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[OOC+Signup] Wellspring Village (OPEN)

Name: Sonia

Age: Mid 20's

Gender: Female

Species: Suicune

Appearance: http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/3439/img0076sd.jpg

Note she changes clothes, but always has that scarf majigger on her. Her hair is blue and her eyes are purple, and she's on the pale side.

Personalty: PO~

Other: Already picked a house.

EDIT: I'm not gonna bother with Raikou.
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Name: Julia Graham

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: She has light brown wavy shoulder-length hair, light blue eyes, and a round face. Her skin is also somewhat pale. Julia's short and squat in build, and is barely 5 feet tall. Also, she's slightly chubby (being... a bit big in the chestal, hip, and... backside areas), but not noticeably so. She wears a medium-length (reaching a little over her knees) white dress with sun flowers on it, and a tan coloured unzipped jacket over it. Also, sandals.

Personalty: Her outward attitude is rather perky, bubbly, and dreamy, which can make her seem a bit ditzy. Unbeknowest to many, however, she's quite smart. Julia has a fierce love of writing and is excellent at her craft. She loves novels of all sorts, reading being another passion of hers. However, due to this, she has a tendency of romanticizing situations and many things in real life to fit her perception of the world as one big novel. Julia is always described as having "her head up in the clouds," and also can be absent-minded, scatter-brained, and rather naive. Despite this though, she's actually more "there" than she looks.

Other: She lives in one of the houses near the docks/shore. Nothing special about her history, she's just lived a normal life. But she has noticed a few... strange things about some of the inhabitants.
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Name: Savannah (Prefers to be called Hound because of her personality)
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Species: Entei
Appearance: Savannah is probably conspicuous because she's taller than most people her age. She stands at a towering 5 feet and 6 inches tall. Well, towering compared to those who she hangs out with, since she likes to feel like she's the leader of things. Her long, brown hair is straight, but she has a lot of it, which somewhat makes it look like a lion's mane. [I'm one of the people who thinks Entei is a lion. Be quiet, please.] Her eyes are also light brown, somewhat orange-looking if the light shines straight into them. Her build is more or less average -- she's strong, but she's not very bulky. Her legs contribute to a lot of her height, but her arms are slightly shorter than average, so she might come across as strange to someone, especially because of her nickname. She prefers to wear neutral, natural tones such as gray or dull colors, and usually wears long sleeves and pants. She wears a black bracelet around each wrist. Her shoes are plain and gray, and not too conspicuous.
Personality: She has a bit of a split personality. "Hound" likes to stay in touch with those she knows, but at the same time it doesn't bother her if she's alone. Often, she gets angered far too easily and hurts people without thinking of it. But she's clever and doesn't let anyone get through to her inner emotions -- mostly. While she is ferocious, when she's not battling or trying to gain dominance over someone, she's usually quite friendly and may be awkward because she likes things bigger than her, despite being a larger legendary. She pretty much respects those who are taller than her, and picks on those who are younger (not many) or smaller than her. Noticeably, she got her name from her wolf-like personality.
Other: Nothing.
Name: Dakota
Age: Looks about 19
Gender: Female
Species: Suicune
Appearance: Dakota tries to look human while still vaguely resembling her true Pokemon species. As a result, Dakota's human form has long, semi-curly hair, dyed a dark blue that is closer to black than anything else. However, she does NOT have red eyes; they are a light blue-grey. (No need to be TOO obvious, right?) She's around average height for her age, although a little short; around 5 feet 4 inches. Usually she wears white, blue or black clothing; whichever it is depends on her mood. Despite their color, Dakota hates jeans, so she usually wears sweatpants instead. She also prefers to wear slip-ons without socks, but will wear socks when she walks a distance farther than to the supermarket and back.
Personalty: PO. It's hard for me to follow these sometimes. But I have ONE thing to mention: Dakota hates jeans and dislikes socks.
Other: Bottom right house on the map. It's closest to the water. Also, is it okay if she's a shiny Suikun?
*waves arms around a bit* okay everyone is accepted and/or reserved as the case may be, and I'll have the actual thread up in a few moments! Also, if you guys could mark your houses on the map, I would love you forever? <3

Also this is probably gunna be left open as we go on, so other people can join up.
Name: Jerik
Age: 15 -ish
Appearance:Jerik is a small (165cm or 5feet 5 inches), lean boy with very few defining features save his odd blood red hair, usually combed to side. His eyes are a deep red, much like that of his true form. He prefers to look somewhat like his true form, wearing golden shirts and black scarves as much as possible. For his lower body, he enjoys the feel of jeans, despite looking nothing like his pokemon form. He is often seen wearing a pair of black fingerless gloves, for a reason unknown. Also, he generally wears joggers for almost everything.
Personality:Calm, and very quiet. Always seems to be looking around and inspecting nooks and crannies. Has a few friends, but prefers to stay alone. If confronted, he simply glances at the adversary, and proceeds to leave, usually finding a way to escape undetected.
Other: Has the ability to communicate with ghost types, although he'll never show this in public. Is here for two reasons. Firstly, to experience how living in a world of colour was, as he was awfully bored in his cave. And I don't feel like revealing the second reason.

Ill be taking this house
My house is this one.

And this RP sounds epic fun, so I'll wait here with an apple until you open it. :D

Also Darksong noticed that her house was already taken after she logged out so she said she wants the one below it please.
It still says open, so.... I can does join now?

Name: Matthew Taylor Breach (Middle name because I can!)

Age: About... Meh, 19.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Matt stands at about 6'1", and has thick black hair that just doesn't like to move. He usually has some goggles on his head for his safety when he's active in his hobbies. He wears a cheap black t-shirt with a grey eagle on it, and black gloves with the fingers cut off halfway. He has worn blue jeans with holes in them, and some not-so-white-anymore tennis shoes. Usually, he has a bit of oil or grime on his gloves and fingers, and his arms, AND his pants.

Personality: He's just a really happy guy most of the time, being friendly, and actually something of a 'ladies man,' or at least as close as one could get in a small town.

Other: Here is the place he lives. And the grime and stuff on him is from his tinkering in his garage. Or shed. Whatever you wanna' call it, but he calls it his garage.
I just noticed something.

Is Ishvara's name based on the city "Ishbal" or "Ishvar" or whatever from Fullmetal Alchemist? It sounds really similar.
Name: Lucine
Age: Appears to be in her mid-twenties.
Gender: Feeeemale.
Species: Lugia

Appearance: Stark white hair and gray eyes. There's a bit of dark blue makeup around her eyes. She has blue pearl earrings. Behind her, there's usually a cape on her back. Her normal attire consists of white corset, white tanktop, light blue vest and white pants with little pink flowers on the bottoms. And she always, ALWAYS wears sandals.

Personalty: Easily bored. Runs a local poker league. Likes to do stupid things when bored, so she needs to be distracted a lot. Other than that, PO.

Other: Rooms with Zora the not me :0
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