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Forum Pairings

Uh-huh, although I don't really think you guys are hardcore in love or anything, ahaha. Just like... a random forum gamers shipping.
Zorielle is now going to stab me with a giant purple fox sword. I am frightened.

That would make an epic Arylettdrawing.

ALSO, uh. Blastoise x Mike.

..? He hasn't even ever drunk root beer. >:b

You're canon.

CAW *deflects laser with a heartfelt poem about The Raven's love for Maliceface. Written on a mirror.*

And yes, Mike x tea is canon. :D
So is Crazy Linoone x Jello.


"Caw Caw cawcaw caw caw caw cawaw caw?
Caw caw cacacaw caw caw cacaw"
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