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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I fought the school because it was the most logical thing to do at the moment.

Remember these? First take the month you were born, followed by the day you were born, and then your current shirt color! Put them together and get a weird sentence!

Month you were born:

January: I kicked
February: I sat on
March: I killed
April: I hugged
May: I ate
June: I danced with
July: I fought
August: I kissed
September: I sniffed
October: I threw
November: I wore
December: I tortured

Day you were born:

1: a pie
2: a Lopunny
3: an Ice Beam
4: Sonic
5: Ash
6: a lolcat
7: a Shroomish
8: Link
9: a hat
10: a dog
11: a comic book
12: Mario
13: a Togepi
14: a bottle
15: a bee
16: a sheet of paper
17: a flashlight
18: the school
19: a unicorn
19: a Snubbull
20: a smiley
21: the O RLY owl
22: a Qwilfish
23: a book
24: a T-shirt
25: a computer
26: an ice cream
27: a slushie
28: a carrot
29: a Pokeball
30: a DS
31: a Gamecube

Shirt color:

Blue: because I was controlled by an evil monster.
Red: because bunny-patterned monkeys are dancing on my head.
Pink: because I was bored.
Yellow: because I'm stupid.
Orange: because I wanted money.
Green: because I rock.
Gray: because I suck.
White: because it was just a dream.
Purple: because it was the most logical thing to do at the moment.
Black: because I was drunk.
No shirt: because my boss told me so.

My sentence it in the thread title.
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I threw a T-shirt because I was controlled by an evil monster.

Somehow, that doesn't strike me as very evil.
I danced with a slushie because I was controlled by an evil monster.
I fought a unicorn because it was the most logical thing to do at the moment.

*is totally freaked out that someone was born the day before me*
I sniffed a dog because I was controlled by an evil monster.

I believe the appropriate phrase would be 'lol whut.'
I threw a bottle because I was controlled by an evil monster.

I also feel sorry for someone who was born on August 5, and is wearing a purple, orange, yellow, or pink. *owned*
I kissed an ice cream because I was controlled by an evil monster.

Note to self: go back in time, be born on August 5, and wear a purple shirt.
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