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Double Digits; high fives all around!


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
Yes, I am now 10 years old ^^ And because we must not allow this party to become like Cloudsong's Going Away party, I am bringing cream soda, and *hangs up sign that says NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED*
Karkat Vantas said:
Can it be alcoholic cream soda?
No. At least I've never heard of that...
Superbird said:
Who wants binary cake?
If we could find HTML cake, that'd be better!
SilverJade said:
*drinks some cream soda and lights the candles* :D
That's the birthday spirit!
My dad's resturant which I'm certain has no alcoholic cream soda. Oh dear, why is there an empty bottle of rum next to Aobaru?
Thanks for the cake Squirtle!

Well, happy birthday. Have a... I dunno.

*tosses NERF sword*
I trust Blade to always have tons of swords on hand.

Happy birthday, Mew. Have a fancy party sandwich.

Thanks, I'll make sure to save it forever in Notepad :3
Ah, ten. That magical age when I got my first Webkinz and wore camo pants.

Ugly lunch lady, a round of your worst chocolate milks!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I brought you an apple to throw at me! :D Sorry I'm so late T-T Anyways, I haven't known you long but you're awesomee!! Again Happy Birthday and hope all goes well in your first year of double digits!! :D
*throws apple at balloon behind Glace and explodes and a blanket falls out and it wraps itself around Glace* I don't mind lateness, usually ^^ Aww, thanks :3
Happy Birthday to thee, from a Lett... eee. I'm not so good with the rhymes, you see.

Hopefully your double digits will be without fail or... higets. Whatever that means! But yes, may you have a particularly awesome day filled with particularly awesome things.
My day's already filled with awesome things, you guys posting here. :') And all the ASB Pokemon and everything, thank you!!!
Happy B-Day~~~~~~~~
I brought some Sprite*
*This Sprite has a particular edible chemical that turns alchohol into moar, non-alchoholic Sprite~
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