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Did You Make Your Avatar?

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This one I just cropped from a card; I usually just make my avatars by cropping them from images I like.

Occasionally I'll find one made by someone else that I like and use it, in which case there's credit in my sig if possible. :V
I recoloured the platinum backpose for Croagunk as a raichu. I won't be keeping this one long anyway.
I'm a bit confused. Why do a lot of you give credit if they use an icon made by someone else but not if they use an icon made from art by someone else?
This Latias is taken from a 3D model I found in DA. I took a snapshot in the middle of it blinking and cropped it to an avatar.
Although I might change it to that Chikorita drawing I did
No, I randomly found mine on DA, shame is, it's been removed from DA, so I've got to make sure I have a copy saved somewhere in case of the need of use...
Yup. Drew and inked it on paper, scanned it, then colored it with Paint.NET. There aren't enough good Linoone pictures out there to make an interesting avatar. Plus, none of them are wearing slash goggles.
I didn't make mine, I might consider doing so at some point.... I just liked this picture that I found.
Yes I did. I came up the idea with my own hands and face, then I hand drew the picture. I scanned it into my computer, and did a heavy resize and pixel-over. I then colored it, the colors are from the FR/LG Pikachu sprite, making the colors is the only thing I didn't do myself.
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