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Obsessive Scribblers~

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|D ksure. Other people seem to make me be an Ed with Kitty ears, which I'm fine with~! Ed's cute |D

...although I'm a girl. or something.
Oh, that must be because I lowered the opacity for the symbol because I thought it was too bright. I should fix that. xD

But I'm really excited for the group pic, Linoone... Heck, I'm excited about everything here. xD
You're cosplaying as Ed. Yes, that should solve everything....

And Kratos Aurion is Kratos Aurion. And Spoon is a spoon. So I guess the gender issue doesn't really apply anymore...
I had a hell of a time drawing Kratos with the first pic, and as much as I like FMA I don't think I want to try and fail at drawing Ed. >>
I had so much fun drawing Kratos and making everyone cosplay as him in the first group pic. Kratos is fun to draw~ Just not his sword. I can't figure out how the scabbard thing goes on his belt...

And Ed doesn't have a complicated costume-thing like Kratos does, so he's easier to draw. Just make him short and we'll all know who he is.

So am I the only one who hates the sprite forum or what
You're not alone.

Why does it seem like all the annoying ones here promote spriting? I mean, I do sprite occasionally but only if I'm really bored.
But it's just like... Whenever I go to post in my art thread as soon as I go to the index, the place where my art thread's name should be is filled with "OMG SPRITES"

Urrrgh... ><
I like things like scratch sprites and shit, like Xikaze's sprite thread (it's p. cool) but the rest is like splices and recolours and things Trig Palin could do
Just went and checked out Xikaze's thread. Is p. cool, like you said.
Obamasnow is fucking win.

But honestly most of the other stuff is just... ugh.

Also, would a vandalized promo of a terrible book series-turned-movie count as "obsessive scribbling" or should I show it at all.
Uguggh still don't feel like I can do group pics, entertaining as they can be. And I swear to god that as soon as NaNo is over I will do my best to comment on people's art threads (then, and when I can get over my, um, personal commenting hangup I'd rather not get into and yeah). BUT BUT BUT I DO have something planned that might be considered a contribution to the club, depending on how you look at it. Yes. Hurrhurr.
Well I didn't exactly scribble on it but it seemed like it was missing something so I'm open for suggestions. :D

eta: That's OK Kratos. You don't have to do group pics. But I wanna see that contribution :I
Zora: I never said that I thought it was some sort of requirement; it's more like 1% of me thinks it would be fun but the other 99% is like "no sit down and shut up bitch D<"

Plus I feel kind of pointless as pretty much all I've done so far is go "uhhh slow down".
I never said I thought you thought it was. What I was saying was, however much I want to see a Kratos!group picture, it's your choice whether you do or not.
I guess it just came out horribly wrong. ><
Zora: I never said that I thought it was some sort of requirement; it's more like 1% of me thinks it would be fun but the other 99% is like "no sit down and shut up bitch D<"
Get the 1% to beat up the 99%
You can have like a psychic fight with explosions in your head like in Psychonauts and shit
it'd be rad
yaaaaaay I has an in~

|D I can draw a lot of FMA chars without refs, yay! I can do Ed, Al, Roy, Alfons, Havoc, Hughes, Al!Armour, Envy, Wrath, Hoho-papa, Trisha, and Winry (kinda).

uhm. |D; I'm so not a geek.

You can has an inn~

Heh, I can't draw much without a ref, well, correctly that is >: How long does it take memorize a character's features?
Can I be an Obsessive Scribbler? *gets link to my Art thread*

That'd be fine :D

Anything other than a Mewtwo you'd like to be draw as during group pictures?
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