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Exam Results

Not Meowth

Cat, are you drilling?
why doesn't this thread exist yet

I got A in Law, C in History and D in Biology, which makes 260 points. I'm going to university with 20 points to spare \o/
History: C
English Literature: C
Classical Civilisation: D
also have a D in citizenship and an E in graphics, both ASes from last year
totalling 270 UCAS points, I needed 260

That is the bare minimum I needed to get in but who cares now I am fucking going to Nottingham Trent !!!!!

I was really pissed earlier, I put in so much effort for everything this year and I /still/ got some Es in exams. But at least I go into my first choice uniiiiii :D
I got an A in biology, an A in chemistry and a B in maths.

...I was 10 marks off of an A in maths. :(

My ASes were AAAB in maths, chemistry, biology and physics respectively.
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I can't get them for another week because I'm away from home. :(
Does anyone know if they send them to you or something?

Congrats to everyone! \o/
I can't get them for another week because I'm away from home. :(
Does anyone know if they send them to you or something?

Congrats to everyone! \o/
You might be able to check them online, depending on the exam board.
I got

A in Maths
A in Further Maths (very surprising! I did get a C in one of the modules but the other two had such high As that the overall was an A)
B in Computing (A in the coursework so I don't have to redo that)
A in physics.

These are ASes not A-Levels though.
I can't get them for another week because I'm away from home. :(
Does anyone know if they send them to you or something?

Congrats to everyone! \o/
I'm in France atm and I got school to email me.

I'm still not quite sure how to interpret the results (I've got a grade for every exam but no overall subject grades). So far it looks pretty good, except for a C in one of my English exam which makes me want to kick a kitten.

Hopefully the official results letter thing will be a bit clearer.

Congratulations to everyone else who've got their results!
Congratulations, everyone! :)

I got mine ages ago (obv) but

French - B
Advanced English - C
Modern Studies - F

... /still really sore about that lie of an F

English Lit. - B
IT - A
History - C
Philosophy and Ethics - C

... It's kind of annoying because I really wanted to drop IT next year, but now I'll probably have to drop one of the C's, both of which I like more than IT. Buuuut it could have been a lot worse, I guess.

Congrats to new unigoers!
I've still got another week to wait before my results come in. >:c

*glad to finally be able to post in this thread*
C in biology (thankfully not a D, as I got a D last year)
C in psychology (did a little bad on the last exam, but I still have a passing grade)
A in sociology (only As though)

I think I did ok. I was expecting worse.
You guys all make me feel bad with all your A's and B's. :P

But ah well, these are my AS's;

ICT - C (Messed up on the exam, badly)
Maths - C (Can't do Mechanics...)
Art - D (...)
General Studies - C

Yeah, I didn't do as well as I'd hoped, or should have done, to be honest. Next year, though, a lot of my friends and the other people in my classes have either decided to leave or failed and not been allowed back. So I intend to get my head down next year and get up as high as possible.
... It's kind of annoying because I really wanted to drop IT next year, but now I'll probably have to drop one of the C's, both of which I like more than IT. Buuuut it could have been a lot worse, I guess.
nono, that's exactly what you shouldn't do! what I was always told was that your one AS grade that ends up on the application form (i.e. the subject you give up) should be a good one. the rest don't matter (or at least not as much iirc). besides, if you want to give up IT then you should give it up. no point in doing a subject for a whole year that you're not that keen on.
B - English
B - Sociology
B - Communication & Culture
U - Geography

...yyyeah. I didn't like Geography much. :'D
I now have the manilla envelope.

Humanities - C (bit wary about this one if i'm doing law)
Maths - A
Art - B (wtf how did this happen)
Music - C
German - B (hahaha bin ich bilingualen)
English Lang - C
English Lit - C
Science - B (just as expected)
CiDa Multimedia - B

So yeah, I'm quite pleased wiith it all.
GCSE results arrived today, so I might as well share mine:

History - A
French - A*
German - A*
Maths - A*
Religious Studies - A*
Systems and Control - B
BCS - A*
English - B
English Literature - A
Biology - A*
Chemistry - A*
Physics - A*

I'm very pleased with these
I'm in (almost) all of the same classes as Mustardear, so this list should look pretty similar.

History - A* (the results called this "Core content with" rather than history, for some reason)
French - A*
German - A*
Maths - A*
R.S. - A
Food Technology - A (how did I get an A in this? I had to DRAW as part of the exam. And my fishcakes fell apart.)
BCS - A* (if you don't know what this is, don't worry. Nobody does.)
English - A*
English Lit. - A*
Biology - A* (How did I get an A* in this but not R.S.?)
Chemistry - A*
Physics - A*

These are much better than I thought they would be. Yay!
I did, um, quite well! Pretty much what I was expecting, although there's a few disappointments.

I got A*s in:
Maths (Hooray! I wasn't expecting this as in the last exam I was a bit sucky and wrote an apology note to the examiner on the last question about how I didn't know what to do.) Mark: 861.
French (This is fortunate! I was predicted this, and my French teacher said my oral exam was "The best she had heard" so I guess that's good.) Mark: Not given.
English Language (I was not expecting this at all. My second Language exam was genuinely awful. Or at least, I thoguht it was.) Mark: Not given.

As in:
Religious Studies (I've broken a family tradition My brother and sister are both mostly awful at this subject.) Mark: 245
Drama (While I am pleased with the A, I'm a little irked because I was predicted an A*, and got an A* in my coursework. I guess the exam just didn't quite live up to it!) Mark: Not given.
English Literature (Not a lot to say on this, except that I was expecting Language to be worse than this.) Mark: Not given.
Biology Mark: 483
Chemistry (Wasn't expecting this. I found the last exam ridiculously difficult.) Mark: 520
Physics Mark: 536

B in Graphics Mark: Not given.

C in Art (I resent this as it's only because I procrastinated on the coursework and therefore it ended up being a bit miserable.) Mark: Not given.

(Sorry, don't know what the marks were out of.)

So, um, in short:

Art: C
Drama: A
Lang: A*
Lit: A
Maths: A*
Bio: A
Chem: A
Phys: A
French: A*
Graphics: B
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