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Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

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Diego and Mia is canon dammit, the last few Phoenix Wright snapshots have had them at the center being a couple >:|
Of course they're canon (if they weren't, I'd be admitting myself to a mental hospital). But I ship it as in I actually care! As in I find myself looking for cute mushy fanfiction! Which, for me, is not normal. D: Normally canon couples make me go "Oh, hey, they're together! Lovely! Now let's hear about something else more interesting!"

...and as in my reaction to these being OMG YAY MORE MIEGO :D See, I really am turning insane.
Oh yeah, before I forget again, if you haven't already, take a look at the back of JFA's manual. There's a neat little mini comic there. It's hilarious x3
D'aww, I adore the official art so much.

Exhibit A has an absolute ton of stuff, I especially love all the group art. The Christmas one, the one at the zoo and the one at the beach are all so wonderful~
Gah, can't decide which case to replay through first. Maybe the third.

I would've bought another Phoenix Wright game today, but there weren't any. I got PMD2 instead.
Okay, so 4-4 just took a turn for the slightly surreal. Epic, though. Time-hopping for the win. o.o
^ I KNOW. My head was all over the place after that bit... the whole thing is massively epic. :D

I'm also enjoying your new sig :3
:D Thanks.

I don't dare read anyone else's 4-4 spoilers until I'm done with the case, but I have something else to say anyway!

Thalassa totally has a Gavin family face. o.o

Certain bits and pieces are falling into place here...
Tiggy, whatever you do, don't repost Boot to the head or Mambolawyer. We've seen them enough x3

Does anyone else use the voice functions as much as I do?
In my first play through, I say all the phrases, but in replays, I only say Objection and Gotcha.
I'm cross-examining the reporter in 4-4, trying to Perceive a twitch. God, I hate this feature. <_<

Also, I'm still trying to write that Godotfic and find that there is a whole missing day in what we know about 3-5 at the Inner Temple, which is really not helpful. <_<

On the Hazakura Temple side, we have the murder and Phoenix falling off the bridge on the night of February 6th, Edgeworth's investigation on February 7th, Edgeworth's trial on the morning of the eighth and Phoenix's investigation in the afternoon, during which the bridge is fixed. That gives us more than thirty-six hours during which the bridge is definitely down.

On the Inner Temple side, we have Godot killing Misty and all that obviously on the night of February 6th, and then all we know about February 7th is that Pearl woke up, was lost and lonely and gravy'd the scroll. Seriously, what was Godot doing that whole day? According to Maya's testimony, the time he cheered Pearl up was on February 8th when the bridge had been fixed; we know nothing of his activities between these points. To add to that, we also know that Maya woke up, placed the Psyche-Lock on the door and then channeled Dahlia (at most she could have been out cold until the morning of February 7th, since that's when Pearl tried to channel her again), and Dahlia was working on solving the Psyche-Lock until after the bridge was fixed; that would give her more than twenty-four hours to do so, which really ought to have been plenty of time. Admittedly we know she was "interrupted" by Pearl, and perhaps also by Godot, but that would require Pearl and/or Godot to be coming there awake pretty much constantly throughout the entire day and night without ever noticing one another (not to mention also without knowing that Dahlia was in there, so they'd have no reason to be doing that). @_@ The only explanation I can think of is if somehow everybody on the Inner Temple side was magically unconscious or asleep during the whole of February 7th, which would move Pearl's gravying to the morning of the eighth, where it also makes somewhat more sense for Godot to be cheering her up. But that's pretty damned far-fetched since they have no reason to be out of the game for that long. Am I missing something or did the game developers just mess things up?
Y'know, something has been bugging me...

I was just listening to somebody singing The Guitar's Serenade on YouTube, and they used an image of Lamiroir for the video part.

And then I spotted Lamiroir's diamond-shaped brooch again. It's just like Zak and Valant's playing card suit brooches. Thalassa? :O

I had considered it before and all but dismissed it (for some reason), but seeing a picture of her again and being reminded of that brooch... hmm.

Didn't Lamiroir say something about a doctor having said that she might have lost her memory since an "accident" of some sort? :D This seems more likely the more I think about it...
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So will any of you guys be getting the cd?

I've heard low quality recordings of the first half of each song and oh lord...

This is the first time I've wanted to go and buy a cd and actually support a series. The orchestrated Guitar's serenade is beautiful and the girl who sings it has the most gorgeous voice. The first cornered theme is way better now, with drums.

The Turnabout Sister theme sounds a lot more pleasing to the ear now that they used strings instead of a harpsichord. Godot's theme is 150% sexier, the villain medley had me cracking up because of Gant's theme and Wellingtons theme made me laugh harder :3

So as soon as my dad gets paypal, I'm getting this cd <3
That does sound very awesome, but I have orchestrated versions of most of the songs on there already. I'm very tempted to get it just for the cover art, though X3
I will most likely not be able to buy it either, but I want it like burning :(

gg Kink meme, now I say 'I ----- this like burning' a lot...
I freaking love the kinkmeme. So much. There are so many things that make me go O.O just from the request, it's amazing.

Aw, I hope you do get it~
You'll probably be able to download it once it comes out, though. I'm so annoyed thefinalturnabout shut down; I got all my pretty PW orchestral/jazz music from there. But someone from CR is bound to give a link to download it.
D: I was gone for three days and I have no idea what you guys are talking about anymore. And yes, the kink meme is win.

This person has lots of Phoenix Wright music on Youtube, for those who doesn't want to download it.

Cryssie's siggy is awesome.
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