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Re: Sin, Part 1

~Taran's POV~

Before Taran got back to the base he thought he heard a swooshing noise.
Sounds like someone wants play. he thought.
Turning around quickly he fired off a Signal Beam directly behind him.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Grovyle smirked. The paranoid bug had no idea where he was. Using his superior speed, he dodged the Signal Beam and still managed to stay hidden out of view.

He stayed as silent as he could, as long as he wasn't seen... If he didn't follow her orders... she would've been so disapointed. He knew she trusted him the most.

He couldn't betray that trust.
Re: Sin, Part 1

"They took the body?" Charap said in astonishment. "Them? How dare they!"

"I know, who knows what studies they're going to conduct on it," Jackson said in response. Charap rolled her eyes.

"No, that person, no matter how evil or, annoying, deserves a proper burial," Charap said. Jackson laughed and pet Charap's head.

"You never cease to amuse me," he said light-heartedly. "Come on, let's see what's ailing Mourmedy." He rose out of the chair and walked over to the leader.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Hannah wandered on from Kai's room, carrying the tray of food and taking care not to trip again. Jack padded ahead of her and pushed open the door to the main workroom, where all the technical things seemed to happen. Hannah stuck her head around the door and spotted Twee, typing away at a laptop. Since she was getting pretty hungry herself, she wandered in and set the tray down on a desk. Helping herself to a sandwich, she sat down in a swivel chair and wheeled herself across to where Twee was sitting.

"Food," she announced, gesturing to the sandwiches, "has arrived." She took a bite of her sandwich, glanced at his screen and asked "This is the laptop we got from the Nexus, right? Any luck getting into it?"

She was hardly an expert in the various fields operating in the Underground society, but she knew most of the comings and goings. Given her previous job, the infiltration side of things was the most interesting to her, but around here it was still intensely complicated.
Re: Sin, Part 1

"Those damn fools took the body!" Kris said, almost growling. "Ow!" He was almost hit by a sonicboom, but Felin, pushed him out of the way. The Persian growled.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Taran didn't see anybody.
Only one way out of this. he thought.
Turning to around he scuttled a little and sank into the ground, going unseen.
I knew Shadow Sneak would work. he thought as he scuttled back to the base undercover of Shadow Sneak.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Grovyle had lost sight of his prey. Where did it go... where did it go...?

He didn't want to report to Mourmedy empty-handed. Now he was worried. That spider was crafty.

There was nothing in sight... only grass... some trees maybe... This would have to do. He felt terrible that he couldn't find what she had wanted.

With that, the Grass-type rushed back to Nexus HQ, still remaining unseen.


Mourmedy looked at him dully.

"Not even you... not even you could find their base... These bastards are good, I'm impressed..."

He looked down at the floor in shame. His arm had a gash from the punishment she had given him.

"Don't worry about it though... they won't get away with this..." She said cooly, sounding nearly unconcerned. Because already, the seemingly fearless Mourmedy was concocting a plan.
Re: Sin, Part 1

[I think that we're used to the RP, so I'll begin Day 2 somewhen soon, the first main segment soon.]

Back in his room, Kai settled down on his bed, returned Lunos to his Pokeball and smiled. Today had gone well. Hopefully tomorrow would end just the same. And with that, we closed his eyes and went to sleep.

[This is not the end of the day yet, just to let people know.]
Re: Sin, Part 1

Twee nodded. "Thanks," he said, and took a sandwich, taking a bite into it. "Yeah, this is the Nexus laptop. I've got into it fine, but I can't find anything worthwhile. I've got Kodikodi-" he pointed to the Kodikodi.prygn2 file "-Searching around for stuff, but so far everything we've found has been either worthless or impossible to read."

Kodikodi moved towards another folder, this one labeled with just a question mark. "See if you can find anything in there," Twee said as the Porygon-2 disappeared inside the folder. The screen changed, but... apparently, the fodler was completely empty. "Can you see anything at all in there?" Twee asked, narrowing his eyes confusedly. A small textbox popped up at the top-left of the screen with the word 'Negative' inside it. Twee sighed. "alright then. Come out and we'll try again tomorrow.

The icon disappeared and the Porygon-2 materialised next to the laptop. Twee smiled briefly at his Pokémon before returning Kodikodi to its Pokéball.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Hannah looked on with interest as Kodikodi delved further into the laptop, searching for useful information. Whoever in the Nexus had been using it were sure good at covering their tracks, she thought as the Porygon-2 emerged from the screen and returned to its Pokeball.

Quite interesting, the Porygon line, she thought to herself as she finished her sandwich and spun around on the swivel chair. The way they could infiltrate computers like that. Ghost-types like Sasha could move through walls and things, but moving through cyberspace... that was something completely different. She wondered if the Nexus had a similar Pokemon on their side - if they didn't, surely they were at a disadvantage?

Feeling slightly dizzy from spinning around, Hannah stood (admittedly unsteadily) and nodded to Twee. "I'll leave the sandwiches here; make sure whoever passes through eats them, okay? See you," she said, wandering off down another corridor with Jack in her wake and considering getting some sleep.
Re: Sin, Part 1


DAY 2: The Nexus Origin
Daily objectives: Infiltrate the Nexus building, discover the Nexus Origin.

[Perhaps Arylett would like to start this day off, Hm?]​
Re: Sin, Part 1

(You got it.)

Mourmedy rose from her bed.

Yesterday was a terrible nightmare. But there were still things they didn't know... Mourmedy smirked, shaking off her disapointment. Every triumph counted.

As she got dressed, she thought more about it. The Nexus Origin... she doubted they knew where it was. Yesterday, Mourmedy had been updating the Nexus files with that crucial bit of information. So what if they had infiltrated the building...? Now she knew, she knew where it was.

And that was something they would have to pry from her cold dead hands.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Kai, asleep was dreaming. Dreaming of what would happen tomorrow, or rather, today. After the major stir that the assasination yesterday had caused, if he was assigned again today, he may not make it back without being discovered.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Baron didn't sleep that night.
He was too busy thinking of that laptop that Twee brought him.
That looked so familiar. WAIT! he thought.
"THAT'S THE NEXUS ORIGIN ON THERE WRITTEN IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE USED 20 YEARS AGO!" he shouted out loud sitting up causing a ruckus in his office.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Blade had fallen asleep on the beach the night before, and when he woke up, he was wondering what wouuld be happening today, and seeing as it was already bright outside, he decided he would report to base. He crept inside, making sure no one was following him, an old habit of his. He sat down in a chair and waited for activity.

(and Kai, your PM scares me.)
Re: Sin, Part 1

She looked out the window.

Now that she knew where it was... she would have to undertake the mission of retrieving it. And this was something that only she only could do... Most of the Nexus employees knew little about the Nexus Origin... It was her secret to bear, she would tell no one what she was actually doing.

Yesterday, after the Ariados had broken into the building and started wreaking havoc with its Sonic Boom, Mourmedy had announced to everyone that she would be going to do some "field world" for the project and had left her most trusted scientist, Kris, in charge. She hadn't bothered with Nexus HQ's security - it was irrelevant and didn't really matter at this point.

She put her laptop in its case, then took out her Pokeball. In a flash of crimson energy materialized a dragonic celery-coloured Pokemon. Mourmedy opened the window and mounted Flygon.

The two soared out into the air.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Kai woke up with a jump. Baron had shouted something out, and he wouldn't have been surprised if Baron had woke the entire underground up. Rubbing his eyes, he put his jacket on and left his room. Looking at Baron, he said, "Sir, what the hell is going on?"
Re: Sin, Part 1

Hannah's eyes flew open with a start with the sound of shouting from down the corridor; it sounded like Baron. She jumped out of her bunker and hurriedly got dressed, giving Jack a nudge with her foot - unwillingly he woke up and untangled himself from his blanket.

"What?" he asked blearily, blinking up at her. "Why are we getting up... I'm still sleepy."

"Well, so am I, but this could be important." Hannah called over her shoulder as she opened the door and made her way down the corridor, walking quickly. Jack followed her, yawning. When she reached Baron's room she knocked, promptly opened the door and stuck her head into the room. "What's going on in here?"
Re: Sin, Part 1

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS SO STUPID!" he said still shouting.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Having been too scared to consider moving, Nina had stayed put inside the Nexus building that night. She knew Father would be worried, but she'd sometimes been ordered to stay late at night to finish work. They might just assume this was another one of those times, and that she hadn't seen the point in returning home.

As it was, she had fallen asleep hunched under her desk, still clutching Tska in a vice-grip very similar to the one he was normally capable of dealing. He had considered waking her, but in the end even he couldn't bear to. Still, as day broke he figured it was about time she did.

So after she had crawled out feeling extremely cramped and with a sterling headache, it was with dread that she looked around. One of the computers was on the ground - she darted forward to hoist it back up onto the desk it had come from. Then she stared around her in the dim light. What a mess.

She had even heard that somebody had been killed... now she remembered, vague as her memories were. After holding her head in her hand for a moment, she shook her head suddenly, nodding sternly. She couldn't keep thinking so stupidly.

Trying to think of a plan of action, she tapped the Pokeballs clipped to the inside of her labcoat's pockets, flinching at the noise as her Pokemon erupted from them. Immediately Miniss rushed towards her, feeling her body with strong claws for signs of bruising. Meanwhile Tska crawled across Nina's desk, flicking the computer switch to check if there was electricity. There wasn't.

"Perhaps it's just this section..." Nina mumbled uneasily after Tska alerted her of this.

Yiska was floating around the room and into the next looking at the damage. It wasn't too bad... well, Nina assumed there would be worse to come. She wondered whether Mourmedy would be able to tell them all what had happened.

No, wait... hadn't she left? Perhaps she was trying to find out who had been the attackers.
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