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Calling all spriters!

Um, I know this isn't New Zealand-related but how about a Pokemon based on a piece of sushi?
I know you might be going, "Oh, no, stop, Ayame, you're such a Japanophile, this is New Zealand!" but it was just an idea.
I think it would be a cool design.
Anyways, I just can't get my sprite to fit in the size limitations without making it look stupid. Help?
I'll do the tuataras (or however you spell its name), definitely. I'll try the weta, but it might be hard to do a bug.

You'll see these sometimes soon.
Hey I scratched Kanga Male and Kanga female.


Also I did this Ram Pokemon, I know it's rather plain but I couldn't think of anything to do with it. Suggestions would be appreciated. Its a normal type and I'll probably be doing an evo for it.


Stickling, Normal-Type
Duplicate Pokemon
HT: 0'8"
WT: 90 lbs
Entry: Stickling can cling to any surface despite its huge weight. It copies anything with its viscous body.
Ability: Limber

Lotuslash Pokedex Entry: Using its blades, harder than pure steel, it can glide for short distances.
Ability: Overgrow
Hey, can I give a little criticism on Stickling? I like the idea of a Ditto evo (If it is that is what it is. I'm going to assume so.) as weird as it sounds. Some people would say, "Why a Ditto evo? Ditto can morph into any Pokemon." And the response would be that Ditto can't do anything but transform, give it an evolution that can actually do something by itself.

Anyway enough ranting and a little criticism. If I were you I would give Stickling a little more physical out line, instead of a blob. Give it a outline of a head and maybe some chubby arms and legs.

The idea is awesome and you don't have to take my advise if you don't want to, but I think it would improve the quality of the Pokemon.

And that's my constructive criticism for the month. =)
It's supposed to be a prevo, who's tinier than Ditto in case you haven't noticed. Also, it should be weaker in stats... MUCH weaker... until it evolves~
I was walking through these woods by my house and all the autumn leaves on the ground gave me an idea, a badger pokemon with leaves covering it's back and so when someone approaches it burrows under the leaves on the ground and camouflages itself. I was wondering if anyone could sprite it please.

Also I got this pic in an email which contained a dog (I think it's a Cocka Spaniel) with massive floppy ears and that gave me an idea for a 'Cocka Spaniel?' with huge ears which it uses to fly. If someone could sprite one and an evo, please make it a normal/flying type. Thanks:grin:
What is that supposed to be? It's got different wings and what looks like a tentacle coming out of it's thigh. And also it's not a scratch, it's a very weird splice. Sorry but no.
I have two pokemon, don't know if you want them or not because they aren't New Zealand or dino...


And an unown prevo that I need to fix.

OK, that's only one :P
Full Metal Cookies = Very nice designs, personnally my two favourites are the top water one and the Absol evo. Sorry but I think that the Icythiosaur and the pleiosaur look very angry and could you alter their faces a little so they don't look so angry. That would be great. Also that bird looks like it could be a prevo for another of the new pokemon.

eeer. well, the plesiosaur is a Water/Dark type, I have settled on (working on a failsprite), so it... sort of should be angry looking? Have you seen the only other (iirc) dark/water type, sharpedo?


....pretty angry if I do say so myself.
And the icythiosaur is happy what D:

Do whatever with the birdy, but I personally think it'd make a good evo for Akoptix (as noted on the sheet).

Also, I have a design for a Astrodon (I think that's what they're called?), that's a dragon type. Still have to scan it tho.
im scrapping my scratches. i will be glad to help with concepts and drawings though. i have ideas, but i am still new to scratching. if you want, i can play some of my GBA games and see what i didn like about them, then see what we can do to fix them, i know i had a lot of things i always wanted to add.
Full Metal Cookies = Sorry, I didn't know that it was a dark type as well. Also the only other thing I have a problem with is the piercing on the Icythiosaaur's fin, a little weird seeing a pokemon with a piercing. Sorry, the other's are great though.

Zulo = Cool little badger, I think. You says it's a prevo, what will it evolve into or are you going to make a new evo?
Hi, I'm justing posting to say
sorry, I just found this tutorial at another hacking website which told me what I was doing wrong. All my scripts I had done were fine but there were a few numbers I didn't know you had to put in and now I'm doing all the tutorials I can find to learn quickly. Now I can do basic talking, signpost, yes or no, giveitem and the one where you talk to a person and they say something and then next time you talk to them they say something else. At the moment I'm learning apply movement which is where you make an overworld walk around to your commands.
I'm wondering, though, what the tuatara basic stage's type should be. I can't really make it without getting a good idea. I was going to make it Water type, but I'm not sure what they are associated with.
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