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How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

How many Shinies do you have?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 204 87.6%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 13 5.6%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • 31 or over

    Votes: 13 5.6%

  • Total voters
I used to have a shiny Cacnea on Ruby, but I stupidly restarted without realizing.

On SS, I have three. Red Gyarados, a shiny Espeon, and a Shiny Eevee.
I don't have the patience to hunt for shinies... I have one, and that's Rage, the female red gyarados. I guess I'm kind of an idiot for making her an HM slave. 0_o
1.My first one shiny golbat it was a random encounter in sapph when i was like 8. I freaked out.I trained it to a level 100 shiny crobat...It was awesome then I mindlessly restarted.
2.Shiny fearow this was on fire red shortly after shiny golbat(6 months) Same thing happened with it with golbat
3.Febuary 2010 I did a sapphire playthrough and got a shiny linoone!I am so lucky.I still have it.
4.Shiny pichu(event)
5.Shiny suicune(event)
6.Shiny Raikou(event)
7.Shiny Entei(event)
8.Shiny croagunk from chaining
9. And of course shiny gyarados on silver,crystal, AND soul silver
10.And then a shiny magby from an egg in crystal
I have had a total of four, but presently only have one (excluding red Gyarados, it doesn't count):
1. Shiny Zigzagoon in Sapphire. I didn't know how rare shinies were back then so I released it because I'd already trained a Linoone and didn't see why I should want a second one just because it looks cool.
2. Shiny Bidoof in Diamond. Found it in the wild, chucked Ultra Balls until I got it. Stupidly restarted.
3. Shiny Tentacool in Diamond. Same exact story.
4. Shiny Spiritomb in Diamond. Put up a Mewtwo asking for a Spiritomb, got a japanese shiny one which I loveee. I don't know how much this one counts. It WAS lucky that I got it since it was the first thing I ever got off the GTS as far as I can remember, but I myself didn't catch it. I have trained it though, it was level like 50 when I got it and he's in the 80's now.

So I've had 3, all incredibly common Pokemon, that I don't have anymore. Then 1 rare-ass Pokemon with a ballin' shiny, which I didn't catch and might not count.
I actually found a Shiny Ralts while doing Nuzlocke in Pokemon Ruby the other day.

Wally caught it. fffffffffffffffffffffffff

To replace it, I chained one (first time I had chained something) in Diamond. He's rather cute. With that success, I'm going to start chaining more shinies. First on my list? Shiny Eevee :3
Just the same one everyone else caught at the Lake of Rage.

I saw a real shiny Pokemon once (and only once), but it was before I got any Pokeballs.


...Someday I'll go figure out how to chain properly.
I have the Rage Gyarados, nicknamed Rage.
...Otherwise I have never seen nor obtained a single shiny.
I don't have the patience to hunt for shinies... I have one, and that's Rage, the female red gyarados. I guess I'm kind of an idiot for making her an HM slave. 0_o

You're not alone. I did that on both my games.


1. Shiny gyarados
2. Shiny Raichu (event but awesome moveset: Volt Tackle, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast and Iron Tail.)
3. I once saw (and captured) a shiny Bibarel. I traded it over to a friend for an event Darkrai, so I think I got a pretty good deal. I can always trade back for something else, though (he put almost all of his pokemon in My Pokemon Ranch)

EDIT: Question for all of those who have shiny ditto: when a shiny ditto transforms, does it remain shiny, or transform into the regular sprite of the opposing pokemon?
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I have two now.

N-ranblue, a nidoran male that I saw while I was training my kangaskhan. I freaked out and tried to inflict as little damage as possible. I caught it with a great ball. I promptly ran to get some ultra balls incase that happened again.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, a weedle. It happened again. I confused it (bold, I was really scared it would kill itself) and then caught it with an ultra ball. I have little want for it, but now that I know the beedrill is green now I sorta do. But my friend wants it more, so I'll probably end up trading it to him.

I also saw a shiny geodude once in pearl. It exploded :(

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EDIT: Question for all of those who have shiny ditto: when a shiny ditto transforms, does it remain shiny, or transform into the regular sprite of the opposing pokemon?

I don't own a shiny Ditto, but I know someone who has, and though it was a while ago, I'm about 95% sure it transforms into the shiny version of whatever it's transforming into.
Sorry for the double post here, but... I've added a new one today.

So I decided to replay SoulSilver after finally managing to transfer everything I wanted from my first file over to HeartGold. Today I was going through the Ice Path, and I had used a Super Repel while I solved the boulder puzzle. It wore off before I finished, and I took one step. The pokemon that appeared was a shiny Swinub. <3 That raises my shiny count to 13.
I am very happy right now. Ask me why I'm happy. *Dr. Phil asks why I'm happy* Because I just captured three shiny Feebas and a shiny Larvitar! Oh yeah! I am feeling the love. That brings my shiny count to 7, excluding Rage Gyarados and the event Pichu.
Also, I was playing LeafGreen again when I discovered one of the girls at Trainer Tower had a green Espeon. I searched on Serebii to find that that particular Espeon is always shiny, but the shock value was enough to make me want to scream at the ungrateful little nugget for not respecting her green Espeon. It turns out that Trainer Tower also has a shiny Seaking. Woot.
Aargh Mr. Dude, a shiny Feebas?? Lucky! :) Which game was it in?

My shiny count is still zero. Haha I need to play more. (I spend more time on fanfiction than the games, because in fanfiction you can theoretically make shinies appear any time you want! You know, within reasonable limit.)
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