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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Welcomes to the new members~

Argh, I did most of the sketch for my group picture and then went off on a tangent messing about with styles and stuff - now I want to re-draw in the (kind of) new style. Eh, might as well, I have time.

Until December begins, anyway. I'm pretty hyped about the Draw-A-Thon, though~ Nowhere near enough ideas, but I'll sort something out. :3
My plan is to use all my ideas and if I run out, just draw people; OCs, people from this thread, trainers with my Pokemon teams.

My aims for the month in general are to start drawing pictures with backgrounds, and get a better handle on anatomy - starting with faces and hands.
I know I should be more active D: But I'm sort of shy in general and plus I feel kind of like I'm not doing my duty as an Obsessive Scribbler because I've hardly drawn since this summer (GAH WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEE?)
Well, Salamander, since you're in my group pic, it officially makes you a member. Because I said so. Just go draw stuff during December and you'll be fine.

I still need to find a way to stick Dwagie and Ice into that pic though. And Mewtwo. Hmmm...

And, guess what? I went ahead and dug up a old sketch book thing for the Art-a-Thon/NaDeDraMo (National December Drawing Month)! I'm planning to draw complete random crap until my ideas run out, then I'll start working on anatomy of random stuff. I'll probably draw some of you guys, too.

Oh! Linoone has an idea! Since we have so many members, we should just designate a few members for each holiday. That way, we can have some small holiday pics, not huge group pics that won't fit on the paper. Say, we only draw a few certain members for Christmas, a few for New Years, a few for Halloween, etc.

I claim Free Stuff Day (Christmas). Or Towel Day. Or Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Claiming Halloween, Easter and certain birthdays. :]

Aaargh I really want to put a countdown into my sig but it's already at the character limit ><
I should post more. I somewhat forgot that I ever joined here, sorry for that. I haven't seemed to be in a Draw like mood these few weeks or so. I've somewhat recently liked Forum Games and RPs which is rather time taking considering the number of post a holics on both kind and if someone has posted it seems to be my instinct to post after. I really want to be in the easter picture, it seems cool. Oh, I've GIMP-ed the Eevee picture and drawn a Skitty with it.

Oh shit I just remembered something.
Okay so I leave for Regular-Internet-less Portugal on the 19th and only come back on like the seventh of January. Soooo after the 19th I won't upload anything for a while and then you'll get a sudden rush :v
Also during my Exam week I'll probably do a little half-assed scribble where I'll complain about my life.
Kay so I have about ten ideas so far :D
Now to come up with 21 more D:
Hehe, you'll be fine; I'm sure there'll be much mixing up of ideas here, so you'll be able to find some inspiration :)
I, for one, have the best idea for my 1st Dec picture XD

Oh shit I just remembered something.
Okay so I leave for Regular-Internet-less Portugal on the 19th and only come back on like the seventh of January. Soooo after the 19th I won't upload anything for a while and then you'll get a sudden rush :v
Also during my Exam week I'll probably do a little half-assed scribble where I'll complain about my life.

Aww, that's a shame ): But lots of VP art at once is quite an exciting thought.
Having to sit and revise is the absolute perfect environment for drawing, I think. My notes on Idealist Culture (my most recent essay topic - I've got 1000 words more to do and it's due in tomorrow >>) are absolutely covered in doodles of the most random crap.
Oh shit I just remembered something.
Okay so I leave for Regular-Internet-less Portugal on the 19th and only come back on like the seventh of January. Soooo after the 19th I won't upload anything for a while and then you'll get a sudden rush :v
Also during my Exam week I'll probably do a little half-assed scribble where I'll complain about my life.
Aww, what a shame. I guess this means that you cant take part in NaDecArtMo, or if you do, none of us will know about it.

Hehe, you'll be fine; I'm sure there'll be much mixing up of ideas here, so you'll be able to find some inspiration :)
I, for one, have the best idea for my 1st Dec picture XD
oooh oohh oh! Tell us! Then again, It would be better for it to remain a surprise.
Don't worry, I'll cotribute, till the nineteenth. If only with a drawing of myself complaining about my Chemistry grades.

I'll just draw whatever comes into mind when I grab a pencil. If I run out of ideas I'll probably just draw some sexy dudes, nazis or Huggy getting molested again.
Good news though, I'll probably be drawing a couple of pages of a story-comic adaptation I'm doing for Portuguese sometime soon. It's about a guy in a small town who gets treated badly by other people because he accidentally murdered someone. He kills himself at the end.
You just spoiled the ending )<

Sounds great, though. Depressing, obviously, but it's a really interesting subject.
I'm getting a drawing tablet for Christmas, so I won't be able to participate in NaDecArtMo. Also, I doubt I'll have anything of interest to show until then...
I'll join up. Not all of my doodles will be shown (some of them are for a private project :3) but I still draw a lot. ^^''''
Yay Sis~ ^^ *Aura Glomp* Eeeeee~ Scribblespammers we are~ xD

Say, to those drawing the group pics, I hope it isn't any trouble or anything, but I believe I may have to be drawn with my sis here~ >w< You know, AuraShock Huggles and likewise~

And also I may aswell post some unseen Doodlespam. o.o

Buisel as requested by a friend of mine
And subtractive charcoal rushed and badly webcam photographed pic drawn for art class. xD
Moar members! Welcome! This club sure is getting popular.

Oh! Buisel! I love how the tail turned out, like how it's all spinning and stuff. And the glasses on the dog is cool.
^ Yeah the club is getting popular but looking just at the main posts nothing really has changed, it still is the same people posting because most people join clubs for the sake of it. But they don't actually post. [feels bad]
Oh, before it turns into the first of December... Can anyone suggest a good, over 30 page sketchbook? Obviously I can't submit a drawing every day, so I'm just going to draw each day and post them all at once after December is over. :D
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