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NaNoWriMo 2009


Some stuff from my prologue, which I'm almost done with.

“Watch where you’re walking,” a deep, somewhat muffled voice said. The man opened his eyes. In front of him was a man with much metal armor on, and a knight’s helmet, which was most likely the cause of the muffled sound to his voice. Behind him were at least fifty soldiers.

“Well good evening gentlemen,” the man said in a lighthearted tone of voice. “May I ask what you’re doing out so-“

“Official Zalchian government business,” the armored man said. “It does not concern a simple minded thief.”

“I am offended by that statement!” the man said, yet still lighthearted. “You know, it takes quite the intelligent thief to-“

[FONT=&quot]“Shut up already,” the armored man said adamantly. The man looked at him curiously, then looked behind himself, then looked at the armored man again.[/FONT]
I finally have an idea whyyy can't this thing start so I can start before I forget ><
EDIT: Or not! *starts writing*
Gah, I was looking at the clock so much at around 10 PM... but then TV and computering distracted me, and I didn't notice it was already after midnight until just now.

Good thing the prologue and the first fight should both be pretty easy to crank out. Describing the desert-world and giant collosseum-style arena, some pre-fight audience babbling and a quick glance at the different worlds represented in the stands, and then the first match which involves one of my favorite characters... I wouldn't be surprised if I hit 1000 before I go to bed.
I've made it to 901 words, but I'm really tired. I'm going to spend most of tomorrow writing, anyway, so I think I'll call it a night... er, morning.
Already getting writer's block and I'm only 376 words in. Waaaaah. How am I going to do this on weekdays (especially with homework), I wonder.

First there was a businessman
Of fame and prestige, known far and wide
For savvy dealings and smart buys;
Computer and phone companies,
Movie studios, sports teams,
Record labels, couturiers,
And even car dealerships
Were among his properties.
Shady deals he had not made,
At least as far as the public knew.
His rise to fortune, rags to riches,
Was a favorite story for
The media and news outlets,
His enemies and friends alike.
Painting billboards in his youth,
Gradually he rose until
He was the billboard president.
From there, a simple satellite dish
And public-access TV channel
And the rest, they say, was history.

I'm using a weird sort of unrhymed tetrametric free verse. I.e. 4 stressed syllables per line, but I don't care at all about rhyme scheme or what metrical feet I'm using. It's oddly freeing yet structured simultaneously.

Gonna keep going until I hit maybe 6-700 or else when it's like 2 or 3 am.
1744 (slightly more than that according to my word processor, bah I hate NaNo's word counter) atm, after finally settling on first person for the time being. I should probably stop for now and see if I can't get more done (or at least hammer down the bloody outline) at a more reasonable hour. Probably a reasonable hour some time after I finish the two PowerPoint presentations I need to have done for Monday and Tuesday. Yeah.

...I still want candy T_T
1314 words within the course of an hour, during which I did not move once.
My ass hurts.

I'll post an excerpt tomorrow. ><
Prologue's done. Around 691 words so far.

Prologue: ~ An Unknown World ~ said:
Just beyond a group of especially tall dunes, another structure became visible. This one, though old and worn down by the wind and sand, was still very much intact. It was an oddly-shaped, almost-circular building with no roof, surrounded by pillar-like structures with five windows rising up in a straight line on each one. In the front was a massive door, large enough for someone to drive a tractor-trailer through.

Surrounding this massive building were hundreds upon hundreds of tents and small shacks of all shapes and sizes. Sitting under a whitish pavillion was a large propane grill, where a spiky-haired man in a black cloak appeared to be preparing burgers and hotdogs. Several other black-cloaked men crowded around with paper plates, though the largest among them stood silently a few feet away and munched on a whole head of lettuce.

I should definitely go over 1000 once the first match is done; maybe even brush up on 2000 depending on just how long the fight is and how much pre-/post-fight stuff happens. It's the first one of the whole tournament, so there will probably be more of that than usual...

EDIT: Speaking of the first match, I already randomized all the first-round fights.

And Match 1 of Round 1 is Lexaeus vs. Cloud Strife! I already know who's going to win, but the rest of you are just gonna have to guess until I'm done. Well, unless I decide to post it somewhere before then.
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Turning in for the night. 639 now, but I will be writing solidly all day tomorrow and hope to reach 2000 if I'm lucky. Right now I have a Ted Turner businessman who is roughly equivalent to an immoral version of the Knight, a cigarette-abusing Madonnaesque washed-up pop star who is probably most like the Wife of Bath, and a high school theatre class to represent the Guild. Although after adding some more characters I probably will entirely stop trying to kinda-sorta fit up with the Canterbury Tales versions.

Also I've decided that if I keep going the rate I'm going, I might not get out of the prologue for another 2-3 days or more. 150ish words per person makes a mere 20 people stretch out for 3000 words and I fully intend to write many more people into the Prologue than I can possibly come up with tales for, just because I'd rather have a large choice to pick from for whom to tell the next one.

Why can I write so much in a forum post, but when I go into Pages it's all dry?
I've started writing. 882 words so far, I'll do the other 800 later, and that's my target for today achieved. It's a story about a nuclear holocaust. I'm pleasant, aren't I? Don't know what to call it yet, though.

Arin swallowed with quite a bit of difficulty, evoking a sudden awareness of his mortality.

“What else must I know, my Lord?” he said, a hint of hesitation and shakiness in his voice.

“She is always with you, even in the darkest of moments,” He said, this time sounding more authoritative.

After what felt like ten seconds of piercing silence, Arin sighed.

“My Lord, I am ready.”
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