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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Quick before the club falls off the paaaaaaagggeeeee!

I know that it's not going to happen soon, but who cares.

Have a Tyrannitar I doodled in class.

I know about the belly-thing, but I drew it without refs, so I have an excuse. Ha. Also, the crappy outline was because I drew it in pencil, and in class. On lined paper (or binder paper, as us USians call it). It also happened to be on my math notes, so it took me way longer than it should to clean it up.

Fwaaaaa still procrastinating on group pic (and homework)
That Tyranitar is absolutely brilliant XD I love his "orly?" expression and he's just so damn cute! I really love your art; you should draw more :3

Also; go you for commenting in everyone's threads! <3
Thankies~ I draw quite a lot, it's just that most of the time it's on my homework, so I have to erase it... -_-

Linoone gets random art ideas when she's not paying attention to the teacher/her homework. Which is always bad because she ends up drawing on her notes/homework.

I comment in blocks. I'll stalk for a while, and, when I felt like it, I go around and comment in everyone's thread. Because I can.
Ahaha it's four days too early and I've already started my Christmas drawings.
I don't normally start anything Christmas until Thanksgiving night.
But then, I do want to get my options out there for that contest. YES PEOPLE I STILL AM DEBATING WHETHER TO ENTER OR NOT SHUT UP

But at any rate, looking forward to the first AND the Draw-a-thon! Probably going to upload everything once every week of the month though because Mom's a computer hog. :/

Also I need to do a Thanksgiving drawing that ISN'T completely freaky.
You Americans have weird holidays. Thanksgiving! When the massacre of America's native population really got going!
Anyway I thought I had a good idea for the contest but I didn't. So I scrapped it. But I've got another one now so it's okay!! Gonna have a hard time fitting everyone in the picture.
...Yes, but now most people only really celebrate it for the mass amounts of food. Other than that it's really got nothing going for it and people would probably forget it exists.

Also Strangy what about the other group pic you mentioned?
...Yes, but now most people only really celebrate it for the mass amounts of food. Other than that it's really got nothing going for it and people would probably forget it exists.
I think that's already happening. Like, just after Halloween ended they started selling Christmas-like things. Poor Thanksgiving. D:

So... I'm procrastinating on that group pic, but I should really do it, considering I have this whole week for vacation. |D
Who cares about Thanksgiving? D:< Christmas! Free stuff day!

I'm (still) working on the group pic. It's going to be finished before Christmas! Really! I'm already coloring it! With any luck, I'll finish and upload it on December 1st.

Only one week left until Art-a-Thon/NaNoDrawMo! Get your pencils and tablets ready, fellow Obsessive Scribblers!

I should put that in my sig. Hmm...
Oh my.. I very much feel I should go ahead and jump in here~ ^^; It's not like I don't suck or anything, But I DO obsessively scribble all over the place~ ((I've a DeviantArt if anyone cares for the rare recent-ish stuff that hasn't been binned x3 [Not much]))
Noooo, not another member to put in the already massive group pic. D:
Er, I mean... Welcome! :D How do you want to be personified in the group pic?
I uh, would like to join :D
I don't really draw as much as most of you, but I still like drawing. I got bored in my IT exam when I finished so I drew me playing against GF0 and I was getting owned and my expression is teh lul.
Now if only I had a scanner...that didn't belong to my Dad...

:D Great that the club is getting more and more awesome members. But please be active, it's sorta boring with the same active members. ;~;
I'm not BORING D<

But you're right; it's great that we have so many new people join, as long as they're somewhat active. :3

Ooh; I also approve hugely of CrazyLinoone's sig. I need to go do something like that even though I don't think I'll be online to change it every day~
Noooo, not another member to put in the already massive group pic. D:
Er, I mean... Welcome! :D How do you want to be personified in the group pic?
I live to cause trouble and make people's lives difficult~ >:3 I sure do suck. .....Wait.. why isn't that bit struck out.. o.0 It's obviously not true..

..Ahem, anyways. ^^; I believe my common persona would be that of a Riolu~ Generally with a purple bow and/or goggles, and silver anklet. And Violet eyes aswell~

(And seriously credit to you for having the patience for a group pic xD I'd give up by figure two and throw it out cause I hated it, hehehe~
And thank you~ ^^)

((And I abuse Tilde~))
Unfortunately no. D: I wish I could draw that well, I'm working on it, but a bit of a ways to go yet. xD My avatar is by Vaporetem on DA (One of my favourite artists) and sig Riolu.. was in my pictures folder. o.o I'm unsure who it's by.
Ahaha! Welcome, welcome, welcome, New Person Who I Shall Now Call LD! Yep, welcome to the OSers~ And I'm your host, Arylett, who is according to Dannichu the Craziest OSer of the bunch.

Oh and hmm... so there's a... NaArtDraMo? I wasn't really paying attention... it's an art marathon where you draw something everyday, right? (And it's... in December. If I was listening- I MEAN READING! correctly.) Hmm... I think I'll attempt it. Maybe. Arylett procrastinates, is lazy, and has many classes with Evil Homework Loading Teachers. So we shall have to see if she can~
Yup, that's right :D One pic for every day in December!
(...well, you might be allowed to have Christmas day off to spend with your family... but then you have to draw TWO on Boxing day! >D)

I for one am really looking forward to it; I've got a bazillion ideas in my head and I just have to get them roughly down on paper; if it's a busy day I'll just doodle a rough sketch, but then if there's a later day where I've finished my day's picture, I'll finish the old one, too. Rock on December! :D
And everyone ignores the fact that I joined xD
I'm not sure whether I'll take part. A picture a day is kind of difficult for me xD
Edit: Oh neat. That's the 500th post in this thread o.o
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