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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

ok then, so you press the switch, get to the gym leader and you battle her. You probably want gavin out, so gavin goes out.

The gym leader sends out a watchog.

watchog (F) Lv 14​

riolu (F) Lv 11

Moves: 1) Focus Energy 2) Endure 3)Quick Attack 4)Counter
Gavin uses counter, however, the opponent uses hypnosis, and gavin is asleep.

1) wake her up, goddammit!

2) Let her sleep and send out your shiny snivy.
You try..anything. Suddenly, Gavin awakens.

Moves: 1) Foresight 2) Endure 3) Quick Attack 4) Counter
the foe uses retaliate, while Gavin uses counter. A critical hit! The foe fainted.

Switch Pokemon?
The gym leader sends out Herdier.

Herdier [F] Lv 14​

Riolu [F] Lv 12 (Grew a level)

Moves: 1) Foresight 2) Quick Attack 3) Endure 4) Counter
The for uses Retaliate, stronger for her dear friend watchog. Gavin uses counter, and the foe has fainted.

Herdier [F] Lv 14​

Riolu [F] Lv 13

"Well, You've earn these. The TM Retaliate, these five sitrus berries, and an eviolite." The gym leader says. Suddenly, the gym leader's Husband comes up and says team Bolt is stealing fossils! You go down, you see some bolt goons, and some dude who looks like he's the boss. You recognize him...he stole your Pokemon, and kept you hostage in a barren room! He's....Drake....

"Well well, lookie here, a lil tyke right here. Alright, take the bones" Drake says, "I'll deal with this one right here. She continues to foil our plans. Take her pokemon away first." So they take your pokemon, your beloved Shiny Snivy, your graceful Purrloin Jupiter, your courageous Riolu Gavin, and your fierceful Panpour Ritsu. All gone. Suddenly, they use a cottonee to use sleep powder. All you can remember before you faint are them mocking you....and an image that shows.....a white dragon....you could've swore the picture said 'I'm watching over you....dont worry'. And then you faint.

You wake up in a room of eternal darkness. Nothing in sight. Not even your Pokemon. You pull back your tears, and you stand up, turning your hat backwards. What will you do now?

1) Look around for a door

2) Stay bored

3) Stand there
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