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Looking Ahead


Heeee I'm so excited.

As some of you may know, I have a lovely girfriend who goes by Sunflower here. We've been together for a while now and there have already been the starts of serious planning to get her up to where I'm living (Canada) eventually.

Well, tonight I officially asked her to marry me, and she said yes~! I'm currently unemployed but as soon as I get work, I'm getting a ring for my darling fiancée~ It'll be a lot of work getting everything perfect but I'm willing and ready to put in as much effort as I possibly can into this.

So things are going AMAZINGLY, and I just had to tell about this, I'm just so happy...!
:3 Yes, it's true. It won't be easy getting up there. I have a job, but actually saving money's been a hassle, and I still have a semester or two of college to finish, but once that's done...

I am incredibly excited and happy for this! It's just.. aaaa all my life I never imagined something like this could happen, as cliche as that sounds. But oh my god I couldn't be more overjoyed!

This calls for a textring.

''\_\-/_/ ''

Congrats, you guys, I was always a Sunredflowerbombshipper.
:D <-- That's honestly the face I made when I saw this. Finally, an engaged couple on TCoD! This is something to celebrate! *starts dancing and handing out glasses of champagne*

I congratulate you guys, and I hope that you have a wonderful and joyous and super-awesome-riffy-tastic life together! *cheers*
Wow, I didn't know people off TCoD knew each other, let alone were in relationships.

Awesome! :3
Hehe, thanks everyone~♥

We've already started coming up with some very basic wedding plans, but no date yet :9 It'll be a ways away still, but we'll keep you posted~
More good news!

I've been doing my homework and it seems that outside of getting the money necessary to make the move itself, transitioning to life in Canada would be fairly easy. Thanks to being married, I have a fast-track to not only getting a visa, but also getting a federal grant to continue school, something that in the States I'd have to wait until I was 26 to get and, depending on the school I apply to, the credits I've already earned will probably be good for transfer. Hell, depending on whether or not my job at Wal-Mart would transfer to a facility out of the country, I may even have a job right off the bat when I get there.

Aaaaa this just keeps getting better and better! Now how to break this to my dad, haha.
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