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Planned Teams For SS/HG?

I don't think I ever said the names, did I?

Okay, I'll tell you ahead of time that I'm going with a KH theme for this one, so...yeah. My character's name shall be Olette (from KH2).

Hayner: Yeah, I figured it fit.


Pence: Hey, they're laid-back.

Axel: FIRE.

Roxas: I think it fits.

Kairi: Cause we need girls.

Setzer: Cause Furret's a useless HM Slave. XD
I don't think I ever said the names, did I?

Okay, I'll tell you ahead of time that I'm going with a KH theme for this one, so...yeah. My character's name shall be Olette (from KH2).

Hayner: Yeah, I figured it fit.

Pence: Hey, they're laid-back.

Axel: FIRE.

Roxas: I think it fits.

Kairi: Cause we need girls.

Setzer: Cause Furret's a useless HM Slave. XD
Meganium: It's my favorite Johto starter.
Stantler: I just love Stantler.
Crobat: It's Quite good to use.
Ariados: Tried it in platinum, and I'm trying it again.
Dodrio: Really Fast, and one of my favorite pokemon.
Magmar: I'll really need a fire type on my team.
I'm currently planning on:

typhlosion victreebel xatu slowking donphan

...and the last slot I'm not too sure about. I may trade over something from Platinum. I may also substitute Xatu for a different flying type. Maybe Noctowl.

This is also probably going to change a million times before I actually get the game.
Meganium called Stamen(M) or Rhode(F), Ho-oh called Downe, Ariados called Webster(M) or Aria(F), Quagsire called Reed(M) or Ponne(F), Arcanine called Crackle(M) or Cole(F), and Togekiss called Seymour(M) or Fay(F).

Plus a Tentacool and Geodude to HM slave. ^^
Decided to refine. Since I will get a heartGold and Soulsilver game(first for me second for bro), I will take totodile and 'hax' for a cyndaquil.


Heart Gold

Male, called Kenny.
Planned moves:
Ice fang

Male, called Hämmert.
Planned moves:
Solar Beam
Focus Blast
Shadow Claw/sunny day/ substitute.

Male, Climber.
Planned moves:
Shadow Claw/crunch
Rock Climb/Stone Edge
Focus punch/brick break
Fire fang/Ice fang/ Aerial Ace/Earthquake/dragon dance as a 'stat bonus' filler.

Female, Nana(for nana leaves).
Planned moves:
Energy ball/giga drain
Sludge bomb
Synthesis/earthquake as a coverage.

Male, Winger.
Planned moves:
Dragon rush/claw
Dragon dance
Aerial ace/Fire fang.
Aqua tail/Earthquake.

I dont know what to put here- probably a HM slave and an electric type for Gym's and improtant enemies.
I will just use my favs
Honchkrow (if i can catch one)
I'll "go w/ the flow" for teh rest
Soul Silver
Typhlosion: Because he's awesome!
Red Gyarados: Because he's awesome!
Lugia: Because he's awesome!
Tyranitar: Because he's awesome!
Noctowl: Because I don't like my legendaries to have HM moves.
Scyther: Have a super strong one in FR

Soul Silver (Nat. Dex)
Typhlosion: Yu-huh
Red Gyarados or Blastoise: Yu-huh
Lugia: Oh yeah
Tyranitar: Yu-huh
Charizard: Charizard fanboy
Scyther or Garchomp: yep

I can't get rid of some of them!
Heart Gold:
Typhlosion (overleveled)
HM Slaves
Imported Charizard from FRLG
Boy, I'm original! But thats what team I had in my original (*erased now*) Gold.
I'm not sure what I'm picking... the starter I usually pick is based off the game type, so for HG it's deffinetly Typhlosion. Just Typhlosion. And some HM slaves, but they don't matter because they don't get used in battle.

The problem is Soul Silver. If they do remake Crystal, we'll have what technically amounts to two water games. I don't know which one I'll pick on either one. I'll probably just flip a coin.
Hm, might change over time...but...

Dragonite (if avainable)
The problem is Soul Silver. If they do remake Crystal, we'll have what technically amounts to two water games. I don't know which one I'll pick on either one. I'll probably just flip a coin.
Considering the fact that they didn't remake Yellow, and they added just all of the things that were in Crystal for the remakes, I think it's safe to say that there won't be any Crystal remake.
*shrugs* You never know. But yes, I flipped my coin and got Chicorita. So I have one Typhlosion+Slaves, and one Chicorita+Slaves. Or I will, once I get the game...
Soul Silver
Typhlosion: Because he's awesome!
Red Gyarados: Because he's awesome!
Lugia: Because he's awesome!
Tyranitar: Because he's awesome!
Noctowl: Because I don't like my legendaries to have HM moves.
Scyther: Have a super strong one in FR

Soul Silver (Nat. Dex)
Typhlosion: Yu-huh
Red Gyarados or Blastoise: Yu-huh
Lugia: Oh yeah
Tyranitar: Yu-huh
Charizard: Charizard fanboy
Scyther or Garchomp: yep

I can't get rid of some of them!

Little suggestion: if you're using Tyranitar, try to get some more Rock/Ground/Steel types on your team so that you can successfully use Sand Stream.


This spot is up for grabs... Scyther, Primeape, and Arcanine are options.

Note that I don't have one set team: I have a bunch of mons that could be useful and switch my team around as I go.

During the post-E4, the tea would be something like:

Ambipom/Snorlax (a good normal type would be nice)
something else. Not sure what.
Changing again. D: Why do I have to have such a long time to wait...? Everyone does, though. I guess it's just me and my fickle mind.

[Yasha] Feraligatr (F) - Original.
[Odd] Persian (M) - One of many protagonists from Code Lyoko.
[ShadowMoon] Umbreon (F) - Johto Pokesona.
[Maja] Dragonite (F) - Antagonist from Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals.
[Shino] Heracross (M) - Boring protagonist from Naruto.
[Skara] Skarmory (F) - Original.

After the E4, the last slot will be replaced by Black Hole, a female Swalot.

...and HM slaves. I've never used Furret so I feel like I've been missing out. If I find a cool Pokemon, I'll probably use that as well but I won't make a full team of 6.
I'm not sure, most likely I'll be the loser with all three starters, Pidegot (def. all time favorite pokemon), Apharos (thought it was cool back in the original games) and some random pokemon... maybe i'll actually take the time to evolve
Eevee into Umbreon... but who knows. Towards the end, as what usually happens in ANY pokemon game I own, I'll switch out a starter for another pokemon, and just keep flip floppin' them around. Never did stick to one team :\

After all, I'll have both games at the same time and two DSes... XD
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