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Obsessive Scribblers~

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I'll have to update the member list with RainbowRayquaza :D

Well, I'm always impressed with the group pictures you guys draw, and your odd ideas for this thread <3~ I should really be more active here...

Crazy Linoone, I'm quite impressed with your picture, and appearently we have our own uniform, now. The pumpkins look nice, and it's a nice touch to have them as a trick-or-trick bag. I love how I'm taller than everyone in the picture. I'm actually pretty tall in RL (I'm 5'7".) Seri look nice and happy, and I can't draw helicopters :< I like all of the outlines.

Zora, thank you for yet another picture. How you manage to get time for all of the pictures? Well, I really like the folds in Spaekletowel. Strangy and Ecilpse look pretty neat in the Howse box (heh, it reminds me of that show, "Out of the Box" x3) Salamander and Dannichu have the same costume~ I suppose I'm always wearing my costume, because I'm awesome need help.

PichuK, I'm impressed with your picture of yourself, and I think everythings been covered with the critics~

Dannichu, I just adore your picture <3 And you used a biro? I'm quite impressed. Everyone looks adorable. I'm amused by amused Kratos x3 I just love how you always make everthing so cute <3~

Uh, Grapejuice for the random word.
How you manage to get time for all of the pictures?
Oh that's easy. I'm only scheduled for three classes at school because of the beginning of the year and I carry around my art supplies everywhere. So I get back from my tech class (Graphic Design :D), do my half page of Health/PE (because I used to not be there for gym and the teacher let me keep doing writing assignments) and I basically just draw and ass around with everyone else who's done with their work until I have to go to my job.
That and I get no homework.

It's p. cool.

Also, submitting the word Richard Simmons turkey for the random word.
Pig, for random word~

Oh dear, Slowarylettmind always misses the point~ Well umm, you got your wish? You are amused in Danni's picture, Kratos. And Danni's picture is LAW.

And you guys are totally going to think I'm crazy. But I had a dream about the Obsessive Scribblers. I personally think it was from Danni's picture. Or from ALL the OS Group Pictures.
Oh that's easy. I'm only scheduled for three classes at school because of the beginning of the year and I carry around my art supplies everywhere. So I get back from my tech class (Graphic Design :D), do my half page of Health/PE (because I used to not be there for gym and the teacher let me keep doing writing assignments) and I basically just draw and ass around with everyone else who's done with their work until I have to go to my job.
That and I get no homework.

It's p. cool.

Also, submitting the word Richard Simmons turkey for the random word.

Well, I'm glad that you have such an easy time at school.~

Pig, for random word~

Oh dear, Slowarylettmind always misses the point~ Well umm, you got your wish? You are amused in Danni's picture, Kratos. And Danni's picture is LAW.

And you guys are totally going to think I'm crazy. But I had a dream about the Obsessive Scribblers. I personally think it was from Danni's picture. Or from ALL the OS Group Pictures.

Ooh, a dream, despite it's slight-off-topicness I'd love to hear it.
Ooh, a dream, despite it's slight-off-topicness I'd love to hear it.
Anything with the OS club is considered win, which this club is, so it would be on-topic, no? x3
But yes, I too are curious to hear about it. O:
Word is Desert

For december, when [I belive] we have to draw one thing a day, I'm gonna try and do profile-ish things for each of us. I may even start now.

And as for the canvas, I've painted the eyes, shirt and hair so far. I'll post an image when I find the time to.
Hello, I think? If possible, could I join this delicious-seeming club? I've been lurking for ages, and the quality of art here is frankly spectacular compared to mine, but I do draw rather a lot, however I hardly ever get a chance to upload my stuff. My art thread died many moons ago, but I could probably re-make or resurrect it if I tried.

So, yeah. Reading over that, it looks rather stupid, and I'll probably be ridiculed for it, but oh well.
Ok ok ok, I'll join. Um, I guess I'd better get a picture or three to show you, huh?
Here's my most recent. It's a muttshroom from Mother 3, with added spores. Done in Photoshop.
And one on paper, a bunch of water/ground types. I know ablut Swampert's deformed head fins.
This one is a little bit old but I still like it. A baby Giratina done in Paint.
Welcome and well come, Castform!

That was totally not ripped off of your TCoD welcome song thing.

Can I call you Castform? Because I'm too lazy to type Zephyrous.

Squeeee~ RainbowRayquaza's pictures are all so cute~ I love the Mudkip's expression. And I'm going to worship you now, since you have superior Paint skills. That Giratina is win.

Fwaaa Spoon! I'm glad that you like my picture. I completely ripped off borrowed the outline technique from Dannichu (who borrowed it from FMC), and I changed it a bit and stuff.

Ad RP would be awesome. We can base it off of Arylett's dream or something! Complete with cheese rocks and rainbows!

And PichuK's Jolteon is awesome cuteness. I love how it's all spiky and stuff.

Picture mash? This is going to be quite fun~ Although I just started on the Holiday pic and is having a lot of fun with it. I'll finish that first, then I'll start on the picture mash. And I will be a nice Linoone and list all the words together:

Um... I'll put in Tea. :D

I throw in the word HOSE!

Uh, Grapejuice for the random word.

Also, submitting the word Richard Simmons turkey for the random word.

Pig, for random word~

word is "lamp"

Word is Desert

Me said:
Uhhh.... Defying Gravity? That's not a word, is it... Too bad.

I don't mind what you call me, really, but in general people do call me Castform, so yeah~

Random word? What's this all about?

Mine shall be... Gravitation.
Actually, I don't use paint anymore. My computer is a Mac, so no paint for me. I drew the Giratina when my own computer didn't have internet, so I used the family computer, and the only drawing program on that was paint. Thanks anyway, though!

Oh, and random words? *looks around* Hmm, I would say spoon, but that appears to be a member, so I'll say... Mewtwo. Yeah, there's one sitting on my computer.
Aaah, yes, I just looked at that before you said it. Sounds... interesting.
Hello all of you new people!

Random word? All hail the glory of the Russian nation!
Or just Russia.

Yeah, bet you weren't expecting that, were you.
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