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Obsessive Scribblers~

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How long does it take memorize a character's features?
I personally get the hang of a 'character' pretty quickly. And by character, I mean politician. If I draw them a couple of times I can usually churn out a decent charicature in a few minutes. If I draw them often I'll usually work on their features more and make them a bit more 'my style', e.g. Goebbels.
I don't think I've ever drawn fan art of a manga. Usually just stick with sitcom or series characters.

Also I am annoyed because I'd like to draw a serious piece at the Auschwitz gate but I can't get the stupid thing to look right. It's always lopsided. One end of the gate is too low-set, the other's too high, the barrier's wobbly... It's annoying. And I really need everything tip-top so that I can place a peron there too and not have it look disproportionate.
Stupid Auschwitz gates.
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Therefore, since this random picture sorta turned out well, Linoone decided to scan it and leave it in the memory of the computer and internet. Even though it's just a random doodle of Kinova.

I was experimenting with Kinova's clothes for the group picture, 'k? Tell me if it needs fixing somewhere...

Hat. :D The belt and the boots are both pretty cool-looking, too~ Looks good to me (even though I'm late here but ehh).

Zora: I never said that I thought it was some sort of requirement; it's more like 1% of me thinks it would be fun but the other 99% is like "no sit down and shut up bitch D<"

Haha, I'm like that with half my posts everywhere. But everyone in the Art forum appreciates it so much when I post I feel guilty when I don't comment at all. So, uh, you could play the guilt trip on yourself?
Or do what Vlad said. Because that's cool too.
Especially if the 1% had some kind of laser.

@Vlad: I'm assuming you got over the gate issues because you posted the finished picture? Buuut I was going to say that from a lot of pictures I've seen the place isn't in top condition anyway so I doubt it matters if they're a little wonky.
(Aside from that I think it came out pretty cool, even if you don't like it. It's got a sort of creepy atmosphere... which works considering where he's standing. :/)

Uhh as for me - attempting a group picture (sort of Halloween/Christmas) but maan I never realised how many of us there were. Going to have to spread it out over a couple of pieces of paper. ;>>
I wasn't talking about commenting when I said that--I have a totally different hangup when it comes to commenting on art threads, trust me. That said, I do intend to attempt to force myself to go on a commenting spree when I'm finished with NaNo.

urgh just need one more thing for secretfunproject why I cannot think of anything argh
I'm saving all my fun (read: not terrible) ideas for the December Art-a-thon and trying to draw a group Christmas pic, but we have so many members now, it's gonna be pretty crazy. I don't know if I'll be able to fit everyone in... how many active members do we have now? o.O
ha i c wut u did ther

And I really want to enter, except for one thing. I'm well aware that I need to improve. Really, I am. But I really can't take everything I'm doing wrong in one sitting. I know it's constructive, and I can take it, but one thing. I can only take a little at a time. Otherwise I get overloaded and I feel like I need to fix it all at once and it gets confusing.
I'd really like to not be able to say this, but unfortunately it's true. I can only do so much CC at a time, and there's some things I'm really aware that I need to fix anyway (hands ffffff)

Well I might enter if I feel courageous enough. :/
Aww, Zora. D: Don't feel so insecure, or, uh, baffled, I guess it is. Baffled. Yes. Don't be. D:

...you will at least vote and cheer people on and stuff, right?
Of course! Even if I don't enter, it wouldn't be like me to not participate in this in some way!

Hell, I feel bold, I might just sketch up a few possible entries!
Baah! This looks like fun! Of course, watch me not come up with anything on time. Heh.

Heck, I still need to figure out what my next art project will be. Or, well, I have my idea, I just can't figure out how to execute it. ; ; I'm in one of those "meeeh can't get inspired" slumps.
That's supah cool. Been waiting for something that's not a bloody pixel contest (or at least something that's not a shitty pixel contest).
And I love C&C so I'll definitely be joining. I personally think my biggest issues are with perspective, shoulders and legs, but we'll see.
We'll also see wether I can successfully combine Hannukah, Atheist Christmas and Russian Orthodox Christmas :v
It looks like great fun. I'll be entering as soon as I can be asked to draw something. Right now there are more impostant things on my mind.
We'll also see wether I can successfully combine Hannukah, Atheist Christmas and Russian Orthodox Christmas :v
Please do so. It sounds veeeeeeery interesting. :U

As for me, I'm going with the wishy-washy "I give so you can give" theme, because it's hard to pass that up, no matter how cheesy that is. x3
Hurr, my awesome plan is to draw something wintery every day of my December Art-a-thon and then pick the best one that I've done by the fifteenth XD

Maybe I should join.

But I'm... I'm like Zora, yeah. Aware that I need to improve, but I can't take that much CC... I have really low confidence and it pretty much just hurts. But umm, I'm going to overcome THAT! Because I really want to enter, I'm not letting some stupid little lack of confidence stop me! It looks fun~

I'll have to start working on some ideas... holiday crap... hmm...
re: criticism and people who are scared of it.
Don't be! C&C are wonderful things that help you improve by leaps and bounds. They're not meant to offend you personally, they're meant to help your artistic skill. You have to learn to detach yourself from your drawing a little and look at it objectively.
Does anyone here wish to persue a career in arts? And if so, are you scared of criticism? Then you can forget about going anywhere in the art world. It's tough. Tough as nails. And most people won't go easy on you just because you tried your best.

Anyway, I'm totally working on a dumb video you guys hurr hurr. It's not OS related, it's Larry Craig related. Yes, the guy who got arrested over a year ago. Yes, I suck :v
Linoone hath comeith out of stalking to commenth~!

Hurr right. Art contest is art contest, which is awesomely cool. I'll enter if I can figure out what to draw...

OH I KNOW Linoone will be lazy and enter her ObsessiveScribblersholidaygrouppic for it! Since the theme is snow for my pic, it can sort of fit into the "Holiday" catagory. But then I'll feel all bad after my artwork gets criticized to pieces...

Or I can go draw something else for it. Hmmmm.....

I'll decide later. >.<
That's just it. I'm not afraid of CC, I just can't take too much without feeling overloaded. I know I need it, but if someone gives me too much I feel as if I have to fix it all at once and it gets very confusing.
So it's not that I'm afraid of it, it's that too much will confuse me. But I'm trying to work on that I swear D:
Well I don't exactly become an art god the day after receiving criticism either. I love it and take it into account and try to keep it in mind while I'm drawing to sort of change a few details around. The difference is minimal but good, though I often have to criticise myself :v
A recent change, for example, is changing my people's eyes, thusly. This happened slowly in about a month or so, and I'm not sure wether I like the last version better, but I try to experiment and constantly change to find a suitable style.

Anyway guys two projects:
- the video hur durf it's gonna be fun
- i have an idea for the contest woot woot
- i'm really happy at how i'm drawing real people recently, for some reason. In this picture, for example. Even though it all hot silly politislash, I'm really happy with how they look. Especially since people are recognizing them without my having to print their names out 'v'
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