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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

How much do you weigh ~now~?

About 85-90 kg at about 175 cm. (Like 190 lbs and 5' 8"?) I carry it more like a girl, judging by the chubby girls and guys I've seen.
Whoa, tall at fourteen! XP That's pretty awesome. Puberty's a great thing, isn't it?
Um... 'Bout 84kg, 6'3"...

Mixing metric and imperial...

Yeah, I went there.

Dunno whether that makes me over or underweight, but, uh, I have chicken-arms. Or... Wait, no, they're just really thin.
I'm about 5'4" tall and somehow manage to keep a constant weight of exactly 95 pounds.

Although at one point it temporarily dropped to 94.
Wow, Crypt, you're tiny! My cousin is 5'3" and 120lbs, and she's pretty small herself. But then, she's also 18...
I think I'm the heaviest woman in here so far woo

I've stopped giving a crap about my weight now anyway it's not like I'm gonna drop dead from being fat anytime soon lol
115 lbs and 5'6''. Down five pounds, unfortunately. ... my nine-year-old cousin weighs more than me.
So many tiny people at TCoD! Like surskitty o.O

Yeah, Jolty, I agree, I'm not too concerned with being fat either. XD In fact, I love it~
Dunno my exact height, but just by guessing I'd say about 5'10", maybe 5'11".

I weigh around 125 pounds, so I'm sorta toothpick-ish.
Well, I'm 85 pounds and well over 5 feet, although I don't know exactly how tall I am since, again, my last doctor's visit was a long time ago.

I think that there's a magical taffy-stretching machine that comes and molests me every night ;~;
About 145 and a half pounds. It's my average; on low days, it's 142, but on high days it's 147. I don't care to be honest. It's mostly muscle, I mean I'm 5'2 and I weigh more than my 5'10 friends fff. It's cause I'm awesome
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