Re: Pokémon Registration Office
Eh, may as well practise for the upcoming perfect storm. But I am really out of practice, so.

Zora (F)
Signature Move: Illusion Hunt
A naturally skilled illusionist with a somewhat twisted mind, Zora is no stranger to the power of deception in combat. With a carefully trained control over the mind's eye, she can expand her illusionary powers to engulf her opponent in an alternate landscape, tapping into their deepest fears and shattering their will to fight. While trapped in the illusion, the target will appear frantic and fearful, darting about incomprehensibly and unaware of the real world - while to their sight, they will be engaged with something which causes them great duress. Although no physical harm can be dealt by such an illusion, the target will effectively lose their next action - while Zora may take the time to reform a personal illusion of the trainer's choice - be it a party Pokémon or a piece of the landscape, and be essentially granted concealment until she takes another action or the opponent has time to calm down. After being affected by this move, the target will be highly panicked and stressed, causing them to expend extra energy for a time should they take any action, and - if Zora has taken the form of a landscape feature - unable to effectively target her, even with the help of special moves such as Mind Reader. Of course, such trickery will only work once, and once re-emboldened the target cannot be affected again by this move for the rest of the match.
Type: Dark / Type: Supportive / Target: Single / Accuracy: 100% / Energy: 15%
When used, the target becomes engulfed in an illusionary world which taps into their fears, causing them to become panicked and un-receptive to the outside world. The target does not perform their next action, and becomes panicked for 5 actions - causing their actions to cost 2% extra energy. However, chilling will allow them to cool their nerves, and will restore an extra 3% energy.
Additionally, Zora may take a new personal illusion - as PM'd to the referee - and the target will be unable to target Zora unless she makes an attack, or until 3 actions have passed, at which point the target will have calmed enough to notice discrepancies in landscape, or behaviour.
In a multiple Pokémon battle, Zora may choose to take the form of one of the Target's team mates, causing them to have a 50% chance of accidentally attacking their true accomplice, until action is taken which breaks the illusion as normal.
Usage Gap: Once per target, per battle
Given the flavour, does chilling remove the effects of the panic altogether?
Is the second effect supposed to be simultaneous with the first (as in, they both optionally happen at once, in the same move) or is it something completely separate (Zora can use Illusion Hunt A or Illusion Hunt B, depending on what you wish)? If yes, it'd probably need an additional energy cost when used. If not, eh... idk about having basically two sig moves in one.
Regardless, the following applies: What if the target uses a never-miss move, or one that doesn't need a specified target (e.g. earthquake)? Why should mind reader and the like be neutralised by a mere illusion? What of special abilities that give special attention to detail, e.g. keen eye, or moves where the user uses a sense other than sight, e.g. odor sleuth?
As for the last bit, I think that's more or less covered by the illusion ability itself; if it's supposed to be special, that's either a second or third option built into a single move, and not tied as well as the first two, so I'd say no.
I'm in the middle of a battle. Can I get this approved?
Sig Move for Fido:
Popcorn Explosion
Fido is a strange Growlithe. When he was born, it was raining corn, and somehow most of the kernels got stuck in his fur. Now, when hit by fire, he can command all of those kernels to explode into buttery popcorn. Lots of popcorn is lying around, however. This popcorn can be eaten to restore 1% energy.
Type: Normal
Move type: Special
Target: All
Power: 10%
Accuracy: 100%
Energy: 7%
Duration: 1 action.
Effects: A special attack. Any remaining popcorn may be eaten for 1% energy.
Being the middle of a battle won't affect the approval process; however, you can't use this move in the battle.
10% is a little strong for a growlithe, while the effect is rather bland for a signature move, but okay. So.
Why does Fido still have corn in his fur, and why didn't it all explode the first time he was hit by fire? Why does this occur when, presumably, Fido triggers the move with an ill-defined affiliation to the corn, rather than it being some weird signature attribute that activates when he's actually hit by fire? Since Fido is in the middle of what amounts to numerous tiny grenades, what happens to him when it is triggered? Approximately how much (non-burnt) popcorn will be scattered? Why is it special, when explosions tend to be physical?
You need a usage gap.
Okay. I'm going to actually try to make a couple of these.
[Frameshift] Solosis (F)
<Magic Guard>
Signature Move: Meiosis
Frameshift, being a floating cellular mass of psychic energy, also acts a lot like a normal human cell would. However, due to a non-fatal mutation in her genetic makeup, one of her cell processes has been altered. While a normal body cell will replicate into two identical daughter cells through mitosis, Frameshift instead replicates mimicing the process of a sex cell, called meiosis. Rather than splitting into two, she splits into four. Frameshift was able to work the mutation to her advantage, which proves useful for fooling her enemies.
Type: Psychic / Stat: Status / Damage: N/A / Accuracy: N/A / Target: Self / Energy: 25%/15% and 30% health
Effects: Frameshift undergoes a apid cell process as she replicates herself through the process of meiosis. She has two choices: she can use Meiosis to create 3 physical copies of herself, costing 15% energy and 30% health. Each replicated form counts as a 10% substitute. She can also use Meiosis to create 7 illusory copies of herself (like those produced by Double Team), costing 25% energy. Meiosis takes one action to complete, but Frameshift cannot attack on the next action of the round.
Usage Gap: Three times per match.
Or, you know, she could undergo mitosis twice or something, resulting in her not being haploid. As it is, you'd have to figure out the effects of having half the usual number of chromosomes (or the solosis-equivalent, given that they're not actually unicellular organisms). Either way, the end result is not four normal solosis. And yes, the current end result isn't four normal solosis either, but there shouldn't even be one by the end unless a specific error happens every time. (Look up, er, "aneuploidy", and perhaps you can come up with better flavour.)
I'd say creating three 10% substitutes at once is a bit overpowered for a solosis, but given the (to-be-edited) flavour, I could accept it if the health for each sub was decreased. You should also determine how the three substitutes come into play; presumably they don't all jump in front of each attack at once, so they all take damage, but what do they do? Two sit out until the first is destroyed? Take turns, so every time an attack occurs, a different one takes the hit even if the other survives? And what if there's an attack that hits multiple targets; can all substitutes be targeted? Et cetera.
However, I'd say that the flavour doesn't lend itself as well to the enhanced double team. Other than clearly trying to give yourself two moves in one, there isn't any particular reason that a process which normally creates physical copies to create illusions, which are normally a completely separate process.
The usage gap needs a gap defined by time.
Aaand a signature move for Nightblade
[Checkmate] Pawniard (M)
Signature Move: Cursed Blade
Checkmate has spent his whole life aspiring to be the ultimate embodiment of evil. He made his way to Newmoon Island by stowing away on a boat, hoping to find Darkrai himself. However, as soon as he set foot on the soil of the forest's inner chamber, a void opened up and swallowed him. He remained in the void for nearly a year, being tortured and haunted by the nightmares cooked up by Darkrai himself. When he was finally freed, he had gained powers he did not know he had. Yet, the curse of Darkrai still looms over him like a shroud, and he will pay dearly for using the powers bestowed on him.
Type: Dark / Stat: Physical / Damage: 40% / Accuracy: 95% / Target: Single/ Energy: 15%
Effects: Checkmate runs up to the target, his blades glowing with a black, otherworldly energy. He then slashes the foe in various ways at once, so that the target feels as if their soul is being torn to shreds. However, Chckmate pays a large price for using the cursed energy of Darkrai. After using this attack, Cursed Blade automatically disables itself for the remainder of the match, as well as all dark-type moves that Checkmate can learn for three actions. There is also an 65% chance that Checkmate will sustain either a severe burn or severe paralysis.
Usage Gap: once per match.
40% damage? Yeah, no. Even for 20% damage, you'd want more severe drawbacks, and it'd still be considered pretty high. Particularly since pawniard can evolve.
The underlined bit could go in the description section rather than the effects, as it describes how the move is used. Other than that, the history bit could probably use a bit of fleshing out (why did Darkrai do this, why do the nightmares randomly give Checkmate super dark blade powers, etc).
[Atlas] Bronzor (Heatproof)
Signature Move: Blue Portal
Description: Atlas is a very special Bronzor; it was MADE at a company called Pokéture Science to test their hand held portal device, capable of making a doorway that you can enter anywhere and leave anywhere. Using this device, Atlas can make a Blue Portal, which is linked to P-Body's Orange Portal.
Type: Psychic / Stat: None / Base Damage: 0% / Accuracy: 100 / Target: Whatever it hits / Energy: 15% / Duration: Until another portal of the same color is shot
Effects: Atlas launches a Blue Portal. When used with P-Body's Orange Portal attack, it creates a doorway exiting out of the other portal.
Usage Gap: Once per round.
[P-Body] Elgyem (Telepathy)
Signature Move: Orange Portal
Description: P-Body is a very special Elgyem; it was MADE at a company called Pokéture Science to test their hand held portal device, capable of making a doorway that you can enter anywhere and leave anywhere. Using this device, P-Body can make a Orange Portal, which is linked to Atlas's Blue Portal.
Type: Psychic / Stat: None / Base Damage: 0% / Accuracy: 100 / Target: Whatever it hits / Energy: 15% / Duration: Until another portal of the same color is shot
Effects: P-Body launches a Orange Portal. When used with Atlas's Blue Portal attack, it creates a doorway exiting out of the other portal.
Usage Gap: Once per round.
... :D
Still, you should probably define how the move is used, what the move looks like (and possibly changes to appearance/equipment), and the properties of the portals; write it assuming the referee and any other readers have never heard of the game and need everything introduced to them. Also, the usage gap should probably be more like "3 actions" rather than implying it can be used at the end of one round and the beginning of the next, but I'd increase it a bit due to their evolutionary stages. Consider a time limit on how long a portal can stay open, too, given that it is ASB.
[Mort] Gastly [♂]
Signature Move: Thriller Night
(from the LME)
Mort is very in tune with other ghost-typed pokémon, and is from their plane of existence directly. This being so, he can summon minions and other apparitions from their dimension by doing a song and dance, Thriller by Michael Jackson to be precise. By using varying amounts of his remaining energy, Mort can summon different pokémon that act on their own free will for two rounds before disappearing. Any amount of ghosts can be summoned; the only restriction is the usage of energy cannot exceed 80%. However, the more powerful the pokémon summoned, the less can be summoned, and the more powerful pokémon will be more cooperative after Mort is evolved. These are wild pokémon, and therefore take no heed to Mort’s Trainer’s commands. For the time the other ghosts are present, Mort must be dancing.
Ghost/Special/0%/100%/Self/varying 5%-80%/2 rounds
Effects: Mort sings and dances Thriller, and summons one or more of the following pokemon using his energy:
5% each- Shuppet, Gastly, Shedinja, Drifloon, Duskull, or Misdreavous
10% each- Banette, Haunter, Dusclops, Sableye, or Rotom
40% each- Dusknoir, Gengar, Frosslass, Mismagius, or Drifblim
80% - Giratina
Pokemon like Giratina and those of the third tier (40% energy required) will be less cooperative the less evolved Mort is. This implies the pokemon summoned will be more prone to chill, or not attack the opponent. The pokemon summoned do not listen to Mort’s trainer; and Mort cannot act while they are present, as he must be dancing.
Usage Gap: once per battle
You can't summon Giratina. Giratina is busy.
I suppose this is *snrk* enough to pass otherwise, though I'd shuffle the energy costs and tiers a bit:
10% - drifloon, duskull, gastly, misdreavus, shuppet
15-20% - banette, dusclops, haunter, rotom, sableye, shedinja
40% - drifblim, dusknoir, froslass, gengar, mismagius
(And fifth gen mons are out, so you can do whatever with those ghosts.)
I'd also suggest better-defined behaviours for each tier, and be more specific about how "cooperative" they are. They seem to vaguely be on his side since there is this odd assumption that if they attacked, they'd attack Mort's opponent, but be more specific. (e.g. tier 1 they'll either do nothing or attack the opponent, tier 2 they're more likely to do nothing or attack the opponent but may attack Mort, tier 3 their actions are random, but maybe with actual percentages. You can also do things like defining if they're more likely to attack, or use status moves, or use completely neutral moves at certain stages.) Also consider weakening these wild pokémon somewhat and defining how much weaker than normal they are.
Also, can Mort end the dance at any time, and are there any consequences if so? Is there an upkeep cost, or is the energy cost only for when they are summoned? (Make an upkeep cost; you can decrease my energy suggests a bit if you do, I guess.)
Note that I'm unlikely to ever approve of Mort's trainer being able to give commands to the newly-appeared wild pokémon regardless of his evolutionary stage, for upgrades of this move.
[Sollux] Ralts [M]
Signature Move: Mind Honey
Sollux has always had a sweet tooth. One time in the wild, he smelled something delicious—Combee honey. It was dripping out of the hive, so he took some without angering the hive and began to eat. He found it delicious. He kept eating more and more until a rather competitive Machop attacked for the honey. Sollux began to fight the Machop with his psychic powers, but could not stop eating the honey even for the battle. He had not noticed that some of his psychic energy had infiltrated the honey. After eating it, beams of powerful psychic energy shot from his eyes, powerful enough to finish off the Machop. Sollux then went to find some shelter and slept, tired from the fighting.
To use the move, Sollux replicates this technique with a small amount of Combee honey. He then simply eats it and looks at his target. Pow. Unfortunately for him, the amount of psychic energy needed to create these beams is enormous, leaving him drained afterwards. He also only has enough honey to use once per battle—he must find more after each fight.
Psychic/ Special / 15% Damage/ 90% Accuracy/ One Pokemon Targeted/ 20% Energy/ Only lasts instantly
No special effects
Used once per battle
Um. As for the effects themselves, I suppose the energy cost does more or less make up for the power of the move even with Sollux's evolutionary stage, but.
Yeah, the description could be improved. How does psychic energy get into the honey, and why, if he just ate stuff that leaked out of him, would it suddenly give him spontaneous eye beams? Particularly since ralts don't generally use eye beams in the first place? Might be better if, for preparing for battle, charging the honey was on purpose or something; I'm sure you can figure something out with that.
The description assumes he is holding honey for the battle; does this remove his held item slot, and is it treated as an item for the purposes of embargo/thief/covet/trick/etc, and what happens if the honey is targeted in this way?
Sig move for a Starly.
Make the approval quick, because this needs to be shipped directly to Mewtini.
[Starfish] Starly [F]
Keen Eye
Signature move: Birthday Surprise
Starfish was an ordinary Starly who was being shipped through the Birthday Transfer to Mewtini as a present. Because TFM was lazy and Missed her birthday, he needed Starfish to be a rush delivery. As the delivery truck was speeding through Hammerspace, the truck hit a pothole and crashed. Before Starfish was automatically returned to TFM, she managed to absorb some of the PURE ENERGY in Hammerspace. As a result, she can use a special move.
Type: Normal / Stat: Physical / Base Damage: 25% / Accuracy: 99 / Target: Whoever is unlucky enough to get close to the cupcake/Self / Energy: 30% / Duration: 7 Actions
Effects: Starfish disappears, and a cupcake is left in her place. If anyone comes within 100 centimeters of the cupcake, it explodes into confetti, Starfish pops out, and deals 25 typeless damage. After 7 rounds, the cupcake disappears and Starfish appears as a Water/Flying type Starly and gains access to the move Surf.
Usage Gap: Once per battle.