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Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

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Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

I can't choose absolute favorites, so I'll just post some that come to mind.

Favorite: Butterfree, Scyther
Favorite: Sneasel/Weavile, Mightyena, Absol, Murkrow, Darkrai, Umbreon
Favorite: Dialga, Palkia, Dragonair, Flygon, Salamence
Favorite: Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu, Plusle, Minun
Favorite: Lucario, Blaziken
Favorite: Typhlosion, Flareon, Ninetales, Charmander, Quilava, Charizard
Favorite: Pidgey line, Fearow, Altaria, Tropius, Starly line
Favorite: Not sure
Favorite: Bulbasaur line, Chikorita line, Treecko line, Turtwig line, Leafeon
Favorite: Sandshrew/Sandslash
Favorite: Dewgong, Articuno, Glaceon
Favorite: Eevee, Glameow, Clefairy, Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff, Raticate, Meowth/Persian
Favorite: Nido line, Seviper
Favorite: Seviper, Vileplume
Favorite: None
Favorite: Skarmory
Favorite: Vaporeon, Lapras, Mudkip/Swampert, Sqiurtle line, Totodile/Feraligatr, Marill/Azumarill
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Grovyle and Leafeon.

Bug - Beautifly.

Poison - Nidorina and Ivysaur.

Fire - Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, and Quilava.

Water - Totodile, Croconaw, and Vaporeon.

Ice - Glaceon and Articuno.

Electric - Raichu, Ampharos, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, and Manectric.

Normal - Linoone.

Flying - Staraptor, Noctowl, and Togekiss.

Steel - Mawile.

Dragon - Flygon and Dragonite.

Fighting - Riolu and Lucario.

Rock - Onyx, Cranidos, and Rampardos.

Ground - Sandshrew and Sandslash.

Psychic - Espeon and Gardevoir.

Ghost - Misdrevous, Mismagius

Dark - Poochyena, Mightyena, and Absol.

Legendary - Latias, Articuno, Kyogre, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Suicune, and Shaymin.
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Leafeon

Bug - Shedinja

Poison - Drapion

Fire - Monferno

Water - Gastrodon (blue)/Swampert/Dewgong

Ice - Articuno

Electric - Manetric

Normal - Aipom/meowth

Flying - Chatot/Togekiss/Swellow

Steel - Mawile

Dragon - Gabite

Fighting - Lucario

Rock - Rhydon

Ground - Sandslash

Psychic - Ralts

Ghost - Sableye

Dark - Absol
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Sceptile, Torterra, Abomasnow
Bug - Shedinja
Poison - Weezing
Fire - Arcanine, Ninetales, Charizard, Blaziken
Water - Lapras, Milotic
Ice - Abomasnow, Lapras
Electric - Magnezone
Normal - Linnoone, Giafarig
Flying - Charizard, Drifblim, Skarmory, Altaria
Steel - Magnezone, Skarmory
Dragon - Altaria, Flygon
Fighting - Machamp, Blaziken
Rock - Rhyperior
Ground -Flygon, Torterra
Psychic - Alakazam
Ghost - Mismagius, Drifblim, Spiritomb, Shedinja
Dark - Spiritomb, Mightyena

Legendary - Latias, Articuno, Dialga, Raikou, Groudon
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Sunkern

Bug - Scyther

Poison - Croagunk

Fire - Blaaaziken~

Water - Azumarill

Ice - Lapras

Electric - Manectric

Normal - Linoone

Flying - Swellow/Pidgeotto

Steel - Metagross

Dragon - Dragonite

Fighting - Hitmonlee

Rock - Graveler

Ground - Flygon

Psychic - Kadabra

Ghost - Haaaaunter

Dark - Houndour

...that was difficult. And I probably forgot loads x_x
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Water: The Water Starters
Fire: Blaziken and Infernape
Grass: Budew and Bulbasaur
Electric: Pachirisu and Luxray
Flying: Chatot
Psychic: Gallade and Gardevoir
Fighting: Gallade and Haryama
Rock: Golem
Ground: Phanpy
Steel: Aggron
Poison: Nidoran Female
Dragon: Dratini line
Ice: Snorunt (kawaii!)
Bug: Combee (It's so cute, even if it is pathetic)
Ghost: Duskull
Dark: Absol and Umbreon
Normal: Eevee
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Hmmm, let's see:

Normal: Eevee
Fire: Charizard
Water: Vaporeon
Electric: Raichu
Grass: Breloom
Ice: Articuno
Fighting: Lucario
Poison: Seviper
Ground: Flygon
Flying: Scyther
Psychic: Mew
Bug: Scyther
Rock: Aerodactyl
Ghost: Giratina
Dragon: Flygon
Dark: Umbreon
Steel: Scizor
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Shiftry
Bug - Scyther
Poison - Drapion
Fire - Houndoom
Water - Sharpedo
Ice - Weavile
Electric - Emolga
Normal - Ditto
Flying - Mandibuzz
Steel - Bisharp
Dragon - Hydragion
Fighting - Scrafty
Rock - Tyranitar
Ground - Krookodile
Psychic - Metagross
Ghost - Chandelure
Dark - Absol
Legendary- Darkrai

NOTE: Most of these are dark types cause they're mah favorite. :D All the ones that arent a dark type there wernt and option. The only exeption to that is the ghost type, because I hate Sabeleye and Spiritomb.
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Ghost - golurk
Dark - hydreigon
Psychic - reuniclus
Bug - kricketune
Poison - muk
Grass - sceptile/torterra/venusaur
Fire - emboar
Water - feraligatr
Rock - archeops
Steel - aggron/steelix/skarmory
Normal - munchlax/snorlax
Fighting - heracross
Electric - magnezone/electivire
Ice - cryogonal
Ground - marowak
Flying - charizard
Dragon - dragonite

Favorite pokemon - archeops/torterra/sceptile/feraligatr (lol)
Legendary - genesect
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Lilligant
Bug - Joltik
Poison - Swalot
Fire - Vulpix
Water - Milotic
Ice - Walrein(Goo goo g'joob)
Electric - Joltik
Normal - Linoone
Flying - Altaria
Steel - Lucario
Dragon - Altaria
Fighting - Lucario
Rock - Carracosta
Ground - Flygon
Psychic - Gardevoir
Ghost - Golurk
Dark - Umbreon

Legendary - Rayqauza
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

(Goo goo g'joob)

It's koo koo kachoo....

Fire- Camerupt
Water- Quagsire
Grass- Breloom
Normal- Persian
Flying- Drifblim
Bug- Ariados
Poison- Crobat/Garbodor
Psychic- Bronzong/Chimecho
Dark- Scrafty
Ghost- Dusclops
Fighting- Heracross
Dragon- Dragonite
Steel- Magneton
Ground- Golurk
Rock- Kabutops
Electric- Ampharos
Ice- Delibird

Legendary- Kyogre
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Fire - Chandelure
Water - Wartortle
Grass- Whimsicott
Normal - Porygon2
Flying - Togekiss
Bug - Butterfree
Poison - Venonat
Psychic - Uxie
Dark - Zoroark
Ghost - Rotom
Fighting - Gallade
Dragon - Giratina
Steel- Mawile
Ground - Flygon
Rock - Archeops
Electric - Emolga
Ice - Lapras

Legendary - Dialga
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Fire - Growlithe
Water - Squirtle
Grass - Bulbasaur
Normal - Eevee
Flying - Spearow
Bug - Butterfree
Poison - Venonat
Psychic - Abra
Dark - Weavile
Ghost - Haunter
Fighting - Mienshao
Dragon - Dragonite
Steel - Mawile
Ground - Sandshrew
Rock - Geodude
Electric - Ampharos
Ice - Glaceon

Legendary - Mew
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Grovyle
Bug - Joltik
Poison - Ariados
Fire - Ninetales
Water - Mudkip (So I herd u liek dem)
Ice - Glaceon
Electric - Pikachu
Normal - Eevee
Flying - Pidgeotto
Steel - Lucario
Dragon - Dratini
Fighting - Heracross
Rock - Aron
Ground - Sandslash
Psychic -Munna
Ghost - Shedinja
Dark - Umbreon
Legendary- Latios, Latias, Victini, Suicune, Jirachi, Mew, Lugia, Rayquaza

Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Normal: Tauros, Miltank, Bibarel
Fire: Charizard, Magmar, Ninetales
Water: Jellicent, Feraligatr, Vaporeon
Grass: Treeko, Ludicolo, Maractus, Roserade
Electric: Galvantula, Stunfisk
Bug: Scyther, Pinsir, Vespiquen
Poison: Muk, Garbodor, Nidoqueen, Stunky
Flying: Crobat, Staraptor, Mandibuzz, Aerodactyl
Rock: Gigalith, Archen, Rampardos
Ground: Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Rhyperior, Gliscor
Steel: Magnezone, Klink, Empoleon
Dark: Sneasel, Murkrow, Bisharp
Psychic: Espeon, Gardevoir, Musharna
Fighting: Conkledurr, Emboar, Toxicroak
Ice: Snover, Vanilluxe, Cubchoo
Ghost: Gengar, Misdreavus, Golurk
Dragon: Drudiggon, Salamence, Axew, Flygon
Legendary: Entei, Mewtwo, Meloetta, Genosect

This was fun.
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Normal: Zangoose
Fire: Flareon
Water: Feraligatr
Grass: Snivy
Electric: Electivire
Bug: Scyther
Poison: Seviper
Flying: Sigilyph
Rock: Aggron
Ground: Flygon
Steel: Metagross
Dark: Weavile
Psychic: Gardevoir
Fighting: Scrafty
Ice: Lapras
Ghost: Gengar
Dragon: Dragonair
Legendary: Zapdos
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Grass - Shiftry, Cottonee, Cradily
Bug - Venomoth, Yanmega
Poison - Arbok
Fire - Magmar, Heatran, Heatmor
Water - I like all Water-types, but I like Seadra and Cloyster the best.
Ice - Glalie, Cryogonal
Electric - Electrode, Stunfisk
Normal - Dunsparce
Flying - Unfezant
Steel - Mawile, Escavalier
Dragon - Fraxure
Fighting - Tyrogue, Terrakion
Rock - Golem
Ground - Hippowdon, Groudon
Psychic - Hypno, Chimecho
Ghost - Haunter
Dark - Honchkrow, Darkrai
Legendary- Darkrai, Kyogre, Terrakion

I've probably done this a gazillion times.
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

NOTE: The second option is my favorite legendary of that type. I forced myself to chose one of each (if possible), so only the bold ones are my real favorites. (Exclamation point ones are my super-ultra-favorites.)

Normal: Kangaskhan
Fire: Charmeleon/Victini
Water: Slowking/Manaphy
Electric: Ampharos!/Raikou
Grass: Bayleef/Virizion
Ice: Lapras/Articuno
Fighting: Gallade/Keldeo
Poison: Gulpin
Ground: Flygon/Groudon
Flying: Wingull!/Lugia!
Psychic: Wynaut/Mew!
Bug: Scyther
Rock: Shuckle!/Terrakion
Ghost: Sableye/Giritina
Dragon: Dragonite!/Raquaza
Dark: Absol!
Steel: Mawile/Jirachi
Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

Mine keep changing, so I'll give two of each.

Normal: Snubbull, Bibarel
Water: Blastoise, Ludicolo
Grass: Sceptile, Torterra
Fire: Emboar, Magmar
Electric: Elekid, Magneton
Steel: Skarmory, Lucario
Ghost: Drifblim, Gengar
Fighting: Mienfoo, Hitmonchan
Rock: Bonsly, Archeops
Ground: Rhyhorn, Hippowdon
Poison: Toxicroak, Weezing
Bug: Scolipede, Heracross
Dragon: Hydreigon, Druddigon
Flying: Murkrow, Pidgeot
Ice: Mamoswine, Jynx
Psychic: Espeon, Reuniclus
Dark: Sneasel, Houndoom

they are all subject to change at any given time ever.

Also, first time listing all teh types without forgetting at least one!
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