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well I'm an illustration major so :v

I guess what I'd like to call myself is a 'science fiction illustrator', though there are plenty of different directions that could go (concept art/comics/book illustration/etc) and I'd be happy with pretty much any of them.
Arthropodology, Icthyology, Malacology...I'd like to go into some kind of biology. Failing that, music. Or maybe writing. And failing those, something with computers.
... one of those people that get paid to travel around and write things about each place they go to.

I would love to do that.

However, right now I am working towards foreign service for the US government. Failing that, some sort of foreign consultant for whatever big firms I find.

Really, I just want to travel.

However, there are plenty of other things I'd like to do, as I really also want to end up a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. I want to be a writer (of alternate history or war novels most likely or of nonfiction works), I want to design a game, I want to run a winery, I want to be a restaurant reviewer, and more miscellaneous stuff like that.
I really have no idea. And I'm graduating university this year, so I feel I should know by now o.O

I plan to stay in academia for as long ad funds will allow, which should mean I can do an MA, but probably not a PHD. If I do manage to do a PHD, I'd like to be a lecturer, but I'm warming more and more towards teaching sociology at college/sixth form level, mostly for job security reasons. But really I'd like to do some work with charitable organizations, but I don't know how likely getting a job and getting paid for something like that is.
Well, what I really would like to be one day is a dog trainer, or maybe work in a zoo. Just anything animal related would be great.

I'm currently working for free at a dog daycare and I'm also signing up to volunteer at a shelter, hoping to get to take on a foster dog some time in the future.
Dream job is to be a published author; I have a current project that is an excruciating labour of complete love. How realistic that goal is still eludes me though, and in the meantime I work at a pretty basic job, you know, for the money to pay the bills and all that, that I am still rather good at. I'm 20 and I'm in charge of the area that I work in, so I'm given the authority to tell people twice my age and older where to go & what to do. I suppose that means my boss thinks I'm doing something right. :V
I would exchange all my artistic and writing abilities (not that they're anything to write home about but) for the talent required to sing and dance well enough to be in a musical. I WOULD LIVE THE GAY DREAM.

In reality I'm doing history and political science so in a best-case scenario I'll be in politics (aiming for something in the EU institutions) and in a worst-case scenario I'll be a teacher or a lecturer at unimportant universities.
I want to do something in psychology, but am not sure about what aspect of it. Maybe child psychology.
As for jobs at the moment, I wouldn't mind working at a library or a book store, I just need to get off my butt and ask if there are any open positions at my local library and/or book store.

... one of those people that get paid to travel around and write things about each place they go to.

... so I'm planning to become a translator on the side.

In a more realistic down-to-earth manner, I'd love to be a French teacher of some kind. Or perhaps an English-French translator. Something involving French, anyway.

This. But replace French with Spanish, German, and, if I get the chance, I'd like to study Japanese.

... right now I am working towards foreign service for the US government. Failing that, some sort of foreign consultant for whatever big firms I find.

Really, I just want to travel.

Some combination of these. My goal is still to learn five languages by the time I turn twenty. (About halfway there, fsvo 'learn'.)
Writer. But that's not much of a full-time job, so I'm aiming more towards web programmer with writing on the side (hence the computer science degree).
Aiming toward being an illustrator (preferably for fiction, but whatever pays). Still have another year before college, so there's time to think of backup plans.
Editor for a publishing house. So I can get out my anger on anonymous people who suck at writing, or something! ... Nobody listens to my critique in real life. :(
I want to be a Graphic Designer, preferably in advertisement or a freelance web designer. If that doesn't work out, I guess I'd like to be a translator or go into gender studies.

Or I'd just suck it up and go work at Walmart :d

I'll live in a cardboard box and mooch money off people.

And then I'll write a book about my hobo experiences and become a best-selling author.

It will be awesome.
My dream job is something in the entertainment (preferably television) industry. Actress, talk show host, or something not on camera, like scripts or managing or something like that.

That, and robotics, but I think you'd need a whole bunch of math (Which I'm not that great at) to do it, but still, it'd be cool.

So yeah, a job not based in math.
you know, I'm not really sure what the answer is. I've done work experience in journalism, and the industry definitely appeals to me. especially if I could land a post as a foreign correspondent, but that's very unlikely. besides, getting places in journalism is all about connections and networking, and I'm probably too much of a wallflower for that kind of thing.

my parents' ambition is for me to do something law-related, but I'm not so keen on that because getting a law degree sounds like hell and I've always been somewhat suspicious of lawyers.

the other options I've seriously considered are in the civil service and the diplomatic service. they're magnets for history graduates, not amazingly well-paid but there's a chance to work your way up the ladder. the upside to the diplomatic service is a chance to travel abroad, but the downside is that I'd probably get posted to Bumfuckistan for years before getting transferred anywhere interesting.

edit: but if we're talking about an ideal but sadly fictional world? ditch history, do a BSc (conveniently ignoring the fact that I haven't done any maths/science A-levels), go do SCIENCE for the betterment of the world.
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the other options I've seriously considered are in the civil service and the diplomatic service. they're magnets for history graduates, not amazingly well-paid but there's a chance to work your way up the ladder. the upside to the diplomatic service is a chance to travel abroad, but the downside is that I'd probably get posted to Bumfuckistan for years before getting transferred anywhere interesting.

Civil/diplomatic service is also all about networking and connections, I'm afraid.
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