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Right, that's 11 votes for No Lynch. I doubt that four of you are going to withdraw your votes within 2 hours, so I'll just move on to Night 1. 36 hours for night actions.

Once again, it is a bright and shining day in Mafialand, which has most of the townsfolk in a bright and cheery mood until they remember what usually accompanies bright and shining days in Mafialand. What's really strange is the unusual lack of any shadow from the ferris wheel. It was then that they also realized that the ferris wheel was missing! Absolutely baffled by this disappearance, the mayor declared a state of emergency. After some talk amongst themselves about why this hadn't been declared already, the remaining population fell silent as the mayor stepped up to his podium in the town hall.

...however, all that escapes his mouth is a scream of terror as he finds the bruised and bloodied body of Barubu stuffed inside it!

Barubu is dead. He was not mafia.

Evidently, the panic in the crowd that ensued was enough to shake some of the ceiling tiles just enough to make the body of Zuu fall down in the middle of them. The crowd doesn't even have a chance to react to this event before a blonde boy in a striped shirt rushes in shouting about fining anyone in his way millions of dollars. The boy, who could now be clearly identified as Verne, grabbed the body, and ran off to do god knows what with it. He did not, however, manage to prevent the shiny golden G from falling out of Zuu's left pocket.

Zuu is dead. He was part of Team Galactic!

It is now Day 2. You have 48 hours to discuss.

The obvious question: why kill Barubu? Mafia players always try to kill the most experienced players first... this is quite interesting.

Should I make a list of who's who, just so we don't forget?

Well, the fact that we have two deaths again strengthens the "two mafia faction" theory. I suggest we tentatively consider this a given unless proven otherwise.

Mafia players always try to kill the most experienced players first... this is quite interesting.

There are two obvious answers: first, the mafia don't know who the best players are (in which case they probably don't have a lot of experience with the game). Alternatively - and probably more likely - they're deliberately holding off on killing the better players so as not to give themselves away. For example, if you had four players who were acknowledged as the best, and three of them died quickly while the fourth didn't - well, that would be good evidence against the fourth, I think.

So, two Galactic members in a row. What do you guys think that could mean? I'm reluctant to call it anything but coincidence, because that suggests the presence of a role (or a faction) capable of inspecting AND killing - but this faction would have to be incredibly lucky to find two mafia members in a row (I asked Walker, and he said that he replies to inspectors immediately; so this WOULD be possible, if the inspector in my hypothetical faction waited for a reply before killing anyone). I suppose it's also possible that the Galactic leader turned on his or her underlings, for some reason, but that's... unlikely. Oh, by the way, Walker; will you tell us if a team has been totally eliminated? That would shed some light on the number of mafia members per team.

Honestly I don't know what to think. Without knowing what roles Walker has thrown in, it's hard to make any sort of conclusions. For example, it is entirely possible that there are three mafia factions - or at least, three factions with a kill ability. The vigilante is a fairly common role, so that is one possibility. Which raises the question, why did only two people die? And that has multiple answers: doctors, alien...

I am going around in circles. Anyone care to comment on my reasoning?

Posting to confirm that I do, in fact, respond to inspectors immediately, and to say that I will not announce when a faction has been completely eliminated.

Hm. Well, I'd guess there are probably two mafia factions with three members each, or possibly three with two members each, but that would mean two Team Galactic members in particular getting hit would be even less likely than otherwise, so I'm inclined to think the former. Three with three members each would make more than half of the players mafia, which is awfully excessive even if they're members of separate factions, and two with four members each would be slightly better in terms of sheer numbers but still probably rather too much.

Should I make a list of who's who, just so we don't forget?
In terms of who's been revealed as mafia/not mafia? Well, I may implement something like that into the hack, and it seems unnecessary for the moment when only two mafia members have been killed, so I don't think it's really needed, but go ahead if you want to.

If you're responding to inspectors immediately, I presume that there are no aliens or, that you're ruling aliens as inactive until the after the night phase they were shot in has ended?

If you're responding to inspectors immediately, I presume that there are no aliens or, that you're ruling aliens as inactive until the after the night phase they were shot in has ended?

...right, let's go with that.

This is why my mafia rules have an intricate order-of-night-actions algorithm!

Yeah, I had that problem when I was GMing in #mafia. I always do the inspector last, now.

Assuming there are multiple mafia groups, does an individual Mafia group have to kill everyone to win, or is it a general Mafia win if they kill all the innocents?
Either way, having two Mafia down in two nights is pretty nifty.

Galactic and Rocket are the obvious choices if there are two mafia teams... if there's three, what would the other be? Snagem? Magma and Aqua would be hard to combine into a singular force, and four groups seems a bit much. But the fact that there have been two mafia deaths as many nights - maybe there are more mafia than usual, but, like opal said, there's a team who can inspect and kill which balances it out? So much we don't know D:

For Galactic to win, they'd have to be the last faction standing. If there were another mafia faction such as you say, Rockets, then they'd have to annihilate the Rockets to win.

Similarly, Rockets would have to annihilate the innocents and team Galactic.
The two mafia factions do not win together.

... I'm still kinda suspicious of Vixie.

From yesterday:

I always try to establish the cause of death before anything else.

If any healing Pokémon would like to claim to have healed either of the two, please announce as such.

It appears that the Teams are the mafia groups -- however, I am certain there are no more than two; guessing Rocket and Galactic.

Vixie said:
If there is an voting abstinence, nobody dies that day. At any rate, before I actually cast a vote to abstain, I'd like to hear from our inspectors, if there are any.

Both of these two quotes include an appeal to a different role (first healers, then inspectors). As we know, in a Mafia game, healers and inspectors are the biggest threat to the Mafia (healers because they can potentially block the Mafia and cause the Mafia's victory to be delayed just long enough so that the innocents win, and inspectors because if they discover that someone is the Mafia that puts them at a distinct advantage).

Of course, Vixie actually gave a reason for why she was attempting to get the inspectors to reveal themselves.

Vixie said:
Okay, I was expecting someone to call me out on this! So I am ready to defend: There are way many more of us and probably 2+ inspectors. Everyone likes to drill that inspectors should reveal anything they find into my head, so I have (admittedly reluctantly) accepted that this is probably the best way to develop a lead. We might learn who is mafia and can therefore rid of them immediately, or figure out who isn't mafia, so we can know to ignore them (and doctors can know they are safe to heal).

But her excuse only works for the inspectors. There's no way for the healers to know who the Mafia are. So why should she want to get the healers to reveal themselves? Hmm...

Of additional interest is the line in the first quote, "I am certain that there are no more than two [Mafia factions]." Okay... there's no real way to be certain at this point, and there was no way to be certain yesterday. Unless - and you can probably all see where I'm going with this line of logic - she's one of the Mafia, in which case she might know definitively whether or not there are only two.

At one point in the day, Barubu decided to formally abstain. There had been much discussion as to abstaining earlier, but Barubu was the first to actually cast his vote.

Vixie said:
Care to explain why? Or at least provide some actual input?

This struck me as suspicious nearly as soon as I saw it; why would Barubu need to justify himself if the reasons for abstaining had already been written by several other players? I came to the conclusion that Vixie was attempting to make people reconsider about abstaining, possibly so that more innocents would be killed through random lynching and Vixie's Mafia faction would have a higher chance of winning.

And then Barubu died the next day.

There's a lot of evidence pointing toward Vixie's guilt. On the other hand, I'm not officially voting for her yet, because there is one abnormality that bugs me: I haven't really talked to Vixie a whole lot, but I get the feeling that she'd be too smart to leave all this conclusive evidence behind. I mean, seriously; I don't know how much other Mafia she's played, but even inexperienced players would probably know better than to leave such large hints at their identity scattered around the thread. :/

Does anyone have anything to add? I'm trying to make a "food for thought" post; I don't know how well I did.
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