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Did You Make Your Avatar?

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Notoriously Unknown

Quick, somebody come up with a witty response!
Did you? How did you make it? Did somebody else make it for you?
A made-it-yourself avie can't just be a cropped pic you got from somewhere though, like mine. You had to have drawn it or taken an already existing pic and edited it. :3
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Yes, in fact, I did.

Okay it's just a recolored Trainer sprite, but I did that for all my existing Trainer characters in my fanfics (well except for Ash because everyone knows what he looks and Taylor because he's based off my Gold character and I can't revamp. Come on HeartGold give us trainer sprites already). And my avvie's based off my crush, so...yeah.
Made mine myself.

I started out with a pokemon trainer sprite and edited it to look like Light from Death Note, then I traced over it on photoshop and coloured it.

Mine's nicked from someone else; they did a whole series with the ToS characters, but I love Raine best <3

The avvie on my profile page was drawn by Crazy Linoone and coloured by me, though :)
Didn't 'make' mine, just cropped an existing photograph. It's of a British UK soldier who got horribly disfigured during World War I and had plastic surgery performed on him to look halfway normal.
The mask-thing on his face is skin, put there to replace the one that was burnt.
Hell yes. I don't like using stuff I didn't make myself, in my avatar. I drew it on paper, scanned it in, lineart'd it and then coloured it in :3
My icons are usually heavily-edited manga panels, so yeah. I'm not going to say that I made it, but I certainly edited it? Something like that.
No. It comes from Super Smash Bros. 64. I found it on another site and just shrunk it to proper size for a avatar. Though I usually do make my own avatar, I just didn't here.
Yep. It's a photo of a clay Ultimate Chimera eating a cake made from unbaked clay on top of my computer.
The Chimera still lives on my computer with some other clay things (wow, it's getting dusty there). The cake was recycled into Boney and the tiny kangaroo.
I stole mine off of LJ, but I usually make mine from pokemon cards.
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