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Obsessive Scribblers~

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...It is so strange that Arylett, THE Arylett, notorious for Arylettconfusion, sort of thinks she knows what you're talking about.

Sort of.

Are you saying that umm... the left lense thingy is a bit bent in comparison to the right lense? ;;Also sucking at explaining;;

And usually I don't understand much mind.

Well if it's not CURLY!, it's not Arylett~ ;;Giggles;; Oh wow and I usually am horrible at shading too. I can't believe it came out that good.
I think it would look nicer straighter, yeah.

Anyway, another Christmas group pic is gonna be awesome. 83
But what about other people's? Zora and Kinova keep updating thiers, but people just aren't commenting. It makes me sad.
This is exactly what has happened to mine for the past couple of months. Although I guess I should comment on other art threads more myself.

So can I has comments plz?
Oh, but I never post in anyone else's art threads either. :/ I lurk in most of them, though... okay, I am going to stop being lazy and post~

I like your new avatar, Arylett~ The insanely curly hair looks very good. The only thing I'd mention (aside from the bent-glasses-frame-thingy that's been pointed out already) is that the lenses of the glasses don't really look like they're lenses at all, just, uh, frames. So the glasses look kind of... glassless? Uh, yeah. XD;

Also also; kind of looking forward to this drawing-nano month. I don't know if I'll manage it, but it sounds fun~
See? If everyone posts in everyone else's threads, everyone gets comments and everybody's happy; it's win-win :D

I'm trying to stockpile ideas for the art-nano-month thing; I've got a list of stuff written down, but I'm almost certian I'll be on here going "Quick! Suggest a Pokemon for me to draw!" when the time comes XD

Internet got shut off. Why do they keep letting that happen I do not know ><

I started on the OC meme in my downtime, and it's looking pretty good. I'm scanning the answers into my computer and pasting them onto the meme since I don't have a tablet (yet!) and I can't print anything right now. :D
Aaah, I thought you meant that. Ahahaha, OH MY GOD, I UNDERSTOOD SOMETHING. ;;Throws a miniArylettparty;; Really, that is an acomplishment in itself. A major feat. It takes like several explanations to get me to understand things and I understood it right before she even drew the diagram. Wow~

Right, so fixes to be made to Arylettavvie:
- Straighten glasses.
- Put GLASS in them.
- Fix parting.

Thanks you guys~ (And thanks Kinovacakes~! X3 I'm glad the curls came out good, I had some TROUBLE with them.)

So I've been in a bit of a drawing slump lately. I mean, I've been drawing a lot, but the problem is I can't get myself to COLOUR any of it. And I really like things to be coloured and finished before showing them off. Mostly I've just been doodling random dogs and birds all over my schoolwork, that's the most drawing I've been doing. But I just keep being so lazy and too lazy to colour it, gaaah. I'm so frustrated with myself. Arylettlaziness in the EXTREME. And I have all these things I want to draw and colour and get finished, but I never do, I just procrastinate and blow it all off. ;;Frustrated with self;;

I should comment in more art threads, yes I should~
Linoone is currently procrastinating on her math homework. And her Japanese homework. Even though the math homework is alike a billion pages and there's a math test tomorrow. And her Japanese grading is going down steadily.


And, guess what? She was so bored that she started to doodle. On her homework. Linoone always doodle on her homework because, well, homework is boring. And it's handy because there's paper and a pencil. Yeah. And what's worse is that she never draws in a nice corner of her homework. No, she just has to draw in the middle of the worksheet and whatnot, so she has to erase it later.

Therefore, since this random picture sorta turned out well, Linoone decided to scan it and leave it in the memory of the computer and internet. Even though it's just a random doodle of Kinova.

I was experimenting with Kinova's clothes for the group picture, 'k? Tell me if it needs fixing somewhere...

Corrected. ;D

The drawing-namo-thingy is a great idea. Oh and guys, good news. I'm gonna get that group piccy by the weekends. No promises though. Dx

About the art threads, I haven't made one so I tend to not go there. However, I shall if you think my comments and critics would be worthy anyways. |D
Okay guys, I tried out a new coloring technique, and this is what came out:
I might possibly use this style on the group pic, which is going to be all lineless if that is so, and I wanted to see if you guys like this style or not, or if I should stick with the lineart + normal CG. And well, yeah. xD
Ohhhhhh~ Prettyfulness. Linoone likes.

Random Linoone Notes:
Linoone just realized that she can draw Ed (the one with the awesome metal arm) without any refs. Her days spent obsessed over FMA wasn't wasted!
Welcome FMC! 83

I really need to start reading FMA. I watched 4 episodes and it was really good D:

Anyway, I'm too lazy to post in a lot of art threads. |D Sorry..
yaaaaaay I has an in~

|D I can draw a lot of FMA chars without refs, yay! I can do Ed, Al, Roy, Alfons, Havoc, Hughes, Al!Armour, Envy, Wrath, Hoho-papa, Trisha, and Winry (kinda).

uhm. |D; I'm so not a geek.
Oh yes yes yes~ I don't think I'd want to draw a literal Full Metal Cookie. Dx

And this:
A parody to the Tales of series, except with our club. x3
Oh, and for the symbol, the rainbow dot-things are supposed to represent creativity, and the that crystal stylus/pen/pencil/etc. is supposed to be a metaphor of us drawing stuff, thus why it's on the rainbow-y thing. I know it makes no sense, so I'll let you guys interpret it in any way you think is appropriate. |D
Okay, I'll stop slacking off and doing pointless stuff and work on that group pic now. D:
Hmmm... Methinks the rainbow should be a bit lighter, because you can't really see the letters in front if it. And the crystal-stylus-pen-whatever, too.

Otherwise.... AWESOMESAUCE. They should totally make an anime or something out of us.

FMC is Ed. Is that ok? (one of those "too late I'm almost finished inking but who cares" moments)
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