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Obsessive Scribblers~

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While you guys snackered about, I decided to draw (most of) my ASB team. I don't have a scanner or camera (or Mic) with me now, so I'll have to wait before posting x-x
I've posted in the voice thread somehwhere, but I'll get a new recording when I have my mic again. :9

Anyway. the cake will win, and we all know it. Dear jesus, it's like twice as high as Zora. :P

(To answer Eclipse: There are Birds, Lucarios, Delibirds, Stickmen and Evil Hearts littering my text and work books.)
wait what.

That would not be me in that picture. I do not have blue hair. That'd be a character of mine named Frost. He's a bit of an idiot, but can be a lovable one.
However, I DO want his pants. x3
You'll know when I draw myself because I have red hair and usually draw myself wearing my purple vest and usually blue jeans.
But not the redhead in the purple long-sleeve shirt and the lavender skirt. She might be based off me, but not totally and I WILL tell you that we're different.

Did you get all that?

Unless you meant the voice thing. If so, then I'd suppose anyone's is. >>

EDIT: rrrr that sounded waaay more snippy than I intended it to I didn't mean to be rude sorry :[
Awesomenocity is so a word. So is awesomesauce. And Danni-anything. Lemmi explain this a bit more...

The prefix "Danni-" can be added to any word. It basically means awesomeness, rainbow/gayness, Dannichu's item, or all of the above.

Danniscarf (n.) Dannichu's rainbow scarf. Can also mean any awesome scarf (must be rainbow) that resembles Dannichu's scarf.

Got it? Got it? Good.
Danniscarf is Dannichu's. It actually exists. Like, literally. Out of the internet. I'm bad at explaining things... DANNICHU, YOUR TURN. Show Spaekle your Danniscarf! Spread the rainbow madness everywhere!

Meanwhile, I still have the Spaeklerobe.


See? And I kept the beret from the timewarp too.

And, uh, since I realized that I didn't put PichuK in my group picture, have a sketch of PichuK. Yeah.
And speaking of timewarps, they've got wedding ceremonies in Vegas themed after the Rocky Horror Picture Show, complete with Timewarp.

I wanna go to Vegas for Halloween now D:

Which reminds me. I gotta get started on the obligatory holiday picture.
Vegas... Timewarp... You must be kidding me. Such an awesome event cannot be true. It's a conspiracy, I say! It's a conspiracy! D:

*continues to stalk thread for more epic win pictures*
And speaking of timewarps, they've got wedding ceremonies in Vegas themed after the Rocky Horror Picture Show, complete with Timewarp.

I wanna go to Vegas for Halloween now D:

Which reminds me. I gotta get started on the obligatory holiday picture.

Sweeeeeet. Yay! So, there would be cosplay involved?
Oh man, got to do a Halloween picture too, for sure. Shitty one like the Time Warp drawing, but still.
WHAT DOES EVERYONE WANT TO BE DRAWN IN or shall I make it a surpriiiise.
I'd either be drawn as Ren (Big ears, rat tail), Pinky (Rat tail, rat ears), a nurse, or Link (Yeah...)
And Arylettwords! You can add Arylett to the beginning of anything and it usually means something related to Arylett or something that's silly and stupid. Arylettawesomenocity, that's the form of the word that I use! Yes, I still like awesomenocity, even if it is a word~

Also, I LOVE Linoone's new avvie. Too. Much. Awesomenocity. I love the hat and the Spaeklerobe~

Make it a surprise for me. I like surprises! Awesomenocity goodenocity Arylettsurprises!
Haha, that sounds absolutely amazing, Strangy <3

Uuh, I guess dressing up a Pikachu is the obvious choice, but I'd be thrilled to bits with pretty much anything you'd come up with. I've never really done Halloween, so...

And yes, the Danniscarf exists; here it is in RL and here it is, uh, when I draw me.

MASSIVE APPROVAL of Linoone's new avvie; it's too cute for words. And the Putin above looks so great; I wish I could doodle realistic people like you~
I have to say, since the last page (or rather, since the first post), this topic has been nothing but utter win. I'm glad I joined. xDD
I love all the voices, it's perfect for the skit! I just couldn't hear Arylettawesomevoice's voice, since it required download. I'll hear it by tomorrow, I swear! D:
And Vladimir, I wish I could also have your skill. I too, smell the awesomeness. :D (Hell, it's been awesome since... Iunno.)
Spaeklerobe and Linoone!
... That sounds like a show. xD

But yes, I too have gotten an idea!
Spoon, please update the member list, it's hard listing all of them in 10 pages to dig through. Dx

I got my voice sample, but I seem to have a problem uploading it to sound uploader. It's download as a mp3, so... I don't see the problem. Help?
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