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Well, I'm hyped as fuck. Definitely sticking with Moon. I can't decide on which starter to get, though! Litten has the best name and is also a cat, Rowlet is adorable, and I get the feeling that Popplio is going to have great evolutions.
And the region! Aloha looks amazing. (It's actually called Aloha.) I also like the jungle-y vibe of the music!
By the way, the kukui is the state tree of Hawaii. Looks like this Kukui dude is our new professor! He's like a cross between Birch and Brawley. I love him already.
Nope, it's Alola.
I was wondering whether they might do a secondary type triangle with the final starter evolutions as they did for Kalos. Assuming Rowlet's evos stay flying, Popplio's final could be water/ice (or rock) and Litten's final could be fire/fi--oh dear.
Here's hoping for the Fire/Poison type I've wanted for so long...
I was wondering whether they might do a secondary type triangle with the final starter evolutions as they did for Kalos. Assuming Rowlet's evos stay flying, Popplio's final could be water/ice (or rock) and Litten's final could be fire/fi--oh dear.
Well, maybe not./vp/'s been making a pretty good argument about the game being set in Hawaii, which I'm completely on board with (I'm sort of infamous for my Hawaiian shirts and I exclusively wear boat shoes). I couldn't follow the general chaos too well but here:
Also, uh, does the name just mean something obvious that I'm missing? As far as I can think of they don't actually tend to invent words for move names...