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Pokemon X/Y

The more I think about it, the weirder it feels that there's a frog starter. I know Pokemon designs and evolutions aren't a shining example of sense or logic, but frogs are the final stage of actual, real-life closest-thing-to-Pokemon-evolution.

Maybe it'll evolve into a giant, badass tadpole.
I do not want the starter to be fire/fighting. But as I am trying to go through blind with sam this time, I am going to choose Froakie so it doesn't effect me. :p
So, Ninfia? :D?

The ribbons are kind of weird and it vaguely reminds me of Victini, but overall I like it! I actually think it'll be a Normal type this time around.
So, Ninfia? :D?

The ribbons are kind of weird and it vaguely reminds me of Victini, but overall I like it! I actually think it'll be a Normal type this time around.

I think it might be flying, honestly. I always thought a normal eevelution would look more like... a bigger Eevee.
major cutie coming through

I love it so much. a) it's lolita b) it's skyla c) it has a bowtie so it's cilan

the anime has sooort of been foreshadowing this a tiny bit I guess!! a new vee, at any rate. I think either normal or flying would be really cool!! but I'd be a bit sad a flying vee wouldn't have cute wings.
Eh, I'm thinking Flying-type - both because I'm skeptical of them actually making a Normal-type Eeveelution, and because I've thought for a long time that a pure Flying-type Eeveelution would probably not have wings. Animals with wings are Normal/Flying-types; a pure Flying-type seems like it would be something that more embodies air in itself and can fly without wings (like Tornadus).
I really like the idea that some people have been bandying about that it could be a Bug-type, with "ninf" sounding kind of like "nymph". Its bows are sort of butterfly-shaped as well. I would totally use it if it was a Bug-type, but I don't really expect it to be.
Well, 'nymph' could also imply Flying-type (celestial nymphs, etc)! Also, it looks hilariously like it's borrowed Skyla's colour scheme. Bug *would* be cool though.

I don't even care what it is because it's suuuuuper cuuuuuuute
I want to have one of those in my team just so that I can name it Victeon.

Not that I'm complaining; it's a pretty okay-looking 'mon. It just kind of baffles me why they had to make the colour scheme and face and everything look so very Victini-like.
Flying actually seems like the most probable option at this point. Either that or normal. I'm still hoping that it might be a dragon type, although there's nothing to support that other than the fact that the eeveeloutions seem to take from the gen 3 special types.

maybe there will be more eeveeloutions than just this one this gen? that seems pretty likely, given that the two times they introduced new eeveeloutions, they came in pairs.
Thing is, though... you know how the pikachu short for the upcoming genesect movie is supposed to star eevee and its evolutions? Shortly after it was announced, people who looked at the title graphic/logo (see here, for example) noticed that each of the title's characters was the same color as an eeveelution, except for one that obviously represented eevee itself and then one additional character/symbol that was unaccounted for. The unaccounted-for symbol in the middle turned out to be ninfia's bow (so it goes red character = flareon, yellow character = jolteon, blue = vaporeon, brown = eevee, pink bow = ninfia, gray = umbreon, light blue = glaceon, green = leafeon, purple = espeon). If there were going to be more eeveelutions then there's no reason they wouldn't show up in the pikachu short along with ninfia and the others, and if they were going to be in the movie then they probably would've been hinted at in the logo in some way. There's nothing left for an additional eeveelution to lend its color to.

It's not impossible that there'll be a second+ new eeveelution, but if that is in fact what's going on with the movie title (and maybe it isn't, idk maybe the stars after the last character could also mean something) then it's highly unlikely imo. Why split them up like that and give just one all the extra attention?
Also, there's a scan in Corocoro with Pikachu, Eevee, the old Eeveelutions, and Ninfia. It wouldn't make sense to exclude other new ones.
its been confirmed on bulbapedia that Ninfia is an eeveelution
perhaps it shall fly by using the ribbon things to propel itself forwards or in the air.
i'm going to wait for more info on these games but so far nothing's sold me. yeah, the graphics are different, but that's not going to win me over, especially since the starters are the same boring fire/water/grass choice as always :I
sooooo what trio do you THINK they should be giving out?

This Fighting-type Fennekin is pretty! Apparently a bunch of people thought it was real. I don't really care if it's Fighting-type if has a good design.

(I can't find a source :( )
but ... the name's longer than five mora. I always get strong second-hand embarrassment for people falling for things with major problems :( It looks neat, though; I'm just :/ at people thinking it's real.
The more I think about it, the weirder it feels that there's a frog starter. I know Pokemon designs and evolutions aren't a shining example of sense or logic, but frogs are the final stage of actual, real-life closest-thing-to-Pokemon-evolution.

Maybe it'll evolve into a giant, badass tadpole.
yes, good.
sauce? I like it.
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