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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

How would you like to die?


Something violent and awesome, like ripping a mob to shreds with a sword, finally being gunned down after disabling multiple riot tanks with my bare hands.


Fulfilling some death sentence by jumping off a building with a wire noose, and my hands glued to the sides of my head, so when my body hits the ground it looks like I ripped my own head off.
Y'know, I actually came up with my idea for the most awesome funeral ever.
So the people I know are informed of my death and invited to my funeral. Which is in Africa. Each person is individually dropped off a few miles away from the true site of my funeral with nothing but their clothing and a sword. They each must battle their way through the jungle, facing booby traps, angry natives and all hazards imaginable along the way. After miles of rugged terrain they come to the base of a plateau (or a mesa, if you will) and have no choice but to climb. Tattered and exhausted, they finally reach the top to find nothing more than a single black coffin. Out of the coffin I rise, still alive and ready to kick some ass. We engage in battle, the strengths of all of those whom survived the journey pooling to result in my death. Salvation comes in the form of a helicopter, arriving at sunset to take them away from the greatest funeral ever.

EDIT: Realistically, anything peaceful would be fine. Getting mauled by a bear would be interesting too. (sure, I say that now, but when it actually happens...)
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Uhhhh.... Right.

I would like to die from a gun shot to the head/heart, because guns are awesome. Or I can get hit on the head by a very small meteorite. Or from getting hit by a bicycle. Or something totally retarded that'll make people go "WTF" or something with the effects of that.

Dying in my sleep is just too boring. I wanna see the whole "life flashing before my eyes" thing just for the sake of it.

Or peacefully.


>_>; I don't typically think about how I'd like to die.

Although I do know that it'd rock to be cremated and turned into a diamond. :B
My sister asked me this once.

I told her I wanted to fall off a cliff.

Still do. :D
In my sleep peacefully at an old age.

The last thing probably won't happen because my family has a stupidly short life expectancy (and if you take into account my track record of doing stupid things to myself, it's even worse), but something nice and painless would be good.

Same Here, And I will have Coldplay, um, play at my funeral. Hope they play Viva La Vida.
I don't care how I die because by the time I died I wouldn't care how much pain I went through then I would be worrying if I would go to heaven or not.
This is a tough question... It has to be quick and painless, but at the same time, exciting and well worth it... Obviously this would happen when I'm like, 200 or something. Um... I don't really know how. I guess I'll just figure that out later.
I changed my mind. I'd rather have a gunshot wound in my head, multiple stabbings in my chest, and be poisoned. That way, no one will know what exactly killed me.

And I want a list near my bed of 5-10 possibles suspects, when in all actuality, I killed myself with help from my butler.
In the arms of my love with a sword through my heart, while I take the form of a small dragon. That'll never happen, though. =D Yay for unrealistic deaths! Oh, and with the life flashing before my eyes thing. That rules.
I'd like to have my life flash before my eyes too, and die happily and peacefully knowing I've lived a good, long life.

I hope.
Okay, editing it. In the arms of my true love with a sword through my heart in the middle of a huge war between... I dunno. but of course, with that last kiss. And with poison in me so it won't have been entirely the blade's fault.

Swords are popular.
There are about five basic ways i'd like to die/be killed.

1. Laughing, i don't care why i'm laughing.

2. Drowning; prefrebly after the ship i'm on (hopefully pirates) runs into a huge storm and is set on fire by lightning; while watching the treasure sink to the bottom of the sea in a glorious rain of gold, silver, and precious gems.

3. choking on gum, because i was laughing.

4. Stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere from a plane crash, with four other people who have no clue what they're doing.

5. With him. It doesn't matter how i die if i'm with him.

I wouldn't want my life to flash befor my eyes. All of the horrible things i've done and seen, each painful broken memory of dead family, each regret. I don't want to see that before i die.
Not sure how exactly I want to die right now. I can't stand the thought of being buried alive accidentally, though, so after I die (unless it's obvious I'm dead since I like blew up or was shot in the face or something) I want someone to keep my body in a closet or something where it won't make their house smell and I want to be punched and slapped a few times a day. After about a week of that, I want my head to be chopped off, then five minutes later I want to be cremated since you can live for a few seconds when your head is chopped off and I don't want that. Then I want my ashes mixed in with chocolate milk mix >=D
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