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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Hehe, you'll be fine; I'm sure there'll be much mixing up of ideas here, so you'll be able to find some inspiration :)Kay so I have about ten ideas so far :D
Now to come up with 21 more D:
Oh shit I just remembered something.
Okay so I leave for Regular-Internet-less Portugal on the 19th and only come back on like the seventh of January. Soooo after the 19th I won't upload anything for a while and then you'll get a sudden rush :v
Also during my Exam week I'll probably do a little half-assed scribble where I'll complain about my life.
Aww, what a shame. I guess this means that you cant take part in NaDecArtMo, or if you do, none of us will know about it.Oh shit I just remembered something.
Okay so I leave for Regular-Internet-less Portugal on the 19th and only come back on like the seventh of January. Soooo after the 19th I won't upload anything for a while and then you'll get a sudden rush :v
Also during my Exam week I'll probably do a little half-assed scribble where I'll complain about my life.
oooh oohh oh! Tell us! Then again, It would be better for it to remain a surprise.Hehe, you'll be fine; I'm sure there'll be much mixing up of ideas here, so you'll be able to find some inspiration :)
I, for one, have the best idea for my 1st Dec picture XD
Yay Sis~ ^^ *Aura Glomp* Eeeeee~ Scribblespammers we are~ xDI'll join up. Not all of my doodles will be shown (some of them are for a private project :3) but I still draw a lot. ^^''''