/area's culture. *cough* Frankie Boyle. *cough*

Basically Scottish people get the stereotype that they use/wear all the stereotypical Scottish stuff that English people actually know about--haggis, kilts, bagpipes. Occasionally whisky. Glaswegians are the most well-known of Scottish accents I think down south, basically really, really strong and really, really scary. D= I've met many non-Glaswegian Scots who hate to be confused with them for that stereotype.

Welsh are known as sheepshaggers, yeah, just because there are lots of sheep there. It's a pretty naff stereotype in my opinion, considering it's the only one and it's really boring to hear about. Seriously. Get a new stereotype, guys. D<

The South/Londoners have two main stereotypes--really really posh and really really NOT posh. I've never really been to London so I don't know all the areas, and this just confuses me. But yeah. When American people do a 'posh English' accent they're basically doing the same thing English people do when they try and act like the Queen.

Uhhh yeah that's all I can think of, I actually suck at explaining our stereotypes. ^^'
I believe that's just in Wales, VPLJ.
Nah, I don't think it is.

Welsh are known as sheepshaggers. It's the only one and it's really boring to hear about. Seriously. Get a new stereotype, guys. D<
What about cheese on toast?
EDIT: And coal miners in the valleys? Don't forget that we're people who invented a fake language to piss off the English!

Can't really think of any specific region ones... those guys in Swansea are all car thieves or all have knives I think. Something like that (no offence to anyone if that's wrong D:).
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How has the excessive tea drinking not been mentioned D:

Incidentally that arises from the fact that people in the UK sometimes use "tea" to refer to an evening meal as well as a cup of tea, so the phrase "having tea" is disillusioningly commonplace because it's used for two different activities.
How has the excessive tea drinking not been mentioned D:

Incidentally that arises from the fact that people in the UK sometimes use "tea" to refer to an evening meal as well as a cup of tea, so the phrase "having tea" is disillusioningly commonplace because it's used for two different activities.

Argh that annoys me. Three different American online friends have thought for months that whenever I say I'm 'going to have tea' I'm going for some bizarre English tea-drinking ritual that always occurs in the early evening.

None of them ever questioned my going for tea, which makes me wonder what American people are actually taught about English people. @_@
their chavs sound so lame

our chavs are ARMED. your chavs just kind of growl a bit and go home to their mummies.


Nearly nothing at all.
to be fair, i don't understand much about your culture either. especially the education system. there's some weird business with grades and elementary school and stuff.

i guess i never watched enough crappy exported high school sitcoms. :/
The North is barbaric D:
The South is a happy place full of rainbows and unicorns and love. Well, the complete opposite, but it has Jetx!
And the Scottish are always hating on the English, but the English don't really care because they don't remember that Scotland exists until it screams at them

although "cannae" is genius. I hope a lot of people actually use that in Scotland, I haven't been in years. Cannae be bothered anyway.
The North is barbaric D:
The South is a happy place full of rainbows and unicorns and love. Well, the complete opposite, but it has Jetx!
And the Scottish are always hating on the English, but the English don't really care because they don't remember that Scotland exists until it screams at them

although "cannae" is genius. I hope a lot of people actually use that in Scotland, I haven't been in years. Cannae be bothered anyway.

It's like, ten times easier than 'can't', of course we do. However:


(it's the best phrase ever. Nobody uses it but it's great.)
Oh God main thing I miss about Scotland: accents and the AWESOME SLANG.
Glaikit! Muckle! Whigmaleerie!

Okay so nobody uses that last one any more. But my mum totally says 'muckle' all the time. 8D

I have a Glaswegian Business Studies teacher, people take the piss out of her all the time. It's quite funny because she's actually really really tiny and has a really high-pitched voice and is really sweet. And not Glaswegian stereotype at ALL.

Plus she called our books jotters accidentally once, I nearly died. <3
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