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NaNoWriMo 2009

Here's my profile.

I'm cool with a word war as well; I'm trying to get one started on another forum, too. The nanobars weren't specifically for the word wars iirc so much as they were just to show people your progress, though the official website does have an actual word war widget if you want it.

At this point I think I've narrowed my choices down to four, maybe five options, but I need to make a decision now because they all need research before I can get any work done on them; researching everything I need for five stories in eight days and making the decision by the 31st isn't going to be fun, as you can imagine. So if I can run some ideas by you guys very briefly--very short statements, not a lot of detail--and you could just tell me which looks the most interesting off the top of your head, it might help me pick something. ><

-A humorous story about a god who is turned into a human and forced to go on what he considers a very demeaning journey, mostly because the other gods are petty and think it would be funny to watch him suffer.

-An intentionally stupid and silly detective noir parody-type-thing with lots of guns, magic, spirits, fire and ninjas. Yes, I said "detective noir", "magic" and "ninjas" in the same sentence. Still needs a lot of period research.

-A character-based story about a princess and a guard of two rival races who end up enslaved by gypsies and are forced to deal with one another while trying to help the gypsies get back to their own planet.

-An epic-fantasy-type story involving a land with inhabitants who make the channeling of magical animal spirits a part of everyday life, and a stranger from another land who, as the only one without an animal spirit, is actually the unusual one. This needs a lot of research/planning/world-building first.

-A dark fantasy, maybe "thriller"-ish type story about the monsters that live under the beds and in the closets of children, and what they're really there to scare and eat. Contains a giant, hideous, scary creature by the name of "Nightlight". Also needs a hell of a lot of research/world-building.

I know it's not a lot to go on, but it's not supposed to be. I don't want analysis, I want spur of the moment gut instinct opinions.

...and if I still can't make up my mind by Sunday night then I'll just use a randomizer or something. D:
Kratos: I quite like the sound of your first option. :D

woohoo yay for my birthday being in November so I always have to have this epic sleepover party and this year I fear it might screw with my schedule. :[
With the expanded descriptions given, I think I prefer the ToS one (number two) over the card-game one (whichever one of those that is, if any of them).
I know exactly what I'd write if I were going to participate... so there's no problem there. The problem is a total lack of time. I don't foresee my November being timey enough to write a novel. That and I've won like, twice, idk.
The way my plot works I figure that if I'm strapped for words I can put in some random occurrence to set back my main characters anyway.

It would fit with the theme of the novel, anyway. It's a satire that relies heavily on stuff from TVTropes.
I think I'll do it this year. I can often come up with good stories in my head but I'm put off writing them because I know it'd turn out bad on paper, or I do write them but I don't like showing them to anyone else so I just let them rot somewhere until it gets thrown out/deleted.

Anyway, I've had a few stories that I've been thinking up for a while now. I'm probably going to write this one idea I came up with a couple of months ago while walking my dog. All I know for sure that happens in it at the moment is the end, and I have to come up with a story to lead to it. I have quite a lot of ideas though, I just need to organise them.
I think it's going to be about some woman who fears that a hospital is going to build extensions over a park near where she lives and doesn't know if it's a good thing or not or whether she should be supporting it or against it. When I write it down it looks all boring but I'm sure it won't be once I organise my ideas.

If I get it done I'm sure I could use it for my school's annual writing competition too.

He's me.
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I just noticed that I don't even have a title for what I'm writing yet...

Coming up with names is always a pain in the ass, so I figure I'll just leave it untitled until later and worry about actually writing the thing first.
I'm obviously insane. My English class has been reading the Canterbury Tales and I got a sudden inspiration. So now I think I will be changing my novel to some sort of retelling of the framework story (with completely different tales because I was too lazy to read them) set in the present day.

From what I've seen this seems to happen frequently in the last week of October.

I need to finish up my reffings this week. I'm going to go do that.
A story based on the Canterbury Tales frame story actually sounds pretty cool--the frame is more interesting than half of the stories anyway, based on what I've read. (Although... finding some way to include the Reeve's and Miller's tales might be kind of cool, if nothing else. Just for the stupid slapstick sex factor, anyway.)
I just noticed that I don't even have a title for what I'm writing yet...

Coming up with names is always a pain in the ass, so I figure I'll just leave it untitled until later and worry about actually writing the thing first.

I didn't actually start thinking of a title until last month, after formulating the plot for nearly a year. I hate titles.
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