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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Zora's picture is teh win.

And Flareth got shorter again. And Spaekle is a towel. And Danniscarf. And unamused Kratos and PichuK. And Arylett is a Mightyena.

Although I always imagined Arylett!Mightyena like this.


I love how you shade gradient colors, like Dannichu's scarf and Spaekletowel. Prettyfulness....

PichuK, if you drew that picture in paint... *worships*

Well, Pichu don't have shoulder blades, so I guess that's why it looks funny. But the wings and the shading is pure awesome. And, uh, I think the cheek is a bit off. But could be just me.

And welcome, Bakuphoon!

Strangy's pictures are always win.
Sorry I haven't been here, but OMG I LOVE THE GROUP PICS <333

Thanks guys. I love them~ Especially Spoon in Crazy Linoone's, and the two guys in a box in Kai's (who are they?). XDDD
PichuK, if you drew that picture in paint... *worships*

Well, Pichu don't have shoulder blades, so I guess that's why it looks funny. But the wings and the shading is pure awesome. And, uh, I think the cheek is a bit off. But could be just me.
Paint with mouse.
Anyway, retouched, without the weird shoulder-hump-thing.
Aww, that Pichu's so cute~

I'm one of Strangy's 400! *feels proud*

Aaaaand I have a group pic in progress! Eight people are in it so far (with a bunch more to go and I'm worried about how I'm going to fit them in...), and it's looking pretty good, if I say so myself.

EDIT: Fiiiniiiiished!

I know I missed off a couple of people, and for that I'm eternally sorry. I also apologize for Flareth for making her look like a five-year-old. And for VPLJ for my inability to draw VP. But Kratos is highly amused! :D


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Yay! Dannigrouppic is on the way! One of these days, I'll be talking in all nouns squished together like awesomesaucerainbowDanniObssesiveScribblersgrouppic or something.

Well, if we don't fit, just get another sheet of paper and tape them together or something. I dunno. Tape it on the back so there won't be tape marks in the front. And don't use long lengths of tape, because... the horrors....

I'm the one in the middle who's all buddy-buddy with Eclipse and who I assume is Arylett, right? Because it does look like my ID on my dA. >>
Oh. My. God.

I'm... I'M WEARING MY QUEENLY BATTLE DRESS~! ;;Dies of Awesomenocity, saves, saves, SAVES!;;

That is. One of the BEST THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN. No, forget saving! I'm PRINTING THAT OUT.

It's okay Kratos, you don't have to be amused~ Although in Danni's pic, you look positively happy! Wow. And Linoone is ADORABLE. And I love how PichuK is on Danni's head and the expression on her face. (Oh and who's that girl inbetween Eclipse and me? Hmm...)

Also Linoone, Arylettmightyena is ;;SNACKERGIGGLES!;;. Ahahaha! I look like a sheep~

Oh and Arylett is currently working on Dannichu's birthday pic~ <3 I think you'll like it, oooh yes, you definately will. I just need to GET ALL THIS DAMN WORK OUT OF THE WAY! and DO it~ But don't worry, it shall be done! (And Danni's AWESOMENOCITY PICTURE makes me want to do a group one. Hmm... I might... maaaaybe.)
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Hehe, yup, that's Zora, a la her DA ID, which I figured was a good enough ref as any. I Eclipse-ified Eclipse as her DA self-drawings (oh my god could that be any more disjointed), too.

...poor Spoon's still a spoon, though.

I'm really glad you like it ^_^
Did you do that entirely with a ballpoint pen? :o That's amazing. Everyone looks awesome and I love the crosshatchy shading. Kratos looks amused for once!

PichuK's picture is looking a lot better with the shoulder fixed, too.

Yup, all done with a single biro. I started in a lecture where I only had ball-points, so by the time I'd shaded in some people, it was too late to colour it in normally. But I quite like it the way it is :3

...your mouth looks much less messed up in the real version. o.O

Which I've blu-tacked just above my computer so I can see it all the time and (hopefully maybe) draw drawing inspiration from it :D
That is pure brilliance, Dannichu.
Hahaha, Eclipse-ified Eclipse. xDDD
And PichuK looks utterly adorable. I want to pet him/her/it. o3o
I'll be seriously getting to that group pic now. But anyone know any good art programs for the Mac? My laptop is a Mac, and my only Windows computer is the desktop, which is my mom's. I can't draw on that thing without being interrupted by mom every 5 minutes. ;A; Oh, and Paint.NET doesn't work on the Mac, for some strange reason...
Well I wouldn't know. Every Mac I've ever used has had the really fancy nice art programs on it and Lord knows how expensive those are. >>
Oh. I wish I could install Photoshop on my Mac, but it can't handle the massive file.
Thanks for helping though, I'll try keeping that in mind as I search. >>;
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