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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Bye, my beloved TCoDf..


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
I dunno where else to put this.

As some of you may know, I've been in and out for a few days. I'm finally leaving. I'll miss you...


I don't know when I'll be back, if ever.

Stay strong. Live for 'her'... Never forget our promise. I won"t. I sincerely hope we'll see each other in the nearest possible future. Thank you for so much. I may never be able to repay you. :'D
Mewtini, I'll never forget you. I love you so much. Goodbye, my friend. :'(
Goodbye, Mewtini. You have no idea how many people will miss you... I sure will ;-;

I hope everything works out forr you, and that you can hopefully come back some day.
Indiiii D: I am very sad now
Please don't be gone forever...
I will live on, for her and for you. I'll keep our promise... And there's no repayment that needs to be done, Indi. I'm still alive because of you.
D: Hope you come back sometime! You've been pretty awesome and will obviously be sorely missed. Have fun with your life either way.
I am literally crying now.
Please don't leave.
If anyone here speaks Italian, you will know what this is.
Goodbye, Mewtini. I know we didn't speak all that much but you were a really entertaining and fun person. You genuinely brightened up these forums and it's obvious that you're not going to be forgotten for a very, very long time.

I know when someone's gone, people act like they were a lot better than they actually were, but honestly? I don't think people are making any of this stuff up. You were amazing.

I'll miss you :c
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MEWTINI!!! ;-; I consider you my best friend here, I will miss you. :'c I don't have some kind of long explanation of why I'll miss you, but I certaintly will. D':

I am notorious for being really bad to put sadness into actual, tangible words, so...hopefully this doesn't sound too stupid...

You're a valuable contributor to the forums, an intelligent person, and a good friend. I'm going to miss you. Good luck in your life outside of here--I hope things improve for you. And who knows, maybe you'll be allowed to use the computer again and you can return!

Well...goodbye, I suppose.
Mewtini, I think everyone said what I was going to say, but we'l never forget you. You have been so awesome, and we'll miss you.

sorry if it's not long, everyone took what i was gonna say.=\
Mewtini... I'm going to miss you. Immensely. I've always enjoyed having conversations with you, and you've never failed to make me smile; something I rarely do nowadays. I hope that everything goes well with you while you're away. But if you never come back, I want you to know that I love you like a sister. I'll truly miss you. I hope you do return, however. I'd hate it if I never saw you again.
...I'll miss you. We'll all miss you, and I wish I had got to know you better. You're a really great person, and we all enjoyed having you around on the forums

Well... bye. And hopefully, we'll see you again some time.
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