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NaNoWriMo 2010

Gurl, pre-drinking will just end up with you a) drunker and b) poorer.

I don't actually remember Friday night, so it's possible that you're completely and utterly correct.

*puts on Hiikari costume*

Don't give up, Harlequin! Week Two is always the hardest week, and you've almost made it through already! You can do this~ Everything will be fine after Week Two! You've already wrote so much with the little time you have. Four thousand words is going to be a piece of cake for you. And this is just a draft, so don't worry about its being horrible. Editing is for December, after all. Keep fighting!

And you might find some plot bunnies while you're drunk. :D

I didn't give up but um I'm still six thousand words behind and every time I sit down to write I just feel so blah. IT'S OKAY THOUGH because I'm fairly sure I can manage it. It's like. Um. I'll just. Write chapters nine and ten today! Um. YEAH that's like four thousand words, then tomorrow I can write another two thousand and um wooo maybe I can do this.

... except not, since I've got a cell biology test and a society meeting tonight and ; ; whyyyyy
I've officially given up on actually winning. I just don't have the time in November between debating and the musical. I'll be able to do it in 2 years when I'm in college but not until then. Sorry to my team-mates who find their scores weakened by me.
Hiikaru. You've done it again. <3

I'm still doing pretty good! Last night, I forced myself to write two segments. 32,000-ish. Doing a wordwar with someone else, I guess that gave me extra motivation. I'm taking a break now though until 12 AM because I'm all caught up. I got one segment behind on schedule and had to keep writing during the day to compensate... which sucked. Now I can go back to night writing. At night, I can focus much more. There are less distractions, since most people are sleeping.

I actually feel good about my writing. I feel like... I'm doing it right for once and not like it's a load of crap. When I check my segments after writing them, I don't find a whole lot of errors and stuff, which is making me more confident. A trusted friend of mine who's been reading it has said it is good too. The dialogue has increased in these latest parts, and it feels... excellent. I used to make dialogue that was really stilted and didn't sound like how people really talked (a friend of mine once said that she "thought I didn't understand human emotions"), but now I think... I've got the characters down. I just feel so proud because this is the farthest I've ever gotten in a story in my entire life. And I don't feel like abandoning it or getting bored of it at all! That is just... insane. That really is. I think I might actually... finish it and win this thing. My first time winning!

The only thing that I'm having slight trouble with is consistency and keeping it all-together. Since this is the longest story I've ever written and the farthest I've ever gotten, I'm somewhat having an issue with keeping track of previous things that happened in the plot and making new things I write make sense with that. And also, keeping in track with characters. It takes a bit of effort... but I still really haven't spotted too many plotholes.

I have like, 4450 words or something to write before I've caught up, but that's going to go up in eighteen minutes by a figure of exactly 1667. So it's like, even if I write five hundred words before then, it's hardly even made a dent. waaaaaah ; ;
Pulled another "write more than 1667 and get way ahead of the target wordcount" day again, and now I'm up to 27,513 words.

Finished with Chapter 7 too... though I ended up getting over 4200 words in the chapter without even getting to the second major event. So I ended up splitting it out into its own (probably short) chapter, which I've started on now.
I've been running out of plot ideas, though Midnight mentioned a character I hadn't worked into this AU and I'm sure something will come from that. ... I also added to my first story arc a bit. A bit of revising, but mostly to add not to remove.

And then I finished off the first set of 1sentence prompts I grabbed in case I got bored and started filling in a few others. One keeps having stuff from a plot arc I don't think I'm going to end up writing! :D (By which I don't mean that arc I plan on including at some point if only I had any clue whatsoever what happened in it.)

guys if you were an important thumbdrive-sized adapter and you weren't in my bag or on my nightstand or under my bed where would you be.
I started writing at 3:00 and finished my daily writing at 3:33. 1667 words in 33 minutes = ~50 words per minute. And yes, I am coming up with the scenes /as I'm typing them/.
I've hit a roadblock. :/

Now, my story is of course a Pokemon fanfic. The issue that I'm having is that I really don't want to have many, if any, battle sequences. The issue is that I feel obligated to have battle scenes aside from the gym leaders.

Of course, I am trying to make this a unique fanfic, and one that focuses more on characters and plot than battling would be more unique...

>< Bah, I'll figure it out soon enough.
I've hit a roadblock. :/

Now, my story is of course a Pokemon fanfic. The issue that I'm having is that I really don't want to have many, if any, battle sequences. The issue is that I feel obligated to have battle scenes aside from the gym leaders.

Of course, I am trying to make this a unique fanfic, and one that focuses more on characters and plot than battling would be more unique...

>< Bah, I'll figure it out soon enough.
Then don't write pokémon battles.
luuulz I was like 8000 behind yesterday.

But today I've written a decent amount... I'm hoping that if I write about 2500 each day, I'll get there in the end, and maybe even get back on track if I write more at the weekend. ): It's not fairrrr 'cause everyone I know is way ahead of me.

My muse is going good though, even if my story... hasn't... really progressed much. Eheh? :D



I'm only 3000 words behind. After I put my washing in the tumble I'm going to come back and write until 12:00. HOPEFULLY I can get at least another 500 words in during that half hour, so that'll be good times for tomorrow. I'm looking at ~2000 a day to finish on time, and I think that's doable.
Good job, everyone!!

hehe, I'm still lagging behind...
Well. I haven't had much time to write lately, and only had time today and yesterday to write 1200 words. =/ But I have weekends, so...

In positive news, I'm really liking the story. Next free hour I have, I'll try to post what's now done. And only 800 words behind.
I remember there was one short story I wrote when I thought repeating "said" was some crime or something. That thing needs major revision. I use it pretty much all the time now for the very few speech tags that I do use (I rarely have more than two characters hold a conversation at one time). Sometimes I use yell or spit or something where appropriate. And I try to make it obvious who's speaking when I don't use speech tags (different opinions, using the other person's name, saying something the other character wouldn't know, etc).

I haven't caught up yet, which sucks. I really haven't been writing much per day and I know the only time I'll be able to catch up is Thanksgiving break but I feel like putting it off until then would just be slacking. I realized, though, that I passed my final word count for last year (~16k), so I'm feeling pretty awesome right now. I'm at 22368 and counting and I plan to write until midnight/one-ish, so I won't be that far behind today's 28333 final count. I'm hoping for another five hundred to a thousand. Tomorrow I get a break from school and get to go on a field trip, so I should be able to do more stuff then. I really need to start writing in class more often, too; I usually do much better for the whole day, even if I don't write that much.

But I should probably stop writing here and stuff. So. GOOD JOB GUYS KEEP IT UP.
Up to 29,351 words now, and I'm almost done with Chapter 8 (in which a couple of scummy drunk vampires jump up on stage during the filming of Emeril Lagasse's show... and quickly get their asses kicked by the chef, thanks to a clove of garlic and a cast-iron frying pan.)

Actually kind of surprised that I managed to pull it off today, since I didn't write a single word until around 9:30 and didn't really get started until around 10:00; I thought it'd be one of those days where I didn't get to the target wordcount until almost midnight and wouldn't quite get to 1667 at all. But then I somehow ended up writing 1700+ words before 11:00...
Still horribly behind, argh.

Although I'm trying to catch up by writing whatever that comes to my mind instead of whatever's happening next in the story and maybe filling in all the boring parts later. It seems to be working, but my sleep-deprived brain doesn't want to write coherently...

*prods muse* Come on, stay alive for a while longer, you!
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