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Fuck Palin

Don't mean to double post but this is too good not to

That's the closest I've ever gotten to reading McCain fanfic ):

is that the one where O'Reilly was like "but science can't answer EVERYTHING therefore it is useless!"?
Might be, I don't remember everything. I do remember O'Reilly being all 'HA BUT THERE WERE MANY EVIL ATHEISTS HITLER STALIN (NAME I CAN'T REMEMBER) What've you got to say about that.'
'Well, yes, of course those people were awful but we have to think: did they do this because they were atheists? Ah, and Hitler was a devout Catholic-'
'No he wasn't, he was forced into it but abandoned it soon in his life.'
'(smile) Yes yes, we can disprove tha-'
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His interview with Micheal Moore was brilliant, too; he only agreed to go on if they didn't edit it at all, so just before the ad break O'Rilley was all sarcastic about it for no good reason. That man makes me laugh, he does.
I love how instead of Professor or at least Writer or something Richard Dawkins gets a huge
above his name.

Richard Dawkins

Bill O'Reilly
well, to be fair, being a professor is not the reason he was on the show, being an atheist is.

also Richard Dawkins was waaaaaay too nice, all letting Bill O'Reilly make weak jokes and cut him off like that and not even listen to what he was saying. >(
dawkins is smart enough to know that being a douchebag back to o'reilly will make people write him off as a dick not worth listening to

the man is incredibly rational and I don't know how he does it
Dawkins is incredible in that he can remain calm when facing obnoxious dicks but he can also throw soul-crushing one-liners and knows his stuff so well any argument people give he can contest, calmly.
I think one of the only times he really started getting upset in public was when he was on a show and this meek fundamentalist was asked why God had allowed the Holocaust to happen. The man replied that God was testing their faith and that it was all so they could live in Heaven once they accepted Jesus or something and he was being so goddamn offensive one of the other guests told the fundie he hoped he'd rot in hell.

oh and I think he really deserved more than 'Richard Dawkins - ATHEIST' because he wasn't there just to tell people about what it's like being atheist, but to debate and talk about his book (which O'Reilly obviously didn't read). So Professor or at least Author would have been in order.

Also Palin-wise: I can't believe she named her children Track, Trig, Bristol and Piper. Willow is also kind of weird but Piper? Piper
And calling the Down's kid Trig was horrible too because he's gonna have a hard enough life without having some bullshit name.
I'm used to Piper because I have an unnatural obsession with Piper Perabo. But Track?

And Bristol will forever be The City in the County Formerly Known as Avon to me.
honestly, Track? wtf? she was probably drugged up on painkillers after giving birth, and then they asked her to sign the birth certificate, and she couldn't remember what she was going to call him, so she wrote the first word that came to mind. and that word was "track".
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