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Obsessive Scribblers~

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D'awww. :3 Dannichu, that is amazing! I can't think of anything to say -- it's that good. x3
Also Linoone, Arylettmightyena is ;;SNACKERGIGGLES!;;. Ahahaha! I look like a sheep~

Well, "if it's not curly, it's not Arylett", you know...?

But anyone know any good art programs for the Mac? My laptop is a Mac, and my only Windows computer is the desktop, which is my mom's. I can't draw on that thing without being interrupted by mom every 5 minutes. ;A; Oh, and Paint.NET doesn't work on the Mac, for some strange reason...

Uhhhhh.... GIMP? I dunno if it works on a mac or not, but I know that it's a pretty good program...

Or, you can use this handy art thing I StumbleUpon'd. I can't figure out how to use all these apps, but it's too awesome, so I just stuck this link in my bookmarks/favorites to rot. But, you can, like, save stuff on it. Yeah... Everyone can go use it, actually. I still like Paint.NET better though.


Linoone is still in wordless mode.

I would use it as my desktop if only my parents would let me (shared computers arugh)... I should print it out sometime when they're not looking. Yes I should.

EDIT: Linoone was bored and messed around with Paint.NET's handy features and attempted to do stuff Dannigrouppic even though she doesn't have permission (bad Linoone!) and got this. So the color's screwed up, but I got it to look lighter and sort of got rid of that weird dark corner. Yay?
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I was happy enough stalking this thread and looking at the pretty pictures, but you all made pictures so pretty I feel the need to compliment you on them. So.

Name: Kinova
Favorite Subjects: Humans, various characters (Wicked, Disney and other stuff)
Characters: ... None. :( Unless you count a pretty lame Pokesona.
Type(s) of Graphic Medium used: Traditional; pens, pencils, maybe paint.
Art Url(s): Slightly crappy art thread - updated once in a while.

So basically all the group pictures are just awesome. :D The Halloweeny ones especially, but the Bonfire Night one is cool and The Time Warp is brilliant. XD I love it.

Erm, something art-related to show... uh, I had some fun with highlighters. :x

PS: Danni your biro stuff looks coolbeans. :3
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That highlighter thing is trippy. 8D

And speaking of trippy, I had the weirdest day ever today. And it ended with the news that some art I donated for an auction that a radio station is hosting is doing very well in it (the DJ wanted to keep it for herself), and a working sketch of a turkey.

But this isn't just any turkey.

No, this is a cooked turkey with a sombrero on its back and Richard Simmons' face on the tail.
Yup. >>
Welcome, Kinova! The highlighter thing is awesome! It captures the boogieman's, uh, boogieman-ness very well. Now all you need is Jack and we can have a nice and pretty Christmas picture.

Mmmmm... Turkey. Awesome turkey. I wanna eat see the awesome turkey!

Hurr random Linoone doodles. I'll probably color them sometime.
Heh, everything here is always awesome.

I'll be painting the canvas that I was talking about today. If not, I'll have at least painted the background. HERE is the drawing so far.

If Danni approved of my previous avatar, She'll approve of my new one. At least, I hope so.
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I'm so sorry I didn't get you in too, Seri; I honestly tried, but I couldn't convincingly put a big helicopter in there, and the ref pic you posted a few pages back was absolutely tiny ):

I'm glad you like it, though :3

And Kai's new-new avvie is tres cool.

I made this two Christmas icons, though it's not even Thanksgiving, wtf.
And if you're wondering what the heck is that thing flying around on the second one, it's Santa. I know. |D
I know I missed off a couple of people, and for that I'm eternally sorry. I also apologize for Flareth for making her look like a five-year-old. And for VPLJ for my inability to draw VP. But Kratos is highly amused! :D


aaaaaa my brain exploded due to awesome 'v'
it-it's really hard to comment on this because it's great ;w; and don't worry i can't draw putka either.

Anyway I saw Avenue Q yesterday and it was AWESOME so I'll probably have doodles of that sometime in the near future :v
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But Arylett, I want to be amused, you're missing the point D:

Danni: Kratos is amused... I am amused.

So that sounds confusing but whatever yay! I am no longer doomed to being boring and unhappy for all eternity! (why do you guys want me to be dull and miserable I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIENDS)

anyway srsly that's cute stuff.
Someday I'm gonna draw a group pic. 83 Like a lot of the others.

It's alright that I'm not in. Don't worry.
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If you want to draw me, I will now be wearing a cravat. :D Maybe wielding a whip.

Maybe we could have word of the day drawings. Someone suggests a word and a person does a drawing of it. Like Zora's friend...but basically everyone draws.

Or maybe a comic about our crazy adventures. Or an RP.
Haha, no.
How would that even work.

But I like the word of the day thing, considering I already sorta do it. In fact, I have an idea.

Everyone gives a word, and we all have to mash all those words together into one drawing.
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