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Open [DEAD] An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

Very Impressive. If this warrior were in an alliance with Eggman, they could very well build an entire fleet of these ships!

Still, it's best not to consider any chance of an unlikely alliance. i need to power down for any upcoming battles.

Mecha Sonic found the cargo bay, and soon after found an outlet. Positioning himself near that outlet, he plugged himself in to recharge, and then powered down.
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Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

"Hey, dun have to be so mean about it!" Kirby muttered as he reluctantly went in and to the cargo hold. Well, I suppose I could either get comfy or complain... and complaining might get me shot... eurghh...
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((I hope you guys caught my edit.))

The control room was a boxed-in area with a sprawling panel chock-full of buttons and levers with some monitoring screens, and a foot-stool the height of the control panel, both of which were higher up than Meta Knight. He went over to the wall and pushed a button (separate, of course, from the control panel). Stepping out of the way, a small bed no more than a foot and a half long folded out of the wall. Meta Knight climbed in and immediately dozed off.

((Something is about to happen~ Oh yes indeed~
You do realize everything happens at night in this RP.))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((I did notice that. Is it because things are more sinister when they occur at night?))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Prob'ly. That, and everyone's asleep when, it seems, Subspace isn't.))

"Kitsune!" The radio com barked. "Have you located the whereabouts of any of them?!"
"Yes, Mewtwo. Meta Knight, Mecha Sonic, and Kirby have boarded the Halberd. The others haven't made it far past the forest, but they're all split up. I am currently on the shore near the Halberd's location."
"I should have known. But, no matter. We were able to crash their little warship last time, and now we have far superior technology than before."
"Right. So, um, what am I supposed to do...?"
"We have recently added a new trophy to our collection, Darkrai. Of course, using our new mind-control device fitted on its base, we can control it without using a simulated version. I will send Kamek, a new general of ours, to your location. He will have Darkrai at the ready, and it will infiltrate the Halberd. End communication." It clicked off.

"Hm?" Kitsune looked to her right and saw a hooded Koopa riding on a broomstick. That was quick.

"Kitsune! I've brought Darkrai. I can take it from here." Kamek said in a hoarse, Koopa voice. He took off towards the hanger.

((If I included the other half of this post I have planned in this same post, it would stretch out the page. Bottom line: Darkrai makes everyone hallucinate and have nightmares while they're sleeping. Try to be creative and explore your character a little. At the end, there should be a battle with Darkrai within the dream. But, as usual, I will be in control of the boss, and, in this case, that means all three of its incarnations.
I bet none of you thought Kamek would make an appearance.))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Jesus Jesus Jesus I am laaate D:

Assume I was with you guys the whole time, a'ight? I'm gonna come back into the RP now. Sorry...Correct me if I get anything about the location of my character in this post and I will fix it. I read through the thread, but I'm still a bit lost.))

Tails yawned widely. He was beginning to feel quite sleepy, but still he trudged on. Apparently...what was it called again, the "Subspace Army"? had come back. Tails didn't know what it was. Sonic had only briefly mentioned kicking some big flying blue man in the head once upon a time. He really did care bout his threat and its effects, but at the moment, he was just so tired...
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Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Uh, Skymin, when I said everyone, I meant everyone on the Halberd. Sorry.))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2


Oh, well...I'll just delete that and save it for later. If that time comes up...>_> sorry...

But then what are we not-Halberd folk supposed to do? Just wondering...))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((I'm interested to find out where I go with Mecha's "dream"))


I am a machine. I cannot feel pain.

And yet...

Yet when I am defeated by that hedgehog, I feel...

I feel something close to what these biologicals call pain.



It was all he knew in those moments.

He was given a mission by his creator: outrace the enemy. It was simple enough. His jets made him faster than any of the previous creations.

I am a machine. I will not be upstaged by any biological.

The barrier was broken, and Mecha sonic took off at full speed.

((I suppose mine will take the form of a series of flashbacks.))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Totally not stealing Exo-Raikou's idea.))

Where is this...?

Meta Knight awoke, or so he thought, to darkness. A sudden feeling of dread came over him. When he tried to move, nothing would respond. He felt numb all over, as if he no longer had a physical form.

Why can't I move?!

Lightheaded, his thoughts were a blur. Before he knew what was happening, a bright flash dispelled the pitch-blackness, and he was transported to the old Halberd's hanger. A familiar voice echoed in Meta Knight's mind.

"Prepare to take off! Blow Kirby away!"

Meta Knight watched the familiar scene unfold. The Halberd taking off... Dyna Blade being shot down... Kirby picking off the Meta-Knights one-by-one... the eventual crash of the Halberd... and his shameful defeat.

It was sickening.

Afterwards, he saw his other encounters with Kirby. Loosing the piece of the Star Rod. Failing to keep Dark Nebula out of his hands...

It makes no sense. No sense! If I can defeat the greatest warrior in the galaxy, why can't I defeat Kirby?! What do I lack?! He is never punished for his sore naivety... In the end, everything works out for him. He's not deserving! Only I know what is best! He is such a nuisance, and yet if it weren't for him, Dream Land would be much worse off. What cruel irony! I don't want to see that innocent pink face ever again! Who cares what happens to Dream Land, no, the world! If he were out of my life, I could live in peace!

Suddenly, a glowing, blue, gem-like eye illuminated the darkness. It choked out in a dry whisper,

"Is this what you would like, Meta Knight? Is this what you would like?"

((And now I'm going to leave you guys hanging. Expect the second part soon~))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Oh noes! DUN KILL KIRB-*shot*))

((Haven't played anything 'cept SSBB and Nightmare in Dreamland that include Kirby, so I's do research maybes and come up with a nightmare.))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

Mecha Sonic was shocked.

What happened to me?

His last memory had been flying at the blue hedgehog at full speed. He could see the end of the pathway. Just a little further and-

A metal wall came rushing up to meet him.


He could not feel pain, but for a biological the experience would have been excruciating.

I have been defeated? Impossible!.

His first loss against Sonic would not go unpunished. That, he promised.


"All living things kneel before your master!"

Mecha Sonic unleashed a bolt of lightning to the heavens.

Multiple defeats against him... I will not lose this time! Now I am greater!

He could feel power take over him. He began to change form; this time taking the form of a giant metal dragon.

I won't lose! I can't lose! I AM THE ULTIMATE OVERLORD!

Are you now?

The metal dragon turned to face the being that spoke this, though it saw nothing except a shapeless black mass.

Do you truly think that you, who have lost so many times to that hedgehog, are the ultimate?

The scene changed. Now, Mecha Sonic stood overlooking an island in the sky. The black mass was nowhere to be found.

You had everything once. Perfect Mecha Sonic. Do you remember that power? You were at your highest point. You thought you wouldn't be defeated.

The scene changed once more. Now Mecha Sonic was viewing himself change form; this time into a sleeker, more powerful shape.

You thought you were Perfect. But look what happened...

Just as Perfect Mecha Sonic was about to unleash his power on the enemies, the unexplainable happened: his body sparked, and he began to change back.

Why... why did I lose?

Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((X3 He dun gonna kill Kirby! Instead, we have a flash-forward of sorts planned... *mysterious laughter*))

Had Meta Knight had more time to think about it, he might have refused. However, he was feeling desperate.

"Yes! Please! What are you going to do?"

It chuckled hoarsely. "Not so fast. Wouldn't you like to see what a world without Kirby looks like?"

"You're wasting my time!" Meta Knight snapped at it impatiently.

"This is my territory, and I alone decide what happens to you. At this very moment, your mind is no longer your own. I am in control!"

"Fine! Do what you wish with me. In the end, you had better hold up your end of the deal."

A bright flash of light, and Meta Knight was taken to some sort of throne. While that thing didn't appear to be with him, somehow he could still feel his presence. To his surprise, it was him that was sitting in the throne. An Ax Knight and a Mace Knight were on either side, probably as bodyguards.

"Here we are..." its dry whisper broke the silence. Meta Knight was still unable to take his eyes off of what appeared to be himself. "Right now, we are viewing an alternate paradox. One that never came to be. One where Kirby was never born. You do remember the time you attempted to conquer Dream Land with the Halberd? One of the viewings of the past I showed you?"

It didn't need to finish. Meta Knight immediately understood.

"So you mean... I succeeded?"

"In this universe, yes. This is some time afterwards. Not only that, you still own your piece of the Star Rod, as does the other guardians."

"Wait... that means... Nightmare is still in the Star Rod?"

"I am afraid so. But..." It paused for a moment. "That piece of the Star Rod disappeared the other day."

"B-but how?!"

"I cannot provide you with that information. However... because of this, Nightmare has gotten loose and began wrecking havoc. And the peasants are inclined to blame you. Not only that, there have been several attempts on your life."

"What did you even bring me here for in the first place if you've already told me this?!" Meta Knight began to loose it.

"Be quiet and listen!"

"S-sire! All our troops have been massacred!" A small Waddle Dee hurried up the isle towards Meta Knight. "There's nothing we can do! He's going to take the castle!"

"What!?" He grabbed it with both hands and held it to his face.

"P-please put me down!" it shrieked. "I-I came to tell you you'll have to f-fight him yourself!"

The Meta Knight who was spectating calmed down slightly, beginning to feel a little bit ashamed of himself for being so rough with that Waddle Dee, even if he didn't do it himself.

Another bright flash of white, and, while he seemed to be in the same place as before, it was obviously a different time. A stab of fear came over him when he saw the inside of the badly hit castle. Being carried down the isle, seemingly by the same two Meta-Knights as before, was a wooden coffin.

"That is you." it said in the same, dry, emotionless whisper.

"Wh-wha...?" It took a moment for him to catch on.

"You are dead." it said plainly. "Gone. Deceased. Nightmare took your life."

"That's not possible!" Meta Knight cried out in a small voice. "I want to get away from here! Now! Take me back!" he pleaded.

"You refuse to accept your fate? There is no turning back now. You are nothing more than a spineless coward." its last sentence took Meta Knight by surprise.

"How dare you! I'm sick of talking to a voice! Why don't you say it to my face?!" Then, he added, "I do accept my fate! My fate is in my own universe!"

Suddenly, everything went dark. He seemed to be where he started; the sprawling blackness. Then, the entire area seemed to develop a red tint. Fading in from nowhere, the single, blue, gem-like eye appeared yet again, only this time, with a body attached. A white, smoke-like substance surrounded the single eye and flowed upwards with a think, red, jagged collar underneath. The rest of it was a black mass with arms. Meta Knight could feel his body again.

"I am Darkrai..." The same, dry whisper from before. "Meta Knight, meet your doom!" it snickered afterwards.

What makes it think it can steal my line?! Meta Knight thought as he reached into his cape and drew his sword.

((I'm saving the boss fight for another post. This one already took an hour. ;_;
This is more like a chapter in a fanfic then an RP post.))

EDIT: ((Oh heck, I've managed to ignore Skymin's post twice. Anyways, not much. Nobody else is posting. Pretty much just trying to take shelter (and avoid getting shot). Once you guys settle somewhere or go somewhere I'll have stuff planned for individual groups. And I'll make sure everyone encounters Darkrai at some point in the RP.))
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Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

Inferior? I am inferior?

You see, that is it, the voice said tauntingly, You are always questioning yourself, always wondering what it is that holds you down. That is simple... YOU!

Why are you telling me all of this?

I will show you a reality where you are Perfect, the voice said, I will give you all you ever wanted... in exchange for one simple thing.

What is that condition?

Simple: you accept your fate.

Accept my fate? What sort of static is that?

I will show you... the voice whispered. A bright flash of light, and suddenly Mecha Sonic was overlooking a burning city.

In this reality, you were able to retain your Perfect form. You were able to kill Sonic. Now, you stand ready to annihilate all of your enemies.

As Mecha Sonic watched, his Perfect form unleashed a blue beam of energy onto the city. Buildings were vaporized in seconds.

In this reality, you killed all who dared oppose you. Eggman, Knuckles, Tails... everyone. You have become what you always wanted: The Ultimate Overlord.

I... have everything. Everything that I would ever desire.

Then things went wrong.

A red portal opened in the destruction, and something began to wrench its way out of it.

But you became feared by all. The destruction you caused was so horrifying that they turned to an unexpected being for help.

The being that stepped out of the portal looked similar to Mecha Sonic. however, there was one notable difference: it was black and gold.

The robot charged at Perfect Mecha Sonic, and drew out a red blade of energy. Mecha's alternate self stood ready to defend...

...and the robot cut him in two.

Meet Metal Sonic 3.0, a robot created by a descendant of Eggman. You were feared enough that they had to resort to asking someone like THAT for help!


Do you understand that fate? You will never win. Even when you seem to have everything it is revealed to be naught but ash.

No... this cannot be.

It is all it is, Mecha Sonic. Now, accept the fate that you can never triumph.

Mecha Sonic watched as Metal Sonic 3.0 began to dismantle his alternate self's halves.

Can this be all? an this be the fate that I've...


Well... are you ready to accept the fate that awaits you.

Mecha Sonic's arm flipped over for the missile launcher.

Fate... such a thing doesn't exist. I do not know what you speak of. You say that my 'fate' has been sealed, but you hide yourself from me, as if you know what I am capable of. Mecha Sonic began to laugh, You speak to me about accepting fate, but you act as if you're afraid of accepting YOURS.

You... You arrogant FOOL!

The world around him shifted out of focus.

If you cannot comprehend your fate, then I will SHOW IT TO YOU FIRSTHAND!!
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Waah! Fast-moving RP? Where are we now...?

I don't know what the Halberd is. Is it like a spaceship or something?))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Actually, I'm not sure if I could do multiple boss fights at once, so I think I'll let you guys do your own Darkrai. As for moves, pretty much whatever is in Darkrai's learnset. Oh, and once one of the Darkrais are defeated, the other two are significantly weakened, etc..))

Darkrai folded his arms as blue embers formed a circular formation around him. Unfolding his arms, they shot everywhere, one scorching Meta Knight's right arm. He stumbled a bit and tried to put it out with his cape. However, the flames came back immediately.

Coming in close for an attack, Darkrai prepared to swipe at Meta Knight with his hand, which was secreting a dark, shadowy substance. Meta Knight sprang up with his wings out and slashed underneath of him while Darkrai was vulnerable. He reeled back for a moment, then raked Meta Knight with its claw-like fingers. Dark energy erupted from where he struck.

((Don't do the entire boss fight in one post, btw. Maybe 2-3 attacks each.
Oh, and uh, Darksong, may I point you to my last post's edit?))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

((Anyways, not much. Nobody else is posting. Pretty much just trying to take shelter (and avoid getting shot). Once you guys settle somewhere or go somewhere I'll have stuff planned for individual groups. And I'll make sure everyone encounters Darkrai at some point in the RP.))
Re: An Old Nemesis - The Smash Dojo Part 2

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Bowser shouted, trying to find the right volume at which he wouldn't blast Skylar's ears. "I think we've done enough running."
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