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DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY TWO]

Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Chief Zackrai: Wait, were you disregarding fakeclaims or something? I think I misunderstood you, then. Sorry. Also thanks for the compliment. :>

Yes. You must have missed it but the first thing I said amounted to "Assuming Rizadon is telling the truth".
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I'm fine with that, Mai—though I'm not sure whether I lost my doublevoter powers in a roleblocking or something. I'll see if ZeKrienator will tell me. Until then, Abstain.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Also Taking back my vote.

Oh! and if you think we need a second vote for Superbird, Mai, I'll do it.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

You'd work, yeah. You can vote if you want, but we should wait until zeKieranator tells us which format he is using for vote ties to officialize this.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Those were my thoughts, but I was just getting that out there so no one would screw this up when he tells us. Like, if he tells us then like three random people just up and vote for Superbird it would be bad.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Tee hee. I like that I was inspected first. I'd vote, but it seems there's a new plan, which I like. Although if zeKieranator requires a majority of players to have a vote, we might have to go back and vote anyway.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

And again just for the record, I'd like to take notice of how night actions like Superbird's being targeted by probably two different roles have been alluded to in the day, but there was no mention of how Seritinajii was killed.

I suspect that there's a night action that caused this.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Hello! So it's pretty awesome that this thread has four pages already and I've read through it two or three times trying to absorb everything, but I've probably missed some things! Here's what I remember wanting to reply to that wasn't resolved, anyway:

If superbird is really mafia, I'm gonna get my ass-kicked this night though.

I promise you that will happen.

HOW ABOUT THIS: Riza bodygaurds Zapi, Zapi heals me and I inspect

If Superbird was mafia, that would be really obvious, though. Anyway, I'm not sure what arrangement the three of you've decided on, but how about this one: Zapi heals Rizadon and Rizadon guards one of Zapi or RK-9, without telling us which. If the mafia knows who's going to be bodyguarded, they'll obviously go for the other one (and can I just say that it was probably not such a great idea for the inspector to claim on day one without a hit, since now we have to figure out how to protect everyone with little benefit to us in exchange); if they don't, they'll either have to choose at random with a 50% chance of attacking the person who's being bodyguarded and then a 50% chance of the don dying emself instead, or go for someone else entirely. Either way, Rizadon is almost definitely safe tonight since if Zapi's mafia, killing Rizadon when she's supposed to be healing her would be super obvious; I guess if we want to ensure that our (possible) inspector lives, we could have RK-9 healed instead, but then the mafia would most likely go for Rizadon.

And again just for the record, I'd like to take notice of how night actions like Superbird's being targeted by probably two different roles have been alluded to in the day, but there was no mention of how Seritinajii was killed.

I suspect that there's a night action that caused this.

Well, of course, but the mafia are probably not about to roleclaim!

Also! I wanted to confirm that Superbird's claimed doublevote isn't one-use; Superbird, does your role PM specify? And since we're going to be confirming Superbird's claim today, that leaves RK-9 free to inspect someone else tonight. Who's it going to be?
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

In the case of a tie, I first extend the day phase by another twelve hours (I do the same thing if nobody votes at all) and then afterwards if the tie is not resolved, I let the last person who has died (in this case, Seritinajii) decide. If no one has died (not that this matters anymore) I RNG a vote from the tied options.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

I was thinking Superbird, but I'll inspect anyone you guys want.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

If Superbird was mafia, that would be really obvious, though. Anyway, I'm not sure what arrangement the three of you've decided on, but how about this one: Zapi heals Rizadon and Rizadon guards one of Zapi or RK-9, without telling us which. If the mafia knows who's going to be bodyguarded, they'll obviously go for the other one (and can I just say that it was probably not such a great idea for the inspector to claim on day one without a hit, since now we have to figure out how to protect everyone with little benefit to us in exchange); if they don't, they'll either have to choose at random with a 50% chance of attacking the person who's being bodyguarded and then a 50% chance of the don dying emself instead, or go for someone else entirely. Either way, Rizadon is almost definitely safe tonight since if Zapi's mafia, killing Rizadon when she's supposed to be healing her would be super obvious; I guess if we want to ensure that our (possible) inspector lives, we could have RK-9 healed instead, but then the mafia would most likely go for Rizadon.
That sounds like a good plan to me, but only if Riza agrees.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

okay, then Mai, would you like me to vote for Superbird, then?

Sure! That'd be great, especially because we're going to get an extended day phase because of it.

To RK-9: Not Superbird, because his role is probably going to be confirmed today. Just about anyone would do, but I think it would be worthy of note to say that Legendaryseeker99 is the only person who hasn't posted yet. If we're going to assume inactive!mafia.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

Since inactivity gets you killed, I'd say to inspect someone really active and contributory to make sure we're not secretly being swayed by Mafia. Inactive lynches and the like seldom result with Mafia deaths, inspections likely aren't that different.
Re: DIY Pokémafia 2 [DAY ONE]

If Superbird was mafia, that would be really obvious, though. Anyway, I'm not sure what arrangement the three of you've decided on, but how about this one: Zapi heals Rizadon and Rizadon guards one of Zapi or RK-9, without telling us which. If the mafia knows who's going to be bodyguarded, they'll obviously go for the other one (and can I just say that it was probably not such a great idea for the inspector to claim on day one without a hit, since now we have to figure out how to protect everyone with little benefit to us in exchange); if they don't, they'll either have to choose at random with a 50% chance of attacking the person who's being bodyguarded and then a 50% chance of the don dying emself instead, or go for someone else entirely. Either way, Rizadon is almost definitely safe tonight since if Zapi's mafia, killing Rizadon when she's supposed to be healing her would be super obvious; I guess if we want to ensure that our (possible) inspector lives, we could have RK-9 healed instead, but then the mafia would most likely go for Rizadon.
I know I already responded to this, but I just thought of something. What if Riza is mafia? Then this plan would be completely counter-productive.
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