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Planned Teams For SS/HG?


This isn't permanent

I dont plan on going competetive
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I'm trying to figure mine out right now. I feel like basing it around jhoto pokemon.

yanmega (sweeper)
donphan (to keep SR off the field, and to dish out physical hits)
honchcrow (to pursuit blissey and attack other special defenders)
dugtrio (to trap and kill magnezone, scizor, lucario, etc.)
rhyperior: (just beastly, and can wall well)
vaporeon: (more of a special wall, wish support, etc)

whaddya think?
For SS, most of them are Pokemon I had on my Crystal:
....and someone else. Still deciding, but I was thinking of Hypno, maybe.

....Still deciding on the rest :/
In SoulSilver my team will be:

KRool/Feraligatr, Spark/Ampharos, Sassy/Ninetales, Umbra/Umbreon, Mauler/Ursaring, and Kama/Sneasel.

For HeartGold:

PodSaur/Meganium, Xaldin/Pidgeot, Gaara/Sandslash, Aqua/Vaporeon, Clamps/Pinsir, and Lia/Sneasel.
Same team I had on silver, Espeon, Meganium, Ampharos, Forretress, Ninetales, And Corsola. I may replace Forretress with a Lucarion, once I get one, or maybe I will trade Heart, my awesome Lucario, from pearl.
Blaziking's Re-re-edited team

With HGSS only a few weeks away, I have decided to revise my team one more time.

Typhlosion (Mainly for nostalgia purposes :D)
Pidgeot (Once more, for nostalgia purposes)
Victreebel (My favorite Pokemon and it is available fairly early in the game, plus now that you can get Leaf Stones at the Pokethlon, it will be even easier to get one)
Golduck (Haven't really used one in a while, so I'd like to use it again)
Maybe Misdreavus / Sudowoodo / Kangaskhan / Marowak / Larvitar (Most of these depend on simply whether or not I want to have a fifth Pokemon. If I do, it'll probably be Sudowoodo, unless I really get caught up with Safari Zone stuff on my first playthrough)










Jolteon (Or possibly Manectric)



Minor changes might occur.
Here is an overlook of my team (most likely to be my Hall of Fame team):

Typhosion (BEAST)





Forget my planned team. ^^ I'll probably improvise.
Yasha the Feraligatr is staying, though. And I'll probably get a Growlithe for Toboe... and maybe a different Pokémon like an Eevee for Envy.

Only 12 more days! :D
I never plan my team and always improvise. However, I will pick a cyndaquil in heartgold.
In soulsilver, I will probably pick chikorita. I usually pick the water type starter in pokemon games, but I never liked totodile.
Meganium - Riale
Togetic - Valight (Hoping to evolve this one after I end the game and trade over a stone)
Arcanine - Renoa
Espeon - Dalestre
Lanturn - Kulamet
Scizor - Savenbreis

Most of these are part of a team I once had on my Gold, for HeartGold. But the Scizor is entirely new, I figured I'd try training one. Nicknames will probably change if I come up with better things.
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For HG:
typhlosion Flametail
lapras Icerain
espeon Sunstream
noctowl Minuit
golem Hazy
raichu Lightning (the Pikachu-colored one from the event)

It's an exact copy of my Crystal team except with Raichu instead of Electabuzz because there's no Odd Egg.

SS will prolly end up with a Totodile starter and then I'll go from there. Maybe Feraligatr, Fearow, Ampharos, Bellossom, Ninetales and Umbreon. I'm fairly sure I'm starting with Totodile, though; never really used it before.
All I know is I'm picking Cyndaquil in HG and Totodile in SS. That, and the fact that I'm going to use my shiny Magikarp (masuda method), shiny Shinx (RE), and shiny Starly (RE)
What's the 'masuda method'? I might switch a team member for Aggron or Metagross (Maybe both) to make sure Sand Stream is useful. OF COURSE MY SHINY ZUBAT (Crobat to-be, I caught it yesteday) AND TENTACRUEL TOO!

And, can you preorder from Ebay, cause the nearest gamestop is two-and-a-half hours away, and... I'm to young to get a drivers liscence, drive there, drive back, ect.
Basically, I take one of my local Pokemon, and breed it with another Pokemon of another language. The egg will have 4 times the chance of being shiny. It only works in 4th Gen however.
Hi everyone,
I never played G/S, only ruby onwards, so I'm trying to work out what my team will be. I'm trying to stick to gen 2 pokemon if possible, here's what I've got so far. Suggestions are appreciated!

Typhlosion - may be replaced, but would probably need to be some other fire type, arcanine or something else? Otherwise its ok to keep

Weepinbell - mainly because it is actually based on a Nepenthes plant which I love growing, I just HAD to have one :grin:

Umbreon - I'd like some sort of dark pokemon, this seems to be fairly good support for the rest of my team, and I couldn't really see any other good dark ones

Fearow - This I'm not sure about. I'd like to have some sort of flying though; the only main options I see at the moment are Xatu, Fearow, Pidgeot and Noctowl. Not sure which to pick!

[some sort of ghost] - thinking about dusknoir or shuppet or something, but again I can't see that many options.

[some sort of water/electric/fighting/ground/steel] - maybe Lanturn. I've always liked Cubone but I would really like to cover the types I don't yet have. Everyone seems to get Ampharos but I'll preferably like a less commonly used pokemon.

I'm not too sure about the roles of each of these since I'm not familiar with the pokemon so if anyone has any suggestions that would be great!
Are you going offensive or defensive? If you're playing offense, replace Umbreon with Absol. Other Fire-types to consider are Ninetails, Arcanine and Magmar. If you want an Electric-type, use Electivire, (Electabuzz I guess?) Fighting, go for Poliwrath. Not all 2nd Generation but it could kick ass.
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