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Find your Pokemon.

My username here: Togepi (ftw?)
My username on two other forums: 1st one(Vocaloid Otaku):WOBBUFFET?!?
2nd one (random naruto forum): Togetic
My first name: Nidorina
First Name: LUGIA WOO
Last Name: Nidoran M
full name: Haunter (WOOO!)
Full Full name: Espeon
Every surname in my family I can think of: Vulpix
Continue with the spoiler if you want to keep Reading my results. I put a spoiler because It's more neat

Ok more randomness:

What I typed in | what it was |comment
Miku Quilava |
Rin Parasect | what? no! Rin's a girl!
Len Vulpix | YAY
Miku Hatsune Hoothoot |
Rin Kagamine Scyther | WOOO way better than parasect!
Len Kagamine Chansey |......first of all, Len's a boy. I liked him as
vulpix better....
Vocaloid Alakazam | WEEEE
aka Hikari-chan XD >< Machamp | WUT

Lol I started asking it questions:
What is the coolest pokemon? Dragonite
What is the worst? Igglybuff
Who will grow to be most popular? Magnemite
Who would Akuno-P be? Gengar
Who would Kagamine Len be? (making sure) Marowak
Who would Kagamine Rin be? Farfetch'd
Who would Len in Aku no Meshitsukai be? Bulbasaur
Who would Rin in Daughter of Evil be? Raichu
Who would Rin in Synchrocity be? Heracross
Who would Len in Synchrocity be? Pineco
Last question:
What would I be? FLAREON!
Instead of finding my own name I'm going to list what various Presidents are

Barack Obama: Muk (lulz)
George W. Bush: Umbreon
George Washington: Politoad (How dare they)
Honest Abe: Fuck I forgot its name... The final evolution of Mareep
Teddy Roosevelt: Alakazam
FDR: Piloswine (lulz)
Bill Clinton: Snorlax (major lulz)

That's all I care to do for the moment
With my real name and surname, I get Entei. :D Only putting in my first name results in Muk. And when I use my username, I get Murkrow.
*puts in magnet* *gets jolteon* fweeee, jolteon's magnetic? O.o
When I put in Zoltea... it gives me mr mime, =.=
When I put in 1st, middle, and last names, I get umbreon, :D

Cryptica: Slowpoke
Crypt: female Nidoran
FirstName: Venomoth <3
FullName: Victreebel...?
LastName: BLISSEY!
Gardevoir: Mareep
Larch: Magby
Larchy: Weezing
Willow Dance: Aerodactyl
5Dances: Aerodactyl
Storm Rose: Corsola

(willow dance: Aerodactyl)
Camelia Dance: Eh, Skiploom?
Clematis Dance: Victreebel....?
Bracken Dance: Murkrow
BRACKEN DANCE gets Magikarp. I am going to kill these people
Kimimaro: Tentacruel. See above.


RP characters
Garjou: Kangaskhan
Snakefang: Totodile
Aku'un: Moltres
Aku-un: Poliwag
Nova: Meganium
Sun-Death: Muk
Sun: Poliwag

Stormwind: Sneasel
Larchheart: Rattata
Brackenheart: Remoraid
Raven: Squirtle


Some TCoD RP characters
Blade: Corsola
Luna: Mewtwo
Ira: Nidoking
Flameheart: Kakuna
Mal: male Nidoran (she's female O.o)
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If I put my first and last, I get...

HITMONLEE? I'm a girl!

If I enter my nickname, I get...


Odd, neither are in the Ground group...


Darksong gets Tentacruel,
Just my first name gets Doduo (Ground group FTW!)
Just my last name gets Blissey,
And my MIDDLE name gets Spearow.
Not to mention my username on another site, which gets Natu or Hypno.

EDIT2: Random RP characters.
Pokemon RPs:
Rosie (RSP): Weedle?
Warriors RPs:
Rainpaw: Piloswine?
Lightningkit: Charizard (hehe, he's going to have POWERS)
Dawnkit: Piloswine again?
Duskkit: Stantler
Spottedkit: Kadabra. (Reminds me of Spottedstar from a silly Warriors fanfic...)
Roseclaw: Slowbro
Lawkyn: MAGIKARP???!
Doku: Bayleef
Kiba (not Inuzuka): Electabuzz
The latter two inspire me for powers....
Because I can, Naruto characters: And then with just First names:
Kiba (Inuzuka): Dratini? Kiba: Electabuzz
Shino: RAIKOU! :O And then Butterfree, ironically
Hinata (:D): With one U in Hyuuga, it gets Flareon; with two, Ivysaur. First: Drowzee!?
Naruto: Bayleef again? And Ditto O-o
Sakura: KAKUNA? Why? And Tangela?
Sasuke: Raikou again, and Seaking.
Shikamaru: Hypno again. And Ampharos
Chouji: With the U, Hoppip. With not, Weepinbell. O_o Just Choji gets Raikou (AWESOME), and with the U gets Koffing :P
Ino: Why Magmar? And Gloom...
Rock Lee: Steelix (with the Rock, you would expect it to be Onix) And just Lee: Sandslash
TenTen: Muk
Neji: Paras with two Us in Hyuuga, Flaaffy with one. WHY!? And Kabuto.... his Pokemon are weird.
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... if I substitute a nickname for my first name, I get Gengar. That's cool.

Spaekle brings up Steelix, and Spaekle Oddberry gets Abra. Hmm.

I'm a fucking Charmander?

Well, at least I evolve into something badass
Full name: Crobat
First name: Smoochum o.oa
Middle name: Charizard
Last name: Marill
Alraunne: Weepinbell... That's amusing 'cause alraunes are plants, sort of...
'Kay, I just asked it, "What's the sexiest Pokemon ever?" and I got... Haunter. Oookay then.
fnph - Xatu
First name and surname - Tauros
First name - Houndoom
Abbreviated first name - Quilava
Full name (First, middle and last) - Primeape
Machoke - Quasire (wtf?!)
machoke - Skarmory (seriously, what?)
First name: Lanturn. Which I like, so that's good.
First & last name: Mankey. Meh.
Full name: Macargo. O_O
Username: Espeon. Yay. :P
Commonly used nickname rather than first name: Elekid. Meh.

Commonly used RP names, go!
Basaina: Politoed. XDDD
Tala: Flareon.
Karae: Stantler.
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