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NaNoWriMo 2010

I'm going down to a crawl because of things like OH GOD I HAVE TO WRITE AN ESSAY FOR CAMBRIDGE and OH GOD I HAVE A BUNCH OF HOMEWORK BACKED UP and OH GOD SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE A LIFE WHAT THE FUCK but I have so not given up on this >:/ I'll do some catching-up tomorrow and during the week-end.
Tomorrow, right. Tomorrow after physiology and my tutorial I am totally going to just. Like. WRITE THE FUCK out of Friday. I'm going to get another two thousand words, I think, at least. Then I have to go see HP and the DH.




Perhaps after Pottersoc I'll stay awake longer and write Saturday's words before going to bed, and then when I wake up I'll write more! YAY WRITING. I WILL CATCH UP



I BROKE 20000 WORDS! :D It's the first time I've ever done so in NaNoWriMo, so I am happy with myself (even though I need to be breaking 30000 words tomorrow but shhhhh that will ruin the moment).
Almost up to 31,000 now (30,953 or something like that... I can't remember the exact number off the top of my head and I'm too lazy to go look it up at 2:47 AM. XD)

Done with Chapter 8, and started on Chapter 9 now. Pretty much caught up with last year's story at this point... I think I had somewhere between 28,000 and 32,000 when I gave up last year (not sure exactly, since I don't think I kept any backups of the story--or if I did I forgot where I put them--and I deleted it off of my fanfiction.net account months ago.)

Of course, since I'm up to Chapter 9 now, that means I've only got two more pre-planned chapter ideas (including the rest of Chapter 9) left to go before I need to start coming up with 100% new stuff. Or I could start using some of my "kinda random and not organized at all" ideas, but that would mean the vampires would go from Rhode Island (which Steve says should be called "Rhode Land" because it's not really an island) all the way to Michigan without anything really significant happening in between... hmm.
which Steve says should be called "Rhode Land" because it's not really an island

Yes it is. It's just that people forget the state is technically called "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations", the latter part of which, of course, refers to the bit that isn't an island.
Yes it is. It's just that people forget the state is technically called "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations", the latter part of which, of course, refers to the bit that isn't an island.

Steve isn't really all that bright, and he's also never been to Rhode Island before (he said this when he heard the name "Rhode Island," long before they actually got there... he's only seen it on maps of the country before, and you can only really see the non-island part on most maps since the whole state is so small.) He wouldn't know something like that. XD
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...wow. I just wrote the longest chapter I've ever written. And completely covered my debts—I'm no longer behind in NaNo anymore!

...Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look at it and wonder how the heck I wrote that as fast as I did.
I'm ... maybe sort of not really on track ; ; BUT at least my novel just got a bit gayer!

there was a scene where Damien was being a bitch. He was basically all "WAAAAAH EVERYONE I KNOW IS GOING TO DIE AND I'M A LONELY FAGGOT WIZARD" and Robert was all "DON'T SAY THAT WORD. YOU'RE A MAGICIAN NOT A WIZARD. >:(" and Damien was all ">:(" and Robert was all "FUCK YOU ANYWAY YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY FAGGOT WIZARD" and then they were all "..." and then they painted the kitchen.

gogogo team C aaah I am so behind.

I lost something like 500 words a day ago, but then last night I kind of wrote 1000 words out of nowhere. I got inspired to novelize a scene of the play I'm doing and I am enjoying it so much that I think I may continue with this rather than my planned story. ^^
I almost hit 30k yesterday, but I'd written about 6000 words or something and I was sick to death of writing so I stopped. But on the bright side, I'm not horrifically behind any more!
I hit 30k... I HIT 30K! O-O

I was so far behind, and now I'm finally pushing forward. :'D Okay so I'm still 5k behind, but at least every time I look at my stats page I don't feel like digging my own grave.

I hit 30k~~~
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