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Re: Sin, Part 1

Something nudged Kris' side. "Grhhmm... Not now... A few more minutes, please..." He yawned, digging his head into the pillow. "Phhehehe... STOP IT!" Someone had started tickling his feet, but they didn't stop. "WHAT THE HELL! STOP OR I'LL FIRE YOU!" He turned around and raised the upper part of his body. "Oh. It's just you, Felin. Sorry for yelling at you." The Persian didn't look at her owner, she was offended. "I said I'm sorry! God."

Kris stood up and dressed himself. "So, our leader left me in charge for some days, more or less. Good huh?" Kris said to Felin, who had her back turned to him. "Oh, come on! I thought it was someone else!" There was only some people Kris had respect for; Mourmedy, his pokémon and fellow scientist ranked the same as him or over.
He wore his normal clothes: Black T-Shirt and trousers, and green shoes.

Kris then continued to the staff restaurant to get himself a meal.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Hannah raised her eyebrows at the second explosion from Baron; either this was important or else he'd lost his mind. "I'll go, keep your hair on..." she said, backing out of the room and forcing Jack to jump out the way to avoid having his paws trodden on. "Whoops, sorry."

Choosing to walk faster still, she moved through the underground with Jack scampering behind her on all fours until she reached the main workroom. Opening the door, she glanced around - there was no-one there at the moment, not even Twee, but the laptop had been left in the same position as it had been the previous night. Hannah shrewdly noted that the sandwiches, too, had been left almost untouched. Honestly, this lot... she thought as she collected the laptop and headed back to Baron's room.

On arrival, she entered the room with slight caution (hoping that Baron had calmed down a litte) and with a quiet "Ta-daa?"
Re: Sin, Part 1

Jackson woke with a start. Something had jabbed his hand. He turned to his side and saw Charap next to him. "Why the hell did you do that?" he asked angrilly.

"The day's work is about to begin, and I'm hungry," she answered.

Jackson had stayed in his office for the evening. He figured that staying in the office would be more interesting than heading back to his apartment. Charap looked at him expectantly. Jackson sighed.

"We don't have any food here," he said. Charap was his only Pokemon that needed to eat as regularly as Jackson. Whisper didn't need to eat often, and Mechanic was a robot. Jackson got up out of his chair and walked to the front doors with Charap following. He opened and walked the doors. "Alright Charap," he said, "go hunt some food for today. I'm going to get some coffee." Charap nodded excitedly. She always loved hunting for her own food. She took off into the air.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Soaring... soaring... soaring...

Wait! What was that?

Mourmedy could see it... a barren expanse of desert overtook the forest which she had been looking at for quite some time. She looked at her open laptop, on the screen was a map of the entire area.

She smiled, not smirked, but smiled. The leader of Nexus, for the first time in a while, was giddy and anxious with impatience. There, in that desert, was the thing that would further all those years of research! Even though Father had told her never to be sure about anything, she just couldn't help it!

"Lower your altitude! Quickly, now!" The excitement, the antcipation was seeping into her voice. Flygon swooped down speedily, until she was nearly touching the earth.

They flew low over the sands for nearly as low as they had flown over that neverending forest. Mourmedy's excitement was beginning to wear off and now she was losing patience. Silently, she beraded herself for thinking that finding the Nexus Origin would be so easy, for being absolutely sure that she would find it... That was silly, Father was always right, never put all your faith in anything...

Hold on... now that was very suspicious... That over there...

There was a patch of sand that looked... different from the others. It was a slightly darker shade and seemed to flicker with a dim ethereal light. Flygon began to growl. The Pokemon grinned savagely. She could feel the immense power coming from that patch of sand.

"So.. you think it's there...?"

She nodded back to her trainer vigorously.

"Well then... you know what to do!" Mourmedy could feel the childish excitement overtaking her again, her smile was large and wide.

The Pokemon stopped and landed near the patch of seemingly tainted earth. Mourmedy dismounted.

Flygon began to Dig.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Kai went back to his room. Today was a new day, but he couldn't stop thinking about the assassination. Hopefully, he would have another chance to take a life today. He let Lunos out of his Pokeball; The Umbreon yawned and looked up at his trainer, smiling.
"Can you get those things for me?" Kai said to his pokemon.
"Umbreon!" Lunos said, nodding. He went underneath Kai's bed and came back out, pulling a briefcase out with him. Kai took it and opened it up. Inside was a black knife, a pistol, a rifle and other weapons one might use to kill someone. He took the knife, the pistol and the rifle out, and gave the briefcase back to Lunos, who placed it once again under the bead. Kai put the weapons into his bag again, and left his room, the Umbreon following him.
Re: Sin, Part 1

((I'll be gone for a week now. The Understudy may take over for Kris.))
Re: Sin, Part 1

(( Yea I'm leaving till Thursday. Cursed band camp. So I'm pming Arylett to see what she wants to negotiate. Details are explained in a bit. ))

Baron snatched the laptop and walked into the mess hall where everybody seemed to have gathered after hearing his uproar.
"LISTEN UP! I'm leaving for some time. Kai is in charge of the Society until my return. Blade I want you to spy on Nexus and find out if their leader left and if so where she went." he stated.
And with that he hoped on his Luxray and rode away while deciphering the laptop.
To the desert it seems. Right where Groudon used to lay. he thought to himself.
Re: Sin, Part 1

(I'm such an idiot, I've been forgetting to RP here.)

Lita leaned over as she went from one of her pans to another, flipping pancakes on all of them. While she was busy with one pan, Voir, who Lita had almost nicknamed "Alarm Clock", kept timing for the scrambled eggs on another pan.

Lita, Voir muttered telepathically.

"I know, I know, I'll get to them- Storm, can you flip these pancakes?" Lita said as she rushed over to the scrambled eggs.

Storm, the Grovyle, jumped up and began flipping the pancakes onto platters. Voir had also been keeping time for the waffles.

Lita, the waffles...

"I am aware of them, Voir! I think your timing has been sharpening my timing skills." Lita commented as she opened a waffle cooker, taking them out. Lita dashed to another pan with bacon loaded on it, and used a spatula to move the bacon onto a platter.

"I don't see why the whole world likes bacon or scrambled eggs, but oh well." Lita eyed Kiyo, monitering a stew, and said to Kiyo, "I think it's finished. You can stop breathing fire on it. Voir, the stew, take it off the heat!" She ran back to the pancakes, where Storm had finished moving them to platters.

"Okay, Storm, now get the waffles and syrup, and put them next to each other on the tables. Voir, take the stew and put in on the table, but in a different pot so the heat in the pot doesn't overcook it! Kiyo, you'll be helping me do the dishes later by heating water up, so be ready for that. Flying Terror, alert me if anyone messes up, okay?"

The Staraptor gave a chirp to show he understood, Voir poured the stew into another pot and set it on the table with her psychic power, Kiyo relaxed and curled up underneath the sink, and Storm went to get the syrup from the pantry. Flying Terror was mute the entire time.

"Well done, you all!" Lita shouted happily.
Re: Sin, Part 1

[Sin is not dead, nor will it be anytime soon. Also, there are two more slots available, one for each side.]

Kai sat down in his room. He was still tired after Baron's wake-up-call, not to mention he wasn't a morning person. He thought to himself. He was now the leader of the Underground society. What to do, what to do?

"I'll wait until Blade's report gets back. Then we'll decide on our next move."
Re: Sin, Part 1

Yes! 2 positions open! I'm comin' Kai!

Name: Remmy
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: Long silver flowing hair, pale skin and beautiful blue sparkling eyes. She never ties her hair up and is admired for her outstandish beauty. She's the tallest of the group.
Role in RPG: Underground Medic
Personality: Very motherly and heart warming. She's never one to screw up or mess with others she cares deeply about. She gives off a mellow vibe for her expressions neglect to change from her peaceful expression.
Bio: She was born and raised amongst a family that was very ill. She had fortunately been born without it. She learned to care for her dying parents and siblings and at the age of 15 had come home one day to find her home on fire. Knowing they had no ability to walk anymore, she ran in with her Seel and Feebas to put out the fire to try and save them. Her Feebas ventured too far into the house and from trying to use Hydro Pump on a weak wall, the house collapsed and was engulfed in flames. Remmy was desperate. Her Pokemon had to have been killed but she dug through the ashes and wood for it after finding the burnt corpses of her family. She eventually revealed the top fin and rescued him. The feebas was dark and even after a year of nursing, his scales remained the new dark shade. She now devotes her life to people in need such as the members of the Underground group with her Milotic and Dewgong close at her side.
Relation to other characters: -uh...if you have a request pm me-
Pokemon Team: Milotic [M] Dewgong [F]
Pokemon’s personalities:
Milotic-> A fearless Pokemon. He knows no fear after staring death in the face. He's always willing to put his life at risk. He is looked at as a noble Water type. Disregarding his beauty, he is extremely strong from hard training.
Dewgong-> Trustworthy and graceful. Shed matches her master perfectly. Elegance and beauty overwhelms their on lookers. Although she is a dazzling image she has speed unheard of.
Re: Sin, Part 1

(What the... KQ's back??? ^^)

Erindor was training his Raichu, Shock. "Shock! Use Quick Attack!" Shock jumped into the air and smashed into the dummy, harder than most professional football players. The dummy swung so hard, the stand couldn't hold the momentum. The dummy toppled over, a cloud of dust flying into the air. Shock turned, a grin on his face. "Good job Shock! Now let's see you go against Flame!" Erindor let out Flame, his Typhlosion, and the Pokemon materialized.

Flame growled a challenge, which Shock accepted whole-heartedly. Flame braced himself. Shock came running with another Quick-Attack. He slammed into Flame - or at least, he would have, if Flame hadn't used Double Team at the last second. Shock flew into the copy, and crashed into the ground. He jumped up straight away, however.

Erindor looked on in approval. He had trained his Pokemon to think for themselves. Because of this, they had personalities. Shock had a large ego, and was arrogant. Flame was a muscle man, no challenge to big for him. Dawn was a quiet thinker. Prophet was a loner. And he was all of them. His Pokemon took after him. With the exception of Shock. Shock had developed the ego by himself. Erindor didn't think too much of himself, and was always trying to be better. So he trained.

Erindor looked back to the battle. His Pokemon were a perfect match for each other. Shock was small and fast, Flame was big and strong. Neither could really overpower the other. Erindor smiled.
Re: Sin, Part 1

The sand was beginning to pile up.

Mourmedy was losing patience. How deep was the Origin buried? Flygon kept digging still. She knew this wouldn't be easy... to get what one wanted, one had to work hard. But that still didn't stop her from losing her cool.

What could expedite the process? Hmm... Wait! Yes... what an excellent idea! Absolutely brilliant!

She took out another Pokeball and stared intently at it. Though he had failed her before, she was sure it was a one-time occurance. Grovyle almost always got the job done.

He came out of his ball, the wound on his arm healed. Grovyle saluted Mourmedy.

"At ease. Now I want you to go other there and help Flygon Dig." He nodded and went over to Flygon.

Surely with two Pokemon, it would be easier to find it....
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Re: Sin, Part 1

Lita let out a sigh and sat in a chair to catch her breath. "Well, Flying Terror, it'll be your job to alert everyone that breakfast is ready." The Staraptor gave a chirp and flew into the other rooms, chirping wildly, like an alarm.
Re: Sin, Part 1

Blade left for the Nexus base and started to watch around. He went from room to room, listening in on every conversation, paying detail so much he knew what each one was having for lunch(Hypathetically speaking, of course). He heard that the leader had left, meaning all he had to do now was find out where.
Re: Sin, Part 1

KQ~ Accepted.

Kai was starting to feel the pressure. It was already almost atfternoon and Blade still hadn't returned. He needed to know what was going on at the Nexus building.
Hang on, wasn't Byron saying something about Twee's laptop?
Kai left his room and went over to Twee's. He knocked on his door, hoping that he was there, and that there was something on his laptop about what was happening.
Re: Sin, Part 1

(8I'll try to speed this up a little bit :]))

"So today I'm the boss." Kris said and stroke his Persian. "Miaa..." Felin purred, she had forgiven Kris for yelling at her earler, and was just happy to be there with him.

"I'll take cereal." Kris told one of the cooks "It's healthy, quick, refreshing and it tastes good." The cook raised an eyebrow, and it was obvious he wanted to say something like this: "Why would you eat cereal when you can have Miltank beef and Kingler? Cereal do not fit anyone like you, especially now when you are the leader!" But he wouldn't dare to say that to Kris, the head scientist. Feline gobbled up her cat food, which were Tauros meat cut into pieces as big as a die.

Kris finished his meal and went to check the security on 3rd floor. The security room was quite small, since it was not the main security room, which was on 1st floor, and was only big enough to fit 4 people plus the computer. In a chair in front of the computer controlling the security, there sat a fat guy in brown clothes, he almost bald. "The security must be on maximum, we can't have anymore murderers here, hmm?" Kris said to the guy. "Don't worry..." The man turned his chair, he was munching a sandwhich, and bits of the bread could be seen in his beard. Disgusting, Kris thought. "We have all under control!" Behind him, on the computer, there were 5 screens, all showing areas from the ground floor to the 4rth floor. "You better have, or else I'll make sure no one will miss you..." Kris threatened him, and the man gulped.

Then, something totally unexpected happened. Red light flashed on the computer, and a voice said "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" In a computer-ish voice. "WHAT?!" Kris growled. "I thought you said all was under control!" The fat man shivered. "I-i musta been wrong, sir, sorry, s-sir." "Where is the intruder?" Kris ignored the man and looked at the screens. On one of them, there was a guy spying or something, maybe listening to conversations. "Where is that!" Kris raged. If Mourmedy found out that he had let an intruder in, he would get kicked out, or worse, killed! "I-it is-" But Kris interupted him. "SPIT IT OUT, MAN, SPIT IT OUT!" He was getting really unpatient, and Felin was standing beside him, fangs bared, growling. "It is on fourth floor, s-sir!" The man said, "WHERE on the fourth floor?!" Kris spat. "N-near the e-experimenting room, s-sir!" Kris swore loudly. "Alert everyone! We must catch this guy!" He dashed out of the room towards the stairs that lead to the fourth floor.

Halfway through the stairs, Kris could hear a loud voice. "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" It continued, "FOURTH FLOOR! NEAR THE EXPERIMENTING ROOM!" Kris could see men in white coming out from the doors as he exited from the stairs and ran towards the "X" room, which he called it.
Re: Sin, Part 1

((ARGH must catch up))

Arriving where the laptop said the Nexus Origin was he saw somebody there with a Flygon digging.
"Mourmedy. I thought I would see you here." he said as Cid posed ready to fire a punch at the Flygon.
"What are you lookin for here at Groudon's birthplace ey?" he said cynically.
Re: Sin, Part 1

"Hmm...?" Mourmedy turned around in confusion and did a double-take.

Argh, Baron. Damn.

She kept her cold eyes carefully on his Rhyperior.

"And what business is it of yours...?" Some annoyance seeped into her voice, but she managed to keep her cool.

Quickly and suddenly, she commanded Grovyle to attack. "Leaf Blade!" He jumped out of the hole. The green reptile's leaves combined into one large sharp blade as he ran towards the Rhyperior.
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