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How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

"Pokémon" is plural and singular. I usually treat Pokémon whose English names pretty much match their Japanese names the same way (one Pikachu, multiple Pikachu); otherwise, I pluralize them the way I'd pluralize the last word that makes up the name (one Bulbasaur/multiple Bulbasaurs, one dinosaur/multiple dinosaurs; one Mareep/multiple Mareep, one sheep/multiple sheep; one Ninetales/multiple Ninetales, multiple tales). By default I stick an 's' on the end (one Kadabra, multiple Kadabras).
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I add s to everything
So pokemons, Gastrodons, Spheals etc

hell I even do it with stuff like sheeps and deers
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

No -s, no. If ever I do, please remind me that I just messed up. As for Mudkip, it ends with -z ^^
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Sometimes with an s, sometimes without.

It changes with the situation. However, I tend to stick with the way that I referred to plural Pokemon first.

By the way, can anyone tell me if capitalizing "Pokemon", when talking about either the creatures or the franchise itself, is how it's supposed to be said? I know it seems stupid to say "pokemon", but the question is driving me nuts.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

By the way, can anyone tell me if capitalizing "Pokemon", when talking about either the creatures or the franchise itself, is how it's supposed to be said? I know it seems stupid to say "pokemon", but the question is driving me nuts.

Yes, it's meant to be capitalised, and accented. Pokémon.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

There isn't a code. Just do Ctrl+Alt+e. Also words for a, i, o and u
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

Eh. Maybe it's Firefox-only. The Alt code, if it definitely doesn't work, is 0233.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I was using 130, actually, not that 0233 doesn't work. I have Firefox, so I think my computer is just stupid. Too bad for me. >_>

On topic: I recently thought about it, and not adding an 's' always works, while adding it only sometimes works.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I try not to use it, but sometimes I do it accidentaly. My primary language uses -s on most plural words, so sometimes can't help it.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

When referring to "Pokémon" or to an individual species, no plural s.
Unless they're "cash cows", THEN it takes a plural s.
Re: How do you Prefer to Refer to Multiple Pokémon?

I don't use an s. I never have. It sounds strange to me.
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