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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
because the last time was an imperfect test
Format: 2 v 2 singles
Style: set
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: Super Fang, direct healing, draining moves, Attract. Moves will never inflict confusion. Do not select Pokémon with STAB type advantages.
Arena Description: Curious Trail
A narrow wooden path, flanked by dense trees and undergrowth. The path itself is raised about 15cm off the ground, and there's about half a meter between it and the forest. The plants look too dense for any battlers to make it in easily, although you have a clear view of the sky, and you can hear running water off in the distance. The path itself seems to stretch on infinitely in both directions. It feels... off.
Battlers will have a single Power stat, starting at 200%, which serves as both health and energy. Energy costs will be treated as recoil for the sake of the damage cap only.
I've gotten kind of obsessed with these, so...
Format: 3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: None
Banned/Restricted Moves: Super Fang, Pain Split, direct healing, Chill
Arena Description:
Outside the Battle Arena
The battle takes place right outside the Battle Frontier’s Battle Arena facility, out in the open air. The immediate area is covered in nicely manicured grass and a few flowers. The Arena building itself is surrounded on three sides by water and a small pond sits on the other side of the battlers, so water moves can be used and Water-types that need to swim can do so. The battlers cannot move away from the immediate area, so heading towards the plaza or another facility is forbidden.
Since this match is happening so close to the Arena, it seems such a shame not to follow Greta’s rules… or, at least, a variation on them. As such, both battlers will send out their Pokémon and attack for three battle rounds (a total of 9 attacks per Pokémon) before the ref calls a halt. After the three rounds both Pokémon are recalled and unable to continue in the current battle, and their current health, energy and status are noted for later. Both trainers will then send out their next Pokémon and continue for the next three rounds. At the end (which should be nine total rounds), the health and energy of all Pokémon is totaled and whichever trainer has the highest score wins.
The following rules also apply:
-If a Pokémon has fainted, either due to HP loss OR energy loss, the battle stops right where it is (even if it has not yet been three rounds) and both Pokémon are recalled. Fainted Pokémon DO still count toward the final score, but as either their health or their energy is at 0% they won’t add anywhere near as much.
-If, at the end of the three rounds, a battler is afflicted with a status condition, that condition detracts from their final score as follows:
Paralyzed, Burned, Confused: -10 points
Poisoned, Attracted: -15 points
Asleep, Frozen: -20 points
If the Pokémon has more than one status condition, only the first one they were afflicted with detracts full points; all others afterwards only detract five, no matter what they are.
Stat boosts add one point per level boosted. Stat reductions subtract one point per level dropped.
Always wanted to try that out!
and a challenge right back at Eifie, because how dare you be nice and ref my battle
Format: 2v2 alternating doubles and singles
Style: set
DQ Time: 10 minutes from when you read the reffing
Damage cap:
Banned moves: everyone is taunted forever
Arena: Amity Square; battlers start off on the rocks on Sinnoh island.
I will be bringing Rei and Minako, Eifie will be bringing Okuni and Cirrus. The first round will be a double battle, and from there it will alternate between being a double and single battle every round, with the single battlers being chosen randomly.
I will accept this as soon as I have a slot (so Totodile, don't put it on the board yet)!
(I feel I should also add that the ref would obviously have much longer than ten minutes to write a reffing,like fifteen minutes or something)
A challenge!
Format: 3 vs. 3 Singles
Style: Set
DQ: 168 hours, 42 minutes, π + ei seconds
Banned moves: OHKOes, Attract, Endeavor, Super Fang, Direct Healing (Including Pain Split). Chills limited to 2 / pokémon.
Arena: The Berry Orchard
The Berry Orchard is a fairly simple arena. There's nothing really unusual in here; a lazy stream jogs across a grassy plain, with a sturdy wooden bridge granting passage from one side to the other. And berries, everywhere. Growing from the myriad of short trees and spiky bushes, scattered across the land by the winds, floating helplessly on the river, taken away by the modest current.
Any Pokémon may use an action and some energy to find a berry of their liking, with its effect kicking in as soon as they meet the conditions and / or are ordered to eat it. For example, a Liechi Berry may not be eaten if the user is above 33% health. A berry obtained this way does not use up an item slot, and may not be Recycled. The energy necessary to find a berry depends on its rarity, of course - the energy percentage amounts to the half the price of the berry, rounded up. All the berry information necessary is available in the database, but a few of them are left out. Their effects are as described below:
Figy Berry: Restores 15% health, but confuses Pokémon that dislike spicy food instead. Takes 7% energy to find.![]()
Wiki Berry: Restores 15% health, but confuses Pokémon that dislike dry food instead. Takes 7% energy to find.![]()
Mago Berry: Restores 15% health, but confuses Pokémon that dislike sweet food instead. Takes 7% energy to find.![]()
Aguav Berry: Restores 15% health, but confuses Pokémon that dislike bitter food instead. Takes 7% energy to find.![]()
Iapapa Berry: Restores 15% health, but confuses Pokémon that dislike sour food instead. Takes 7% energy to find.![]()
Razz Berry: Raises Attack and Special Attack by one stage if the Pokémon likes spicy or dry food. Takes 2% energy to find.![]()
Bluk Berry: Raises Special Attack and Speed by one stage if the Pokémon likes dry or sweet food. Takes 2% energy to find.![]()
Nanab Berry: Raises Special Defense and Speed by one stage if the Pokémon likes bitter or sweet food. Takes 2% energy to find.![]()
Wepear Berry: Raises Defense and Special Defense by one stage if the Pokémon likes sour or bitter food. Takes 2% energy to find.![]()
Pinap Berry: Raises Attack and Defense by one stage if the Pokémon likes spicy or sour food. Takes 2% energy to find.![]()
Pomeg Berry: Deals 3% damage, but greatly increases friendship. Takes 3% energy to find.![]()
Kelpsy Berry: Lowers Attack by one stage, but greatly increases friendship. Takes 3% energy to find.![]()
Qualot Berry: Lowers Defense by one stage, but greatly increases friendship. Takes 3% energy to find.![]()
Hondew Berry: Lowers Special Attack by one stage, but greatly increases friendship. Takes 3% energy to find.![]()
Grepa Berry: Lowers Special Defense by one stage, but greatly increases friendship. Takes 3% energy to find.![]()
Tamato Berry: Lowers Speed by one stage, but greatly increases friendship. Takes 3% energy to find.![]()
Cornn Berry: A berry from an ancient era. Grants the move Ancient Power and boosts its base power to 90 for two rounds. Grants Fossil Pokémon (as well as Relicanth) a boost in nostalgia (chance of secondary effects happening) as they remember the good old times. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Magost Berry: A Berry that is widely said to have a finely balanced flavor. Grants the ability Sweet Veil and the move Sweet Scent, also doubling its effect, for two rounds. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Rabuta Berry: A rare variety that is overgrown with hair. Grants the abilities Fur Coat for two rounds, after which the hair will shed and cure the Pokémon from all status afflictions it may have as well as any affliction caused by something sticking on its body (String Shot, Leech Seed, etc.). Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Nomel Berry: Quite sour. Just one bite makes it impossible to taste for three days. Pokémon that like sour food will have all stats increase by one stage for two rounds. Pokémon that dislike sour food will have all stats decrease by one stage for two rounds. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Spelon Berry: So spicy is the Spelon Berry that, Fire type or not, Pokémon will try to breathe fire after eating a single one, effectively granting access to all fire-breathing moves for two rounds, but dealing 4% fire-type damage. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Pamtre Berry: This Berry drifted from a faraway sea. It's filled with exotic flavors that grant otherworldly abilities, effectively granting the Pokémon's Hidden Ability for two rounds, or a random normal ability if it already has access to its Hidden Ability. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Watmel Berry: Very sweet, but mostly very hydrating. Quenches any thirst, and as such the user will behave as thus it is affected by rain for two rounds. No weather-changing move or ability can change this. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Durin Berry: It is so bitter, no one has ever eaten it as is. Pokémon will rather use its spiky shell both for offense and protection, effectively granting access to the moves Needle Arm, Pin Missile, Spikes, Spiky Shield and Spike Cannon. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Belue Berry: Eating this berry gives the Belues, which is considered a major status affliction for the purpose of moves and abilities. It does nothing in reality, apart from making Disarming Voice a 120 base power move, be it used by or against this Pokémon. It's because it does emotional damage. Takes 9% energy to find.![]()
Every Pokémon particularly likes a flavour and dislikes another one, though neither flavour is known at the beginning of the battle. You'll have to guess depending on their reactions to berry eating. Eating berries they like increase friendship with their trainer, and eating berries they dislike decreases it.
Friendship is the mesure of a bond between a Pokémon and a trainer. The greater the bond, the greater the chances of breaking out of attraction and confusion, not be fully paralysed, secondary effects happening, etc. Mostly up to the ref.
But wait, there's more! A Pokémon berry-picking may pick up a Fawol Berry, which is disgusting and inflicts the poison status, as well as a one-stage drop in Defense, Special Defense and Speed. The chance of picking a Fawol Berry is equal to the energy cost required to find the berry you were looking for.
gosh why are my arenas so complicated all the time
In case I didn't prove this back when I had an arena based on Pokemon-Amie, I love getting to do cute things with your Pokemon instead of actually battling, so I will ref this.A challenger!
I have an extra slot open so wynaut! You're on!
I am totally zonked right now but I want to get in a god dang battle for once!!
Format: 2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 37%
Banned/restricted moves: Direct healing, Pain Split, Encore, exact-damage moves (Super Fang, Counter, et al.), Attract (Cute Charm/Destiny Knot is fine), Trick Room messes with Speed but not command order
Arena: Red Table
A giant, fully-functional replica of the Red Table from Pokémon Pinball. No particular arena effects, but it's all working for the purposes of flavour and creative arena use. All the Pokémon are real Pokémon, too, especially the giant grinning Ditto in the corner. Despite the slope, Pokémon like Voltorb can still control their movement, as evidenced by the bumper Voltorbs.
P.S. I would be happy to switch this out for the Blue/Ruby/Sapphire Table if the other battler and/or the ref has more nostalgia for one of those.
A challenge for Keldeo!
Format: 1 vs. 1 Singles
DQ: Eight days
Damage Cap: 48%
Banned Move: Attract. That's it. Also, Direct Healing limited to one and Chills to three.
Arena: Spooky Cemetery
Ooooh boy. Why did he choose such a place for a battle? And in the dead of the night? A night of full moon? Decidedly, Lord of the Fireflies can't restrain himself, he's always finding the worst battle spots. Now, the contenders are to fight on an ancient mayan burial ground, with dead trees stretching their branches like creeping fingers, lit only by the moon and skeletal torches. It is said that spirits still roam this damned place, only waiting to quench their bloodthirst...
Pokémon are so spooked out by that place that only Pumpkaboos can fight under those conditions. Trainers themselves are so spooked out they can only give very simple commands, and are afraid to order out loud!
In effect, both players must send no-conditional orders to the referee via PM.
A challenge for Keldeo!
Format: 1 vs. 1 Singles
DQ: Eight days
Damage Cap: 48%
Banned Move: Attract. That's it. Also, Direct Healing limited to one and Chills to three.
Arena: Spooky Cemetery
Ooooh boy. Why did he choose such a place for a battle? And in the dead of the night? A night of full moon? Decidedly, Lord of the Fireflies can't restrain himself, he's always finding the worst battle spots. Now, the contenders are to fight on an ancient mayan burial ground, with dead trees stretching their branches like creeping fingers, lit only by the moon and skeletal torches. It is said that spirits still roam this damned place, only waiting to quench their bloodthirst...
Pokémon are so spooked out by that place that only Pumpkaboos can fight under those conditions. Trainers themselves are so spooked out they can only give very simple commands, and are afraid to order out loud!
In effect, both players must send no-conditional orders to the referee via PM.