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How was your school day?

Social Studies.

And I really REALLY wanted yours. xD

But. Adding Math nao...

Math To be honest, I think we did more LOLing than math. Enough said.

Had Chinese for an hour (it was so-so), went to see my psychologist, came back and had Swedish for an hour (we talked about Classical Antiquity which was basically just everyone naming various Greek gods).

Uh...Zeus! Helios! Poseidon! Athena! Artemis! Apollo! Ha- *brick'd*
okay I swear I will stop after this but

Pythagoras' Theorem at fifteen?
When people say that they have been "studying" the periodic table, they could mean any number of things. The same is true of Pythagoras' Theorem. You don't know whether they are studying a basic or recondite part of the subject.

Don't presuppose that they're learning something childish.
Today was pretty crap, but it was better than I thought it'd be:
RS - first lesson of the year; overview of the topics covered over the next three years (yes, this really took an hour :|)
Latin - awesome as always, albeit somewhat easy (boo pluperfect, velle)
I.T. - I normally love the subject, but Christ the topic makes me feel dead inside after an hour of it (I.T. in supermarkets, hurrah!)
Citizenship - diversity of Britain; sort of boring as usual.
P.E. - I actually enjoyed it today, which was surprising. That said, I quite like P.E. when we're not playing a game (in my experience, the games--football, basketball and hockey at the moment--are so incredibly tedious whereas everything we've done that isn't a game isn't).

I also had to explain that the L.H.C. will not kill everyone tomorrow (hell, they're not even colliding anything iirc) in Latin and I.T. :(
Late today because the bus was late. (then two came at once <_<)

Chemistry - I know what protons, electrons and neutrons are, can't we do more complicated stuff?
Welsh - More short stories, this time one about a five year old's cat dying and another about a dog dying in an old people's home.
Lesson 3+4 - Cross-country run, about 3 miles. I came 41st out of the boys in my year. Could've done better; I came 13th last year.
English - Comprehension
Physics - the teacher wouldn't remedy the idiocy of those thinking that we would all die so I did it for him :\
P.E. - hockey was better than I thought it'd be but not exactly enjoyable
English - pretty irritating; lumped in a group with the kid who thinks shouting louder and banging the table makes his point more valid (also the king of non sequiturs; apparently I should shave because I held his hand on the table to stop him from banging it ?_?)
Chemistry - ugh atomic structure :( can we do stuff we don't already know now?
History - immigrants to the U.S.A. in the early Twentieth Century and Ellis Island. Kind of slow moving but not too bad.
Meh, today wasn't that bad, except it seemed to drag on forever...

Period 1:Games (P.E) I had badminton, it wasn't that bad even if I don't like Games much...
Period 2:Technology, this was quite good as I have a lot of friends in this group and we can sit where we like, the teacher had a cold which made him talk really quietly so I couldn't here him at the back.
Period 3:I had history, I have the best teacher in the school for history, instead of giving out sheets and stuff, he throws it in the room and tells us to go get one! He also is very funny.
Period 4:I had Chemistry, this was quite a good lesson, the teacher gave us licorice even though we aren't meant to eat in a Science Lab.
Period 5:I had English, it was quite a good lesson, we started with riddles and such then we started to rip apart a poem (metaphoricly).
Period 6:I had geography, the teacher for this lesson shows no emotion in his voice which makes the lesson extremely boring and also his voice makes you want to go to sleep.

All in all, today was quite a boring and long day...
Physics - the teacher wouldn't remedy the idiocy of those thinking that we would all die so I did it for him :\

In Chemistry for me, everyone was talking about it. Then the teacher came in and they were all quiet because we're terrified of him.

He told us to watch the news about the LHC tonight because it's interesting.
Nothing special about that, but I read 'the news' about it in the metro this morning. The headline was 'IF YOU ARE READING THIS THE WORLD DID NOT END'.

Chemistry - ugh atomic structure :( can we do stuff we don't already know now?
I know!
Period 1:Games (P.E) I had badminton, it wasn't that bad even if I don't like

why are you calling P.E. games
Don't you do anything that isn't some form of game? If so, ugh. I feel so sorry for you, especially when I love what we do in P.E. that isn't games. :|
Okay then. Only two intresting subjects today...

Math Like yesterday; our math teacher accused a boy in my class of having a crush on another girl in my class. Not for more than a few minutes though...best few minutes this year, might I add.

Art Painting. UGH. But we were allowed to paint anything we wanted, so I randomly decided to do a Magneton. :D
today was terrible (school from 8:00 till 17:30) but tomorrow it is from 12:30 to 15:50.

and then on friday from 7:10 to 9:35.

don't you love teacher conferences?
Today was not a wonderful day.

AP Wolrd History: This was probably the best part of my day. We took a quiz that i probably didn't do so well on. Then we took some notes and went over teh first kind of essay we have to write. And for homework we have to write an essay.
GATS English: Boring, but not very boring. It was almost a little like last year when we would get into a offtopic discussion.
Personal Finance: We had a test today. It was boring. After the test, I read a lot.
Algebra II: Fairly simple. A bit boring.
After school A-Team practice: Boring. The good news is we got out a bit early. And the guy I like wasn't there.

So probably the reason it was bad is because I was bored so much. Now I have a song to memorize and a small mountain of homework to plow through.
Today my day was ok. Most of the classes were boring, I practically suffocated in gym, the usual....except I'm getting over my cold, and my voice is...weird.
It's like all screachy when I try to talk and it's so annoying. -.-
After school A-Team practice

A-Team? :0

Today I discovered that I really don't want to piss off my APUSH teacher. Not only does she scream and give a downright murderous evil eye when she's pissed, but she can run really fast in high heels. D:>
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Days left:183
Math/science(MST): Planet earth documentary, oceans secion... WHEEE
Language arts/social studies(LASS): CROSSWORD and writing our mini autobiographies... boring.
French(FR): we played random french games... good.
Lunch: eat, listen to everyone talk, simple 'nuff.
Recess:... the cliques are breaking into minis, and people who I think are stupid are Cliquing with people who I think are generally smart... AHHHH!!! So I hung out with christina(peppy friend) and co. so, yah, most of her buddies are insane, but it's a fun insane. They think I'm a total super genius cause I skipped a grade and I'm in a gifted program at my school. We had a debate about whether some berries one of them found was poisonous, the girl ate around 3 anyways... yahhhhhhhhhhhh, recess done for today.

And no, I will NOT post days 1-6. but day 8 will be up tommorow!:grin:
So yah, that was my day.

MST: more documentery, YAY.
LASS: first geography class, bo-ring.

Yah, that's it
World history: We did a Personality quiz to see what Absloute Monarch we were most like. I got Elizabeth I.
In between: As I was getting to this class my name was called on the intercom. I had to get though 2nd block traffic to make it to the office. Turns out my mom paid for a yearbook last year and never told me. I had to lug that heavy thing around all day long.
Japanese 1: We started on the next batch of flash cards and practiced the "Doozo-doomo" thing with our partner's pencils.
Lunch: nearly burnt my fingers from the pot pie I put in the microwave. Talked to one of my friends about the project we have in Health and stuff. At the end I found out that I had forgotten to drink my Apple juice so I saved it for later.
Health 2: Learned about refusal skills. AGAIN. We got to continue planning our project (do a made up health product commercial as a skit or video). Me and my partner eventually came up with a toothbrush commercial where you have to "pay 10 easy payments of $49.95 a month (plus your firstborn child)". We still need to finish the script and make the props.
Drawing 1: today we had to draw random stuff from our pocket (in my case, my house keys) WITHOUT LIFTING THE PENCIL! Then the teacher rambled on about how she found cow bones on the side of the road and took them home to draw (she found them back when there was still random bones bleaching in the middle of the desert on the side of a road). Then we had to pick 3 wooden blocks, arrange them in a cool way, and then draw them. After that, she added in another wooden block and a wad of crushed paper to the mix. For homework I have to draw my face (the person that suggested that was only joking but the teacher said that we would have to draw our own faces eventually).

Today was pretty nice, except for the 486 lb yearbook I had to drag from class to class! And no, I don't use a locker.
Welsh - MORE short stories.
I.T. - Boooooring, we hardly ever get to go on the computers that much anymore.
French - Coursework
Physics - Electricity
Chemistry - Conservation of Mass, if that's what it's called in English.
I went into school today with my best friend to say bye to some of our teachers/friends who're still there before we go to uni. It was really great :3
Lunch Evil evil evil. I hate fifth period with all of the atred in my being not reserved for math. It was tabe sign-ups today. Where we sign up today affects where we eat lunch for the rest of the career, and probably for our whole three years at my school.

To put it simply, I'm going to be spending the next three years of my life eating lunch with people constantly staring at me wondering what disability I have.

Even worse, there was an empty table a few spots over, but could I sit there? No. I needed to go sit at the disabled table with strangers hovering over me breathing down my neck. (All of the disabled kids have helpers who follow them around all day helping them do things. Slight put-off when you're trying to enjoy a chocolate-marshmallow breakfast cookie.) And, as if it couldn't be worse, the most evil little demon-turned-human-child ever is sitting right at the table next to me snickering his head off. x.x

I meant no disrespect to anyone who may need to sit at that table, but it's still a bit annoying.
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Geography - Glaciers again.
English - Romeo and Juliet
Maths - Statistics :(
Chemistry - Can't we go one day without drama?
okay I swear I will stop after this but

Pythagoras' Theorem at fifteen?

why are Americans so... behind?
I learnt pythagoras at 11 I think


today was cool
my friends finally decided to wait for me before disappearing off somewhere >:(

History - holy shit lotta notes.
Free - did h/w lol.
English lit - read this weird monologue
History (different topic) - THANK JESUS I didn't have to read my h/w out lol... I didn't do it very well
Lunch - met up with my friend who didn't get into 6th form. HIS ART COURSE AT COLLEGE IS RAD. Also went to KFC yay
Graphics - damn my teacher is hot. and holy shit we actually STARTED the work today lol
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