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Idea Center

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I've made up a world (with a fancy map). I've populated it. Now I need to draw up boundaries (easy) and think of a storyline (difficult).

Expect an OOC thread this weekend.

Except that I need a name.
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Has there ever been a Dragon Cave RP?
..you know I'm obsessed with something when I want to join an RP about it. xD
Yeah, we definitely need another dragon RPG ;)

Maybe I should go back to one of my older ideas I posted here but never got around to hosting... But I'm lazy... does anyone want to help me with either of them?
Ooh I'd help
if I knew what you needed help with. You need help with running the RPs? *raises hand*

I'll help with either. Make them nao =D
I had come up with most of the drake gangs back story, but I kind of lost interest in it for the most part. Let me just finish it and post it here, but I would like 2 people to be co-moderators for it. Message me if you're interested. (

A legend states that in the past, the two great dragon matriarchs, Allystari of Fire and Vesernia of Ice fought in an eternal conflict. Their size and elemental powers were so great, they eruped volcanoes, moved glaciers, and left a wake of destruction that resonated throughout the lands, threatening to extinguish civilization in its entirety. A great human sorcerer, Vorgesson, cast a spell to trap the two dragons in a golden artifact, the Talisman of Light.

The children of each matriach were devestated from the losses of their queens. They shapeshifted into a human form, hiding out amongst them, longing for the day they could finally reawaken their queen and create the utopian world they desired. Their numbers dwindled, and they were forced eventually to breed with the humans for the survival of their clans. The only problem was, with each generation of successive halfbreeds, the dragon blood inside them became weaker and their dragon forms became smaller

It is now the year 2030. The dragon clans have been diluted so much that only a small fraction of their original power remains. Two small groups of individuals, one based on each element, are racing against time and each other to find the Talisman of Light and discover a way to reawaken their fallen queens... to finally retake their rightful place as the dominant species of the world. They each have traced the Talisman to one place -- Morvellan City. However, the Morvellan City Police, led by a descendant of the Great Sorceror himself and with the weapons and resources of the city, stand to prevent either group from succeeding, and aim to keep the peace and protect humanity from a new age of dragons.
I think it was a shame that the old Naruto RP died because I didn't make my character. If anyone else thinks so, I'm up for a new one. I don't have a plot, but if you guys really want me to make one, I could.

@Kali: I'd be really interested in that one, even if it's rather confusing. But don't mind that; although I type a lot in my RP posts, I tend to read the others lazily and skip along them, so that's just me.
I'm kicking around the idea of starting a mass-crossover RP (I'm an absolute sucker for crossovers), kind of like Kingdom Hearts with the world-visiting and SSBB's Subspace with the many characters, but with an entirely different plot from either. One could choose from either an established character or a fan character that applies to a certain universe, and people could suggest worlds to visit. Problem is, I don't have a plot yet.... ._.
I'm kicking around the idea of starting a mass-crossover RP (I'm an absolute sucker for crossovers), kind of like Kingdom Hearts with the world-visiting and SSBB's Subspace with the many characters, but with an entirely different plot from either. One could choose from either an established character or a fan character that applies to a certain universe, and people could suggest worlds to visit. Problem is, I don't have a plot yet.... ._.

Reminds me of a Warcraft III map that was a RPG featuring many different video game heroes and just as many worlds.

I used to do RPs based off of said map at other forums, though I had next to no plot on mine beyond a strange collision of worlds. What usually happened was one group played the good guys and another group played the bad guys.

You have my support.

Oh my God. Just had a stroke of inspiration. I already have the start of the plot and the Big Bad figured out, but I can't reveal who it is or anything about him/her. Also, since the Big Bad is just a single person and not the leader of an organization of any sort, I'm having trouble with what to do with people who want to play villains...And there's also what to do with worlds I'm unfamiliar with...hmm.
I want to see that ultimate crossover. Maybe, the villians are the good guys along with the regular protagonists. And you can always read up on things you haven't seen/heard of.
Villains could form an independent side, fighting against Big Bad, but also not keen on letting the heroes get anything out of it.

And where would it take place? I know there'll be whatever we suggest, but will there be a hub world or place?
I think it was a shame that the old Naruto RP died because I didn't make my character. If anyone else thinks so, I'm up for a new one. I don't have a plot, but if you guys really want me to make one, I could.

I have an idea for a plot, if you're fine with that. Here:

Set in an alternate universe where the Kyuubi attack did not happen, Konoha has decided to start up a "Ninja Exchange Program" in order to promote unity between Hidden Villages. Sceptical, the other villages agreed to this suggestion, allowing for Genin to spend a limited amount of time in a village outside their own. Everything was said to be good, but they were wrong.

The Village Hidden the in Mist sent in spies to each village to gather this information. Once word spread out, the various villages went to war against the Mist Village. After a few battles, the village fell and the program was restarted. Now the programs been sealed off from letting Mist Village ninja participate and things seem to be going well.

However trouble is stirring in the shadows. The Akatsuki are getting stronger and have started to move, allying with smaller villages. Now exchanges must learn to adapt to their surroundings in order to help their temperary homes and stop the villages from falling into chaos.

Would something like that work?
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Hmm, good idea, Link. That makes a nice compromise, because I wasn't really comfortable with the good and bad guys getting all buddy-buddy to stop a greater evil.

And yeah, I'm sure I could whip up a hub area with a little thought.

Okay, this is what I have so far:

The many dimensions of the universe are decaying. Reality for these many worlds is slowly but surely coming apart at the seams. Those with the power to do so have evacuated to an area known as the Endless Plains, a wide grassland located in a parallel universe dotted with refugee camps. Naturally, those that were heroes in their respective worlds have banded together to root out the cause of this destruction and put a stop to it. Oddly enough, those that were villains in their worlds did the same, though of course, the two groups separated almost immediately. If they were to meet, there would definitely be conflict...

The Endless Plains are very large, but not truly endless. Forming a ring around them are large crystal formations, through which the individual world it leads to can be seen. A series of devices located in various points in the plains can teleport anyone to their desired crystal portal, removing the need for tedious travel across the Plains.

The source of the corruption is coming from one of these worlds. The question is, which one? Who-or what-ever's causing the destruction has left a trail, and by tracing its steps, can be tracked down. But it won't be easy. The closer you get to the trail, the stranger things will become...

As the adventure continues, many different worlds will be visited, and as such, certain characters will have advantages in certain areas. For example, If the area requires a lot of jumping over obstacles, obviously someone like Mario or Sonic will be at an advantage. If it requires weapons proficiency, someone like Cloud or Snake. Negotiation? Someone like Edgeworth. Yes, this is a mass-crossover, so world possibilities are endless. And yes, I will do my best to make sure everyone gets some time in the spotlight.

And that's all I have so far.
Looks ridiculously fun. (I, of course would be a villainous character like, say... Mecha Sonic?)

And I also like that Naruto plot
Yes, that would seem really fun. Do it, Skymin!!

But of course, Edgeworth would have his almighty cravat. -shot-
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