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Completely Ridiculous Pokemon Matchups

Breloom vs. Sentret...
Arceus vs. Buneary...
Rattata vs. Milotic...
Paras vs. Drifblim...
Tauros vs. Kakuna...
Horsey vs. Alakazam...
Arceus vs. Silcoon...
Poliwag vs. Mewtwo...
Cascoon vs. Tyranitar...

bellsprout vs entei
bellsprout vs manaphy
metagross vs hippoptas
regirock vs nosepass
kabutops vs lugia
gloom vs azelf
deoxys vs slowking
regigigas vs shinx
groudon vs rhyperior
bulabsaur vs turtwig :talking:
magmortar vs shiftry
feebas vs togetic
bibarel vs spiritomb
sableye vs hippowdon
mime jr. vs kingdra
rotom vs corsola
magmortar vs buneary
and i could go on, but this probably stretched the page
Donphan Vs Shellos hmm I wondern who will win

Aggron vs Espeon~

Luxio vs Machamp oh dear

Staravia vs Suicune Ding

Arceus vs Vibarva hmm

Paras vs Tangrowth Oh my

Meowth vs Milotic obvioussauce
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Mismagus vs Gardevoir. Funny, I've always thought of them as counterparts or something.

Skitty vs Wailord. Holy crap. xD
Dusknoir - Slaking

I don't think this is dediculous, it was a close tie for me. I chose Dusknoir though.

Good on ya Chimera! All the top 10 are legendaries, except Dragonite who is 9th.
Not really rediculous, but...
Regirock vs. Regice. Brudders in combat.
Entei vs. Regirock

Lugia vs. Cacturn
Duskull vs. Arceus
Pichu vs. Octillery
Empoleon vs. Silcoon
Chikorita vs. Typhlosion
Cresselia vs. Vigoroth
Wigglytuff vs. Rayquayza
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Nidoran(f) vs a Mesprit
Charmander vs a Nidoqueen
oh wow Elekid vs Pikachu... ah reminisce..
HOLY CRAP meganium vs a magikarp. What a hard decision XD
Rapidash vs psyduck.... eh.
I got Rattata and a Zigzagoon! Zigzagoon used to be my favourite pokemon so I clicked him.

((I also got Palkia VS Dialga and Dialga VS Darkrai))
I got Dialga VS Feebas. :o

And Arceus VS Psyduck.

And Giratina VS Sunkern. And Mewtwo VS Whismur.

Rayquaza VS Caterpie!?
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