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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Am I... in? :x

Sure! What do you want to be drawn like? I was originally trying to make you that, uh, whatever it is in your avatar, but I can't make out what it is, so I'm kinda stuck...

Flareth gets a whip, but I couldn't get the cravat to fit... Sorry XP I guess I can mess around with the picture a bit to get it to fit...
Hurraaaaay X3

Um, um. A reference for me... aha. Only not so... short and stuff.(That was drawn by my friend, not me, mind~ I hardly ever draw me.) This is the guy in my avatar; maybe I could have his hat or something, I dunno. :D
(On a side note, I love your grapefruit-related signature. Pondering Linoone~)

Oh wow; the turkey. XD That's so... there are no words. *Gigglefit*
Richard Simmons has a huge forehead and his hairline's not that low. His nose kind of points downwards a little more too, here's one I did earlier! (because I draw Richard Simmons a lot in my spare time)

But other than that it looks pretty good. Good job!
Well you see I kinda gave up on calling the human part by his name halfway through inking it (when I posted saying I was drawing it it was still just a pencil sketch), but thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind for next time I want to traumatize my art teacher.

Seriously, I saw her twitch when I asked for the refs.
She doesn't normally twitch like that.

It was great. x3
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Haha, that turkey picture is... actually I can't think of words. In a good way :D

Aww Kinova, that pic your friend did is so cuuuuuute <3 You should have his hat, though.
I love drawing me. I'm the only (non-fictional) human I feel really comfortable drawing, because I'm not going to insult myself if I look terrible.
.... And Kinova officially gets a hat now.

WHOA VPLJ that is an awesome picture.

I love drawing me. I'm the only (non-fictional) human I feel really comfortable drawing, because I'm not going to insult myself if I look terrible.

I know~ I always feel bad when I try to draw other humans, even fictional ones, because if they end up horrible I feel bad. Even if they end up good, I still feel bad because I felt that I'm abusing my artist powers...

Unless I'm drawing you guys. *abuses powers* PH33R T3H L1N00N3 >:3

Random Linoone Notes:
Spheals only have one expression, and that is :3
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Oooh! Is it going to be a Kinovahat, Kinovacakes? I love Kinovahats~

And the dream is too weird, oh dear, I can't tell you guys~ And in any case, I've mostly forgotten it, so yeah.

VPLJ's picture is quite awesomenocity, uh-huh~ And Zora's turkey picture? ;;Giggles and snackers;; Ahahaha, amusing!

Arylett has a new avvie, which she made herself. Comments would be love~ (Yes, that is me. And yes, I do wear my glasses on my head at times. Arylettavvie~ I tried to imitate my old Rinoa avatar.)
Jarylett, the avatar is mostly awesome. What I can notice, however, is that the face is at a slightly odd angle compared to the rest of the head, and the parting (I think that's what the whiteline in the hair is?) probably shouldn't be as... straight and vertical.
Aaah~ I sort of fixed it, is it better now? I think it's called a hairline, the line thingy. (And I'm glad you like it, Castycal~!) Although the face angle would take me many hours to fix and Arylett is just too lazy~
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Nah, the hairline's where the hair starts in relation to the forehead (as in, "middle aged men often have a receeding hairline", while a parting is... where the hair is parted.
It still looks a little vertical (if the parting's central, it should kinda follow the invisible line from the tip of your nose, to the exact point between your eyes to the back of your head). But the expression and shading are lovely~

Also: what's with the ignoring of everyone's art threads recently? ):
Also: what's with the ignoring of everyone's art threads recently? ):

Mine died ages ago, anyway. If I get some means of frequently uploading images, then I'd re-make it.

The Artwork* (Excluding Spriting) forum seems to be slowly depleting in popularity...

*Heh, I misspelled that and Firefox tried to correct it as 'artichoke'.
It's true that people keep letting thier own art threads die (to which I say "Don't!" and "Remake them!"), but what about other people's? Zora and Kinova keep updating thiers, but people just aren't commenting. It makes me sad.
Aaah! Sorry, Arylett is umm... not good with terms. I'll give it a fix later, hmm. Thanks Danni~

And I am planning on updating my thread~ Even though not many people comment. I still have some requests to do and have just been lazy, procrastinating, and drowning in work.
So VLPJ. That OC meme. It made me happy. I especially liked the one where Donald was in love with Roland and Roland didn't get it and was all *hugs~<3* :D SOCUTE. RichardSimmons(sort of)!Turkey also made me happy. And welcome to the new people and the suchlike, yes.

Still haven't drawn anything lately because um NaNo (argh so behind I shouldn't even be here right now I should be writing), but I think I might try that OC meme with my NaNo characters when I'm done. Maybe.
Letseeee... Arylett picture shading is awesomeocity. And the mad curliness is very Arylett. Yes. And I think the glasses are a bit bent at , uh, how should I put this, that end of the picture. Yeah. That end. Not this one over here, but that one over there.

I'm not helping, am I? It's, uh, the end closer to the top left corner of the picture. Yeah, that end.

And I stalk art threads. I guess I should start commenting now...
Haha, I hate that about giving commentary in text form; it's so hard to say what on earth you're talking about if something looks off to you XD

Stuff like "her left ear is too big" is much better than "the left ear...", though. But I don't even have a mouse (and can't use the touchpad at all), so I can't even circle things that look odd in Paint ):
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